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I haven’t ever had that immediate jolt of lust before, it almost knocked me to the ground. Even with Luke, who I’ve always presumed was the hottest guy that I’ve ever been out with, it wasn’t like this. The best man has awoken something deep inside of me. A dragon that lay dormant for far too long. Desire floods me. I want him.

“...I mean, can you even believe that? It’s crazy, isn’t it?” Annabelle drags her hand through her hair, almost as if she’s completely forgotten how long it took to style in that way and she swigs more of her drink. I r

each forward to take the glass from her but she snatches it away. “This is the best that I’ve ever fucking looked!”

“Oh, I agree.” I suddenly realize that maybe I can use this inconvenience to my advantage. Maybe if I can get Annabelle around to it, I can find out more about the good looking friend of Landon. “You look wonderful. You shouldn’t ever let him say things like that to you. I think it’s much better to say how you feel right away.”

She gives me a bit of a nasty look. “And you know this because of all your successful relationships?” The jibe hurts a bit but I do what I can to keep my expression stoic. I don’t want her to know that she’s gotten to me. While she’s feeling bad about herself, she’ll be fishing for blood and I cannot give her mine. “I do tell him how I feel but sometimes it’s like talking to a brick wall. I don’t think he really hears me. I don’t think he gets it.”

I shift uncomfortably on the balls of my feet while I try to figure out how to bring the conversation around. “Have you tried talking to his friends about it?” I can feel myself blushing because I’m being so obvious. It’s just lucky that Annabelle has been drinking so her perception is off. “Maybe they’ll know how to get through to him.”

“Urgh, have you seen his friends? You mean Will Yoker? The DEA agent who thinks he’s God’s gift to women? He doesn’t know how to have an actual conversation with a woman at all. He’s an asshole.”

“DEA?” My nose screws up in confusion. “I thought he was a cop…?”

“Drugs Enforcement Agent. God Cici, get with the real world. Don’t you know anything?”

“So, you don’t like him then?” I gulp, trying not to let my emotions shine through. “He’s no good?”

He seems like a nice enough guy to me, not that I’ve spoken to him much. Maybe that’s just my lust goggles shining through though. Maybe I’m seeing him as I want to because I have too hots for him. It’s possible.

“Urgh, well he’s tall, dark, and handsome, but I honestly don’t think he’s that good looking.” Clearly, me and Annabelle have very different tastes. I like Landon, but the buttoned up preppy look doesn’t do it for me. “But he’s scruffy, isn’t he? He has his hair a bit too long, he hasn’t fully shaved and we all know how I hate stubble, and he doesn’t do anything to hide that scar on his cheek. We get it, you’re a bad body, fucking hell.”

I hadn’t even seen the scar on his cheek, I guess I haven’t been close enough, but that intrigues me. I want to know more about him and where it came from. He can’t really be a bad boy can he, if he works for the good guys? He’s a cop not some criminal. There must be some other reason why Annabelle isn’t keen on him.

And then it comes out. “Plus, I don’t think he’s been that supportive of me and Landon. He makes out that he is in his speech, but I know for a fact that he had some choice words to say in the beginning.”

Ah, of course. There’s no way Annabelle would like someone who didn’t immediately fall for her ’charm’.

“Oh, I see, fair enough.” I nod slowly. “So, maybe he isn’t the best person to ask about Landon then.”

“I think I know Landon far better than he does anyway. I see much more of him than he shows to his friends, so I’m a better authority on what’s going on in his head. I’m the most important person in his life.”

Okay, so now we’ve gone all the way from her being mad at her husband to her defending that she’s the only person to truly get him. Any minute now, she’ll be desperate to be at his side again and I’ll be in the clear. I think as soon as we get out of this bathroom I’m going to hunt Will down and find out more about this scar. Annabelle’s words probably should have put me off him, but her dramatics don’t bother me. I’m more than capable of making my own judgements and I really want to get that delicious fizzing feeling back in the pit of my stomach.

“Sweetie.” All of a sudden, a knocking on the door combined with Landon’s voice grabs both of our attention. “Can I come in and speak to you please? I really didn’t mean to upset you, you know that.”

I look at Annabelle who makes a sweeping gesture with her hands, indicating for me to go. She’s done with me now; my presence is no longer required. Well, that’s just fine by me, I don’t want to be here either.

“Good luck,” I whisper to her as I make my escape. “I’ll see you later on.”

Auntie Mary glares at me as I come out, begging me to give her an answer, so I shoot her a reassuring smile. There’s no point in us worrying anymore, the wedding is done. The couple are married, now all we have to do is accept it. It doesn’t matter to me anyway, I have a mission of my own. I have a Will to find…

I head towards the bar where I saw him last and I prop my back against it. I’m acting like I’m waiting for the bar tender to get to me, but really, I’m searching for him. I want to find those deep brown eyes again.

“Well, hello there.” A chocolaty smooth voice bursts into my ear drums. “We can’t have you standing here alone without a drink now, can we? Especially not when she’s just been through an ordeal with the bride.”

I smirk to myself, somehow knowing from the electricity burning brightly inside of me that it’s him. I turn my head and see him standing there, creating that powerful jolt once more. “I suppose not,” I reply. Somehow, my voice is sultry, I seem to come across as much more of a sexual goddess than I am. He brings it out of me.

Will leans across the bar and he flicks a note towards the bar tender. His commanding nature immediately brings the guy over to him and he orders our drinks. As he does, I feel like I can examine his face a little more closely without the intimidating sensation of him staring right back out of me. There I see the scar running down his cheek. It’s faded, so it must have happened a long time ago, but it’s still alluring. I don’t know what Annabelle’s problem is, I have no idea why she thinks it’s such an issue. It gives his face character.

“So, you’re the cousin of the bride?” Will asks me as he hands me my drink. “And your name is Cici?”

The fact that he’s been asking about me sends a powerful shiver racing up and down my spine. He doesn’t care that he’s been caught out. In fact, he offered the information to me, so I decide to do the same.

“That’s certainly true, best man, DEA agent, Will. The delightful Annabelle is my cousin.”

“You don’t seem anything like her.” He cocks his head and stares at me. His eyes scream sex, I can just imagine how freaking amazing he must be in bed. He certainly doesn’t come across as the cocky, arrogant man who thinks he’s God’s gift to women like Annabelle made out. “You seem a lot…”
