Page 16 of Reckless Sin

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It seemed as though no one understood the word, because even Nathan’s footsteps didn’t make a sound to notify if he walk away.

“All right, that’s fair,” he said, confirming that he wouldn’t take no for an answer

Pressing my back to the door, I slid down, taking a seat on the floor. I raised my knees to my chest and rested my hands on them, listening.

“I don’t blame you for not wanting me in your room. I have been away for a while.”

“Avoiding me.” I corrected.

“Yeah, that.”

I let out a breath and turned, leaning my head against the door. “So, why are you here now? Is it because you think I belong to you, or maybe I’m your business?”

“I mean, technically you are. I was assigned to protect you.” He chuckled, trying to make a joke, but I didn’t laugh.

“From harm,” I reminded him.

“To care for you. Be a friend. A companion to rely on, as your father said to me.”

“So then, you’re only here because it’s your job?” I asked, though it came out more like a statement. It was fine, though; he said that a while back. I was only an assignment, nothing more.

“I’m here because you slammed the door in my face. Not saying I didn’t deserve it, but I think there might be more to it.”

“Does it matter?”

“A little,” he said.

“Because you think there’s something between us.” I didn’t bother explaining. He’d take it whichever way he wanted to, whether that was if he thought I meant us, or Mr. Prince and I.

Nathan sighed on the other side of the door. “You were pissed off about whatever happened and as much as I love seeing a fierce woman, it bothers me that you were angry, and the idea that he might have touched you without your consent,” he paused. There was a soft thud against the door. “Really gets under my skin.”

“And if he did?” I asked, as if Adam might have. I could hear Nathan shuffle as if he got up, and soon enough, his footsteps followed.

Scurrying to my own feet, I opened the door and followed after him. I reached for his hand. He instantly stopped, turning slowly to look at me. He watched me as I tried to pry his fingers open. Tugging him back towards the direction of my room, he followed in silence.

Once inside, he drew in a slow, steady breath. “I’m going to ask you once; did he do anything to you without your consent? Don’t lie.”

I swallowed hard, avoiding his gaze. “He… he kissed me.”

“With or without your consent.”


I hadn’t even finished my sentence. He turned on his heels and reached for the frame of the door, but I squeezed my way in front of him before he could leave. Our eyes met, but he quickly averted my gaze.

“Karina,” he said my name as a warning.

“It’s already handled,” I said, keeping my eyes on him until he finally made eye contact with me. “I smacked him.”

He scoffed. “Like that’s going to do anything.”

“Then stay.” I reached up and rubbed my arm. “Outside my room and make sure he doesn’t come near me.”

“What else happened?” He pressed on.

I told him about the moment Bunny left, to Adam waiting to converse outside my room. And when I told him about Adam grabbing my arm, he stopped me from going any further.

“Let me see.” Nathan’s gaze shifted to my arm. His eyes trailed over it first before he reached out for me, but my hand flinched.

Nathan dropped his hands to his sides. “What else did he do or say?”

“That we belong together.”

“I’m sorry I wasn’t there.” Nathan nodded. His fingers twitched before his hand balled into a fist. “But I won’t let anything happen. I swear on my life, I’ll make sure you don’t end up with him if that’s what you want.”

I took a step back, accidentally bumping against the door and closing it. My eyes shot up at him as I stared, suddenly frozen to the spot.

A soft smile formed on his lips. “You don’t have to be scared of me, Karina. I’m not going to kiss you.”

He peeled me from the door and wrapped his arms around my shoulder, pulling me into a small hug.

“Thank you,” I whispered, hugging him in return.

“Anytime, Princess.”

He let go, my hands dropping to my side as he took one last look at me. “I should get going before the rumors start, especially since I’m not supposed to step into your room.”

“Who said that?” I asked.

“I did.” He gave me a smile, trying to lighten the mood. “It makes me tempted to do things neither of us should be doing, like you kissing me again.”

Did he have to say something like that at such an inappropriate time?

“You’d pretend it didn’t happen, anyway.” I crossed my arms over my chest.

“Only to not get distracted from keeping you safe,” he said.

“How can you keep me safe by being away from me?”

He chuckled. “It’s best if I don’t tell you my reasons.”

I rolled my eyes, letting out a breath. “Fine, but…” Leaning up, my lips brushed against his cheek. His shoulders relaxed from their previous tense state.

Ever since our first meeting last year, there was something about Nathan I couldn’t put my finger on that attracted me to him. I originally assumed it was his good looks, his smile, or even the way he looked at me, but now I wasn’t too sure if it was that simple.

“Now go.” Turning slightly, I opened the door and stepped to the side.

“I’ll be back,” He leaned over and pressing his lips to my cheek. “Stay safe until then, Princess.”

He smirked and left my room, leaving me with butterflies and a sense of hope that it’d be sooner rather than later.
