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“Less crazy?” I offer with a smile. “Less likely to fly off the handle at nothing. Yep, that’s me.”

He brushes his hand against my skin which immediately lights me on fire. It’s like my whole body has been covered in excitable little fairy lights of desire, and only Will can see them. We have our own little secret.

“So, what do you think about this wedding?” he asks me quietly, leaning in so no one can hear. “I mean, it’s nuts isn’t it? No disrespect to anyone, but it’s way too quick. Am I wrong?”

I shake my head vehemently. “No, no, it’s nuts alright. But that’s Annabelle. Completely bonkers. I honestly don’t think we’ve seen the last of the drama tonight. At first, I thought she seemed too happy to kick off, but now I’m concerned that one was just the start of it, and that it’s only going to get much worse.”

There’s one good thing about the drama, and about standing here with Will too. It means I won’t be hounded with questions about any future romance. It must be completely obvious that there’s something going on between me and Will. I’m sure the whole room must be able to smell the pheromones.

“Oh, well, we better sit back and watch the fireworks explode then,” Will replies with a playful smirk. “That will surely liven up this day. It needs something, doesn’t it? It’s getting a bit… dull.”

I’m sure he’s joking. If he feels anything li

ke I do right now then this is the least boring night of our lives. I don’t know what’s going to happen next, but I’m more than willing to go with the flow. Whatever the hell he wants to do, I’m up for it. There’s a gnawing need in my stomach, a deep desire in my chest, all I want to do is cling to him. I’m never usually forward, it’s always taken me a long time to get anywhere with guys, I don’t even usually flirt, certainly nothing more. But there’s an intense need to get the relief that only he can give me.

“Well, if it doesn’t we might need to find some way to liven it up ourselves,” I reply, just as playfully. “I’m sure that between us we can work out a way to make this… fun.”

His hand reaches out once more and I feel it squeeze my waist. Instantly, there’s a pulsing in my panties, a wet heat there which causes me to clamp my thighs together. If I’m not careful, I’ll leap on him in an instant and we’ll be screwing by this bar in front of the world, for everyone to see. Something about Will is making me lose control, it’s turning me into another person, an animal without the power to dictate what I do. When I look into his eyes, I can feel myself giving him everything without hesitation. Even if this man is what he’s portrayed to be and he’s a player, right now, I’m more than happy to be another notch on his bed post, just so I can be with him.

It’s been a long time. Far too long. I want to remember what it’s like to be made to feel like a woman again. Will can definitely do that!

Chapter Four – Will

I haven’t laughed with someone in so long, I think that’s the thing that strikes me the most. Me and Cici are having a really awesome time. She’s funny as well as cute and we get along well. I don’t usually spend so much time talking to a woman before I bed her, but because of the wedding I haven’t had a choice, and actually I don’t mind. Cici isn’t like the others, she’s got a lot about her, and I’m enjoying being by her side.

“So, you think she’s done yet?” I ask Cici with a smirk. “I mean, she’s almost passed out now.”

“Nah, you don’t know Annabelle well enough. She’s got a good hour left in her.”

Cici gives me another heart stopping smile which makes my heart kick up another notch. This chick doesn’t just make my cock twitch, she gets to me in other places too. It’s weird, but I like it. “Let’s make a bet.”

She leans across and shakes my hand. “I’ll take that bet. If I win, and Annabelle lasts another hour, then you have to get out on that dance floor and shake your ass like there’s no tomorrow, completely unashamed.”

Damn it, I never should have told her about the fact that I never dance. “Okay fine.” Luckily, I’m confident enough to believe that won’t happen. “But if I win and she croaks before the time is up, you have to kiss me.”

Her eyes bug out of her head in surprise, for a second, I can see that I’ve taken her aback, but soon she relaxes her expression again and she nods. “Fine, you’re on, but you better work out how you’re going to dance without looking foolish because I know that I’m going to win this one. Annabelle never gives up.”

I laugh so loudly that I toss my head back in mirth. This has been even more tense than usual on the build up to this wedding, particularly with work, so this carefree joy feels even better than usual.

“I suppose I better get us another round in, then,” I tell her. “Since we’re in it for the long haul.”

I order us another round and hand the glass to Cici. As she takes it, her hand brushes against mine and I feel that tantalizing spark again. Those chemicals are going absolutely insane between us. The magic of the moment is only shattered when we hear a pained sounding shriek from the other side of the room.

“What the…?” All the color drains from Cici’s face as she sees what’s happening. “No, no, no.”

She runs across the room rapidly and grabs onto Annabelle just as she falls to the ground from the table. I have a feeling that she’s much less concerned with her cousin harming herself than she is losing the bet. I don’t think it’s because she doesn’t want to kiss me either – I can tell that she’s gagging to – I think it’s the principle of the thing. She doesn’t like the idea that I’ll have something to lord over her which is hilarious.

I smirk and cross my arms over my chest, staring directly at Cici. I can tell that she’s refusing to look at me pointedly, which is even funnier. I can’t stop myself from laughing to myself. The more I watch Cici trying to bring Annabelle back from the brink of really needing to go to bed, the more endearing I find her. I cock my head to one side and just watch her for a few moments, trying to figure out what she has stirring inside of me.

Eventually, Landon takes control of the situation and he scoops Annabelle up into his arms. Most of the guests have started to filter out anyway, so I don’t think she’ll be too mad about going. It’s the defeated look on Cici’s face that gets me anyway. She’s given up, there’s no hope left. It’s time for her to accept that I’m the winner!

After a while, she caves and she flicks her eyes up to look at me. On the outside she might look defeated, but I can see something dancing behind her eyes. A lust, an excitement, a naughtiness. That’s the side of her that I’m sure doesn’t get unleashed very often. I want to be the one to bring it out of her, to corrupt her…

She stares at me for so long that my hand automatically reaches up to brush my scar. I don’t know why, but it’s something that I do whenever I feel like the world is a little off kilter. It happened when I was first starting out as a police officer, when I acted a little rashly. I got carried away, put myself in a dangerous situation, and my face got sliced. It just reminds me that no matter what I’ve always been through worse.

Cici’s eyes rake down towards my cheek and I can see her looking. She’ll have only seen the scar before if she knew to look for it so she’s probably wondering what I’m doing. I don’t know if she’ll ask or not.

Then, she starts walking towards me, shaking her hips as she comes. She’s beings sexier than before, she’s amping up the sex kitten levels, which only means she’s ready for the kiss. She wants it and she wants it bad.
