Page 34 of CADE & ANNA

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“Everything we need as well as my baby books and such.” He smiled brightly. “I’m not done studying for the big test. You’ve done this before but I haven’t, and I want to be ready.”

“The big test?” She laughed.

“When the baby is born. There couldn’t be a more important test to pass, and I plan to ace it.”

“Were you like this in school, too?”

“I guess I’ve always been an overachiever. Don’t look at me like it’s a bad thing,” he chuckled.

“It’s not bad. It’s sweet,” she giggled.

“That’s right. I’m sweet and don’t you forget it when you want to kill me during labor.”

Anna grinned playfully. “I’ll keep that in mind.”

About twenty minutes later he docked the boat and helped her out. “I’ll get this unpacked. Why don’t you check to see if the groceries were delivered?”

Anna shook her head as she closed the refrigerator. The kitchen was stocked with enough food for a month. She had no idea how they would eat it all.

When Cade dropped the last load, she handed him a bottle of water. “Your mother did it again. There’s enough food to feed an army.”

“Good,” he took another gulp, “then I’ll have a variety to choose from when you have a craving.”

She rolled her eyes, laughing at his goofy grin and lowered her huge belly into a chair. “Do you get TV reception out here?”

“Yeah, we have a satellite dish. Why don’t you see what’s on?”

“That’s great. At least I’ll be able to watch movies and stuff this week.”

Cade was heading for the bedroom to unpack suitcases when he stopped and looked out the window. “See if you can find a weather report. I don’t like the look of the sky.”

“That’s odd. There wasn’t a storm predicted when I watched the news this morning.”

“Maybe not, but it looks like we may be in for a doozy.”

“You’re right,” she called toward the bedroom. “A huge system is headed right for us. Will we be safe here?”

Before he could answer, huge raindrops pelted the window. “I guess we better be,” she murmured to herself.

He walked back into the living room and pulled her into his arms. “We’ll be fine.”

Snuggled on the couch like litter mates, they watched the weather channel praying for a break in the storm. After two hours, Cade checked the premium movie channels listing. “Would you like to watch a comedy?”

“Okay. I haven’t seen most of those, so pick one.”

The movie ended and the credits were rolling. “Look at the time. What would you like for dinner? Burgers or pizza?”

“Burgers, please.”

Cade pulled out the George Foreman grill. In a few minutes, he placed juicy burgers, potato salad, and a bowl of chips on the table. Pride came off him in waves; he looked every bit the alpha male providing for his mate.

Anna's stomach growled loudly as she took her seat at the table. “That smells amazing, babe.”

“Thank you, cher.” He filled her glass with milk and joined her.

Neither had realized how hungry they were until they took their first bite. It was a quiet meal, silence broken only by raindrops and moans of pleasure.

“I’ll clean up while you get in your nightgown,” Cade said as he cleared the table.

“Are you sure? I could always lose the nightgown,” Anna hinted with a heated gaze. When he didn’t take the bait, her smile faded. “Come on, Cade. How many times do I have to tell you, women can have sex throughout the entire pregnancy?”

“I’ll make a deal with you. If the pregnancy book says it’s safe, I’ll ravage you,” Cade growled. Every inch of his body was strung as tightly as a guitar string. He hadn't had his mate in too long. Concern for both her and the baby had held his libido in check. Sure, they teased and petted. How could he not? But he’d been too afraid of harming the baby to make love to her since she hit her seventh month.

Anna laughed as she waddled to the bedroom. By the time she returned, he was earnestly reading the largest pregnancy book he had brought with them.
