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“Is this the spot in which you killed Andre?” I yell out loudly. “Did you shoot him without revealing yourself to him like the fucking coward that you are?” I extend my arms wide and spin around. “Well, I’m here now, so if you’re going to kill me just do it. If you’re not too afraid to face me after dragging me all the way here.”

A gun shot rings out and the bullet lands near my feet, making me jump in the air. It was a warning shot, once it’s done I can see that. But that didn’t stop me from diving like a fool. A robotic laugh, like the one that I heard on the phone, rings out, echoing through the place like a freaky ghost. “Ah, Will Yoker. Always funny.”

“You don’t know me,” I reply sneeringly. “You don’t know that I’m funny.”

“Ah, but I do. I know you much better than you think I do. You honestly have no idea…”

“Oh, right, I see. Because you have someone following me around with a camera, you think you know me.”

“I know that your mother’s name is Ellen,” the robot tells me. “And that you don’t like onions.”

“I’m sure that’s easy enough to find out.” I roll my eyes dramatically. “A social media check would tell you that. You don’t know me, and you can’t. I don’t let anyone get to know me. You couldn’t possibly know anything about me. So, go on, run off your facts at me. I honestly don’t give a shit. This is pointless.”

There’s a thick silence for a while, it seems to cling to the air. It’s almost as if the whole world has taken a breath in and it’s waiting to release it. my limbs stiffen up and I stand awkwardly while I wait for something to happen. I remain in this paused moment, knowing that I can do it forever if I need to. And then, it does.

“I know you, and you know me,” the robot voice continues. “I’ve been doing this right under your nose for years. I’ve tried to warn you to keep out of my way, I’ve done things that I’m really not proud of…”

“Like kidnapping my baby boy?” I spit back. “That was pretty fucking low of you, wasn’t it?”

“Yes, that wasn’t great, I’ll admit that, but I want you to see that I’m serious about this, but also that we can co exist. I’ve brought you out here today to have a frank and honest discussion with you about the future.”

I shake my head and snort. “You have some front, don’t you? The future, honestly!”

“Will, it doesn’t need to be this way. It doesn’t have to be a battle. Why do you keep on fighting when you’re only going to lose anyway? I haven’t let you overtake me at any point, even when you’ve started to get close with your latest research, I’ve always been one step ahead of you, haven’t I? You can’t beat me.”

“Yes, Charles Manz,” I snap, wanting him to know that I’m really not clueless. “I’m sure you’re winning.”

“Ah yes, my alias. My name that’s brought me into many useful companies for my operation. I’m sure you understand better than anyone how costly and challenging it is to have two identities. I’m very proud of that side of my operation, it wasn’t the easiest. But to run on the scale that I do, you have to have fingers in many pies.”

“Is there a point to all of this?” I make a show of rolling my eyes. “Because I’m getting bored.”

“I want you to understand, Will, that my operation is professional. I’ve thought about it from every angle and every single thing that I do is clean. There’s no fucking about. My operations are secretive, my product is pure, it isn’t like the shit you get on the streets, and it’s profitable as well. It’s tight and well run.”

“You’re talking about it like you’re doing the world some good. You sell drugs for crying out loud!”

“People will get their drugs from wherever. Why not have a reputable source?”

I laugh mirthlessly and shake my head. “That’s such business talk that means nothing. Where are your morals? What about all the poor loves that you’re tearing apart? If you could see what I do when it comes to drugs, then you’d know. This isn’t a joke, it’s not something you want to mess about with. It’s horrible.”

Mr. Robotic Voice isn’t derailed by my wise thoughts. “People will get drugs,” he repeats. “It’s better if it comes from us because it won’t be mixed with shit. With us, you know what you’re getting.”

I bite down on my bottom lip, trying to work out where all of this is leading. “Okay, fine.” I give a blasé shrug. “Let’s say that your product is the safest and the best, I’ll go with that. Are we forgetting that it’s illegal? That it kills people and ruins families all over the country? You’re acting like I shouldn’t arrest you for it.”

“You aren’t here to arrest me. You’ve come alone.”

His smugness winds me up. “I’m here alone because you had my son. What did you expect?”

“I wanted you to come alone so we can talk. Like old friends.”

“Old friends?” My temper bubbles and boils again. “We are not friends. Not now, not ever.”

“I wouldn’t be so sure about that. And as your friend, I intend to give you a choice. You can back off now, turn away, leave this place, and let the investigation grow cold. Forget about me, let my operation continue in private, knowing that at least people will be getting cleaner drugs, move onto something else…”

“Right and get fired. Lose my job, my home, my whole life. What’s the other choice?”

“Oh, you’ll be paid very handsomely if you go for the first choice, there’s no mistaking that.”

“So, I’ll be a corrupt cop. If you know me, you’ll know that won’t happen, so what’s choice two?”
