Page 48 of Ben (The Sherwood)

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“I will.” I glanced at my watch. “Shit, I gotta go. She’ll beat me to the trailer.”

Snapping Asia’s seat into the base, I shut her door then turned to Matt. I waved to him as he stood on the porch watching me with his hand over his eye to block the glare of the afternoon sun hitting him in the face.

My brother might be thirty-six and feeling like he was old right now, but he was still young. Carrying sticks of heavy tobacco on the farm had left him with a strong, hard body. His hair was still dark although by the time Mom was his age, she had started to turn silver at the front. His eyes were showing some creases at the corners from being in the sun so much. His skin darker, from the elbows down. He was a true farmer. His legs were white as an Ohio winter snow.

I shook my head and climbed behind the wheel. There were plenty of single ladies in Sherwood who would love to snap my remaining single brothers up. I worried about Heath though. What kind of mate would he make? A scary one. He was an intense man, ready to explode I was sure.

I backed out of the drive and saw Matt turn and go into his house. The big farmhouse had to feel empty to him. I snatched up my phone and pressed one for Disa. I didn’t have anyone but her on speed dial.

“Hey, where are you?” She asked.

“Where are you?”

“Sitting on your front porch,” she replied. There was no pressure, no question about where I had been. No anger that I was running late.

“I stopped by Matt’s house to see him. I’m sorry that I’m late.”

“No worries, Ben. I know he needs you. I thought you might have stopped at the store or your Mom’s after the doctor’s appointment, so I sat on the porch. I was enjoying the peace and quiet.”

“Well enjoy while you can because Miss Asia is a bit cranky from her shots.”

“I’m sorry. Do you want me to stay?” She asked. “Maybe it would be easier to deal with her without me.”

“I need you to stay,” I said. I hadn’t realized how husky my voice sounded until I heard Disa’s slight gasp. Her intake of air. I needed her. How did she feel about that?

“I’m here,” she replied. “I’ll be right here when you get home.”

“I can’t wait,” I replied.

Then we hung up and I drove through town to the outskirts of Sherwood down a long, gravel road that led to the trailer I shared with Seth and my daughter. I parked behind her car hoping that I could keep her here for no other reason than I loved having her warm body beside me. I loved feeling her soft curves next to mine while we slept.

I hopped out and she rose from one of the chairs on my front porch. Her hand wrapped around the post at the entrance to the porch. Then Disa smiled at me which made my heart slam against my ribs.

I lifted Asia out of the back seat and grabbed her diaper bag then I headed towards my woman waiting at the top of the stairs.

I ran up them to greet her and stood at her feet. Disa gazed down on me. She wasn’t small but not exactly tall either. I guess she was about average in height and weight. I tucked my arm around her waist and pulled her to me. Our lips were close. Our breath mingling but I just wanted to stare at her for a moment. Take in her beauty and count my blessings that she was willing to give me a second chance.

“Ben are you going to kiss me or stand there looking at me?” She asked in that slow, sweet, sexy voice she had.

“I’m going to kiss you dammit,” I responded, and I nodded at her, knowing how good that kiss would be. I nuzzled my nose against her nose. Her hands were flat against my chest. Her fingers moving so softly against the fabric of my shirt while she waited in anticipation of my lips on hers.

“Then do it Ben. Kiss me.” She was begging me. Her tone had changed from sweet to one of need.

I obliged her. I pressed my lips to hers and forgot everything that existed in the world around me including the baby carrier in my hand. I thought only of this woman’s lips brushing against mine and the feelings that they created deep in my gut. The yearning. The burning for her that she was causing in me.

No other woman had ever made me feel this way. Only Disa. She was tearing me apart inch by inch. Piece by piece. I wanted her, and she had to be able to feel how much.

Her lips continued to flutter over mine when I would have ended the kiss. I had to ask when she pulled back, “Have you been with anyone Disa?”

I know that she told me she hadn’t, but she was twenty-seven now. It was possible. She had been with Kevin for a year. She shook her head no. “Ben, I want to get married or at least know that this is the man I’m spending my life with before I give myself to him.”

“Then plan on that man being me,” I informed her.

Then I took her hand and guided her to the trailer door. She didn’t respond, and I wouldn’t push her, but I was serious about that statement. I had given Disa up once. I’d be damned if I was doing it ever again.

Chapter 13

A baby was crying.
