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Ada just shakes her head, uncomfortable with all the attention her students are giving her. If she does decide to sign with us, then we are going to have to work on this whole demure and shy thing. I like the idea of breaking her out of her shell. Once she gets over her stage fright she will be spectacular. This could be a fabulous story, not just rags to riches. What's the one with the ugly duckling and the swan?

Seeing that I’m not getting as far as I’d like. I try a different approach. “Okay, how about this, let me take you out Monday night after work and we can just talk about it. That’s all we’ll do… just talk about it. You don’t have to make any kind of commitment. I just want you to listen to what I have to say. Hell . . . “

Ada does smirk now as she looks up at me. “You really should watch your mouth, Mr. Maxwell. You really should set a good example for young minds.”

If only she knew what I had been thinking about doing before the talent show. The drugs in my pocket weigh heavily against my thigh. Suddenly I'm aware of how bad it is that I have it at the high school.

I nod and do my best to look chastised. “I’m sorry, Ms. Springfield. But, what do you say? Does Monday night work for you?”

I watch as she mentally wages a war. If she agrees, it means she has to step out of her comfort zone and take a chance. If she declines, it means she will always wonder, what if. At least I imagine that’s what she’s thinking, she could be thinking of what she wants to eat for dinner for all I know. I’m not breathing as she considers her answer.

She reluctantly nods. “Okay, seven o’clock. Lila has my address so ask Thomas.”

I’m a little shocked she agreed but step out of her way so she can dash off behind the stage. “Alright,” I say more to myself than anything.

“You better not dick her over,” the guy who’d been so excited said. I look at his serious expression and can tell immediately, he means business.

“We’ll be watching you,” the little blonde points to her eyes and then mine. Who knew Ada had such a protective group of students. It was impressive that she could inspire such devotion.

“I’m not,” I argue and they all go out leaving me with my thoughts as Thomas comes back up to me.

“So, is she on board?” He is grinning ear to ear and reminds me a little bit of the Cheshire cat.

“We’re going out Monday night to talk about it. She’s not made a decision yet.”

To my utter shock and disbelief, I find myself anxious that I won’t be able to get her to sing with me. After our little battle, I feel almost desperate to get her to say yes. Maybe it goes back to not being used to being told no.

"Thomas, are you going to come tie one on?" I change the subject needing to get the thought of Ada possibly saying no off my mind.

"No, not tonight. I have a hot date with Lila."

“Your loss.” I wave at my agent and head to my truck.

The bar Savannah wants to meet at is called Rascals. It's not my usual hangout. I prefer bars with table service and expensive bar food so this will be different. Snob thing to say but I can’t change who I am. Up until my father and I had our falling out, he would take me to those places. The man enjoyed a good meal and a good scotch.

Nashville has a ton to offer and for every twelve country western bars you'll find an elegant club or upscale bar where those of us with money hang out. Savannah used to work at a nice one called Reds. After she missed work too many times, they canned her so now she works here in a much smaller, much more hole-in-the-wall place on the other side of town. So, I’m slumming it tonight.

One thing is the same across the board, the drugs. No matter where you go, you can find them. Hot little Savannah is a fan of coke so I brought a little to give to her. A little bump to keep us both going all night long. Well, for her, I’ll stick with my drug of choice, alcohol. A distraction from a music teacher who has taken over my thoughts.

I walk up to the front of Rascals. It's a typical dive bar with shady patrons standing outside smoking and a bouncer who doesn't want to be here. Saturday appears to be their busy night.

"ID?" The guy asks in a deep voice. I show it to him and he laughs.

"What's funny?" I ask confused a slither of unease snakes down my spine.

"Just watch your ass tonight rich boy," he says. Stepping to the side he lets me walk into a smoke-filled loud bar. A typical scene with people everywhere. The bar is small with a curved bar to the side complete with red leather stools. Most of the seats are taken with boisterous locals buzzed out of their minds, and alcohol clearly isn't the only thing they are buzzing on.

I walk up to the bar and find Savannah sitting there. She’s looking good in her bar uniform which consists of short shorts and a red t-shirt that’s cut off. It reads I’m a Rascal and there couldn’t be a better description of her.

“Hey, there sexy,” I tell her watching her brighten as she sees me. Her blonde hair is pulled back into a tight ponytail, revealing a slender neck. Her plump lips are the color of wine and I briefly imagine what they’d be like wrapped around my cock. Bright blue eyes sparkled back at me, and I can tell that she’s already had a hit of something.

“Charlie,” she squeals and leans over the bar to hug me. She smells like every man’s wet dream. The other patrons she’d been talking to give me a hateful look as she ignores them, and I send them a wink. Not surprisingly, there are only men at the bar and her tip jar is full.

“You have my stuff?” She asks, wiping down the bar and continuing to ignore the protest of the others. Her bottom lip pushes out as she pouts waiting for my answer. This is a girl who gets what she wants. I see a sad future for her if she doesn't stop this shit though. No good can come of drug use, leisurely or otherwise. I'm the one bringing it to her I think with a sting of conscience. What the hell is wrong with me tonight?

“Of course, I do. Why don’t you get me a Jack and Coke?” I whisper my index finger tracing the grain of the wood. “I’ll pay ya with a twenty in a bit,” I say with a flirty wink.

She gives me a nod and a brilliant white smile before flouncing off to get my drink. I take a moment to watch her walk away, admiring her tight ass as it nearly peeks out from beneath her shorts. My pants tighten as I imagine all the things I want to do to her later.
