Page 33 of CADE & ANNA

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Anna’s eyes grew huge, “But I need you.”

“I plan to be back in a week, so we’ll have plenty of time before the baby is born,” Emma reassured her with a hug.

She let out a relieved breath. “You had me worried for a minute.”

“Isaac wants to look over the property and Lucas’s plans. We won’t be gone long.” Emma hugged her one last time and left to mingle.

Anna sighed wistfully. “Sounds like fun. I wish I was going, too.”

“You’ll be back on your feet in no time,” Rose insisted.

“I know. It’s just the combination of being as big as a house and restricted to a chair or bed. I’m restless, and it helps to move around.”

Simon frowned. “Have you told Cade that?”

“It wouldn’t matter. The doctor wants me to rest. Tim sent my blood pressure through the roof, and we’re trying to get it back down.”

Simon’s wolf came into his eyes and he growled. “I could kill him all over again.”

Anna had known shifter law would demand Tim’s death. Simon’s comment didn’t surprise her. “You and me both.”

“Did anyone fill you in on what happened after you and Cade left?” Rose asked.

“Not yet, but we have been rather housebound.”

Simon searched the crowd for Cade. He wanted them both to hear the story together in case Anna needed his support. “Cade, come over here.”

“What’s up guys?” he asked as he slipped an arm around his mate.

“We were about to tell Anna what happened at Julia’s after you left.”

“Yeah, Dad was supposed to tell me, but we haven’t been around. So what did you do with Tim?”

“Thomas was raging mad. Etienne tried to take over Tim’s punishment, for not only returning, but also attacking the women. Thomas refused,” Simon said with a raised brow. Not many men had the balls to refuse Etienne.

“Tim actually told Thomas he shot Julia to kill her,” Rose said wide eyed.

“Here’s the difficult part,” Simon said, looking at Cade and nodding toward Anna.

He took the hint and wrapped both arms around her.

“Thomas asked John for permission to finish Tim. To be rid of him for good,” Simon said meaningfully. “John gave it to him, didn’t even hesitate. No one argued; it was his right to carry out the execution. There wasn’t anyone more deserving of retribution than Thomas.”

Rose put a hand on Anna’s arm to comfort her. “Thomas made it quick. Tim will never bother you or anyone else ever again.”

Anna didn’t speak; she was too shocked to form words. It didn’t surprise her that Tim was dead. What surprised her was that Thomas had carried out the sentence.

Anna had only enjoyed the party for an hour when Cade declared it was time to go and got her started on her goodbyes. He wanted her off her feet.

Anna hugged Emma and Isaac last. “Goodbye, and safe travels to Texas.”

“You be safe yourself. Call me if you need anything,” Emma insisted.

Before Anna could start her goodbyes over again, Cade hustled her home, or at least as fast as he could waddle her there. The pace they moved could never be considered a hustle.


Two days later, Anna woke from her nap to an empty house. Where had Cade gone?

Baby, where are you?

Putting the last few things into the boat. I’ll be at the house to get you in a few minutes.

Anna busied herself with finding her flip-flops and running a brush through her hair. It didn’t matter if she slept five minutes or five hours, her hair was always a riotous mess.

By the time they were headed to the dock, she had fetched the food Emma had made and was ready to go.

Cade beamed when she gasped. “I made a soft place for you to sit using blankets and a pillow.”

“I’m going to feel like Cleopatra on the Nile.”

“I’m glad you approve. Let me help you get settled.”

In minutes, they were floating gently toward the island. Anna dangled her fingers in the water until she saw an alligator surface. That was enough of that. She had a personal attachment to all ten of her fingers and planned to keep them.

“What the heck did you pack? The boat is busting at the seams.” Anna laughed as she looked around her.
