Page 33 of The King

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His motions were jerky for a split second before he pulled out almost all the way and then slammed back home, stilling as he pumped me full of his seed. I could feel the hot, thick jets spurting out of him and into my womb, swore I felt his dick thicken more, growing even longer, harder. It was the most intense sensation I’d ever felt, so much so that I came again, unable to stop the shudder that moved through me.

I felt his cock jerk once more inside of me followed by a thick, hot pulse of cum fill me before he broke the seal he had on my throat, and we both exhaled, panting. He loosened his hold on my throat before bracing both hands on the ground, the momentum pushing his chest against my back and taking me backward.

I braced my palms flat beside his and felt Banner pull out of me, a harsh grunt leaving him. Instantly, I felt his seed start to slip out of my pussy and slide down my inner thigh.

He had his big hands on my ass a second later and spread the cheeks wide, opening me up as he no doubt stared at where he’d just been buried. “Christ, darlin’,” he huffed out. “So fooking gorgeous, Luna.” I glanced over my shoulder to see his focus on my pussy, watching his cum continue to slip out of me.

Suddenly I felt so exhausted, my limbs feeling as if they were filled with iron. And as if he knew that, sensed it or read my thoughts, Banner was up and off me and scooped me up and into his arms a second later. He cradled me to the warm hardness of his chest, and gently, so sweetly kissed the crown of my head, whispering to me in Gaelic, soft words that I knew were loving endearments.

I sank against him, my head resting on his chest, the sound of his racing heart starting to slow, relaxing me further. I curled my arms around his neck and murmured, “Where are we going?” My voice was soft and sleep-heavy, the post-orgasmic high still coursing through me.

“Home, darlin’. We’re going home.”

I tipped my head back and looked into his face. His focus was straight ahead, his eyes still glowing blue but not as brightly, as if his Lycan was satiated as well. Finally.

His steps were slow and sure as he made his way through the woods. “I’m taking ye tae our bed, and then…” He glanced down at me then. “I’m going tae take my time with ye.”

Epilogue One


Several months later

I could feel the tension radiating from Banner, knew he was on alert, could smell his wolf right at the surface. And when I looked at him out of the corner of my eye, I could see how tight his body was, his muscles constricting against his golden skin. His nostrils flared as he inhaled, and I knew what he smelled.

My brother Adryan was here.

After months in the Highlands of just getting to know each other… in all ways, we’d taken a boat back across the ocean, an almost weeklong journey where I was embarrassingly more seasick than not. But Banner had made it bearable, rubbing my back, holding my hair out of my face as I emptied my stomach, and whispering to me in his deep voice, his Gaelic lulling and soothing.

The entire trip was more of a blur than anything else, and I’d never been more thankful to be back on solid land than when I had stepped off that boat.

And that was saying something since we were currently in Ryeka, New York, and about to pay my brother a visit on his territory.

“This is a fortress, darlin’.” Banner tightened his hold on my waist and pulled me closer to the side of his body. “Yer brother has trust issues.”

I chuckled softly because he didn’t know how true his words were. I rested my head on his chest and stared at the home that had always been a comfort of mine. Or I thought it had been until Banner had come into my life.

The truth was, at least for me, before you found your mate, the life you lived was just a bandage, something keeping you together. It was when you finally found your other half that you were whole, not realizing you’d been missing the most integral part of you until that very moment.

“I love you,” I said softly and looked up at Banner. He was already focused on me, his eyes flashing blue as a slow, almost lazy grin spread across his face. He tipped my head back a little farther with his forefinger under my chin and lowered his face to brush a kiss across my mouth.

“Yeah.” My brother's annoying voice pierced through the hazy thickness of desire that slowly started to swirl around Banner and me. “We aren’t going to do that shit here or now.”
