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“Fuck!” I slam the phone down angrily. “There must be someone. Charles Manz must be a person. Or people. I suppose it could be more than one person, but how can he have all of this estate if he doesn’t exist?”

Jones parts his lips as if he’s going to say something, but he snaps them closed at the last moment as he thinks better of it. What can he say? This is just yet another dead end. People know who this guy is, but clearly, he’s got a lot of hush money to keep them quiet. I know that money doesn’t last forever and that someone’s bound to crack sooner rather than later, but I don’t have any more time. My personal life is crumbling at the seams and I need to stitch it back together. I need Kingpin gone right fucking now. I want to wring him myself.

“Okay, Jones, we need to… to contact everyone. We need to know if anyone has received communication from Kingpin. Maybe the letter or whatever it is hasn’t come here, but it’s gone somewhere else instead.”

It’s a stretch, but we have to try something. If it was up to me, I would have this done now.

“Yep, okay.” Jones looks relieved to have something to do. “I’ll do it. I’ll make some calls now.”

As he goes, I glance at my cell phone again and I switch it off again. I keep turning it on and off depending on my mood which is like a fucking roller coaster today. Now, I don’t want to speak to anyone. I want to sort this out with Cici when I’m good and ready. It’s arrogant to assume that she’ll still be around afterwards, but I’m pretty sure that we have something so special that we can overcome anything. I hope…

“Yes, you do that and I’m going to take a look at what the background check guys have found. Fuck them and their privacy. I need to take a look through it all to see what they’re missing. Maybe they’ve bypassed someone because they don’t fit the bill, but Kingpin isn’t a typical dealer. If he was, we’d have found him already.”

“Good plan.” Jones nods and gives me a small smile. “Let’s get this done today, okay?”


Fuck. These guys can’t be right, this can’t be another dead end. I don’t want to accept that there is no record of Charles Manz but it seems like there isn’t. If I can’t find it, then it doesn’t exist. This is fucking awful.

Once back in my office, I switch my phone on and I finally brace listening to the voice mail messages. They’re all from Cici and they grow increasingly desperate with each and every one.

“Erm, Will, can you please call me as soon as you get this? I’m… I’m worried. I would just like to know that you’re okay. I understand that you’re mad at me, but please call.”

Mad? It takes me a couple of second to remember that we had a row. I’ve left Cici stewing on it while I’ve been distracted all day long. That’s not fair at all, I feel so bad. Once I’ve listened to these, I’ll call.

“Will, something has happened.” I sit up straighter as she sounds more frantic in the second one. “I have a note. A threatening note from Kingpin. It basically says that if you don’t stop chasing him, you’ll end up dead, so will I and Jordan too, he’s also threatened my family. I really need to speak to you. Please.”

My heart slams violently against my rib cage and my mouth runs dry while I hit the button to listen to the next one. I have a horrible feeling that this is going to be something really bad. I can’t fucking hack it.

“Will, I’ve left Jordan with… oh wait, maybe I shouldn’t say in case the phones are bugged. Does that happen in real life or is that just a movie thing? Anyway, it doesn’t matter. He’s safe. I’m coming to find you, I’m really concerned that something has happened to you. I want to see your face and show you this stuff…’

The thought of Cici having a similar envelope to the ones that I’ve been getting is horrible. I know it’ll upset her. All I want to do is wrap my arms tightly around her to hold her close to my chest.

‘Hi, Will, it’s me again. I’m stuck in traffic. I’m still on the way to the police station but if you could give me a call to let me know that you’re okay I would really appreciate it. I’m such a mess, I shouldn’t even be driving.’

The final voice mail is just her letting out a stressed breath. Cici has reached the end of her tether which troubles me. She should probably be here by now, it’s been more than enough time, so I need to find her. If she isn’t here then I’ll panic. Obviously, Kingpin knows where she is, and the fact that he’s contacted her and not us might be a precursor to the fact that he’s about to snatch her. Or even worse. He might… no, he won’t kill her. I cannot lose another person to this. I can’t lose the woman I love, the mother of my child.

“Oh, Will.” Jones grabs me just as I’m about to race to the reception desk to see if she’s here. “I just wanted to let you know that I’ve contacted everyone and no one has any messages. Nothing’s been sent out today.”

“Oh, it has!” I nod frantically. “It has for sure. Cici got it.”

“Oh…” I can see the question on his face. “Right, and who is Cici? Why does she have it?”

“My… girlfriend.” It’s time to let this out now, it’s no longer a secret. “So, yeah this is another dig.”

“You have a girlfriend? I can’t believe it!” Jones sees my face. “I don’t mean it like that, I’m just shocked, that’s all. I didn’t know that you had a girlfriend, that’s all. None of us knew about her.”

“None of us but Kingpin,” I reply wryly. “He’s known all along and he’s threatened her. I also…” Fuck, I might as well let it all out so Jones knows how much is at stake. “I also have a child with her. A baby boy.”

Jones pales. Now he gets why I’ve been so obsessed with this, and hard on him along the way. “Oh.”

“Yeah, I know. And now he’s contacted her directly, so this is real trouble. I need to get it sorted. I’ve had a voice mail from Cici saying that she’s on the way so I need to check if she’s down stairs.”

“Right, well I’ll come with you,” he replies defiantly. “You need all the support that you can get.”

Talking of support, I glance up towards the sky and imagine Andre there looking down on me. It still hurts me to know that he’s gone. Every day feels like a challenge, but I’m trying how hard to move forwards. I won’t ever forget him, I’ll never let his memory die. I’m doing this for him. I just hope that he’s looking down on me, pulling the strings and pushing me in the right direction. I can’t do this without him.

“Come on then, Jones.” I pat him gratefully on the back. “Let’s go. Cici and the evidence awaits.”
