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“I’m not certain which invitation he’s decided to accept,” Silas replied. “But he will be making a statement. One you won’t possibly be able to misinterpret. He wants the world to know you are his and that he values what is his. So knock him—and everyone else—dead. Buy a kick-ass dress that will make Drake the envy of every man in attendance, one that will ensure he won’t be able to keep his hands off you the entire night.”

Evangeline burst into laughter. “You have that much confidence in me?”

Light entered Silas’s dark gaze and his eyes twinkled with responding laughter. “Bet your sweet ass I do.”

“Well then. I certainly don’t want to be an embarrassment to Drake. Can I rely on Maddox and the others accompanying us shopping tomorrow to give me an honest opinion on a dress and shoes?”

“Leave them to me,” Silas said. “But, Evangeline, I better not hear of you giving them any problems with whatever they feel you should buy or buying you what they think you need. You get me?”

She sighed. “Yeah, I get you. Now, can we eat before everything gets cold?”

Silas sent her a look that said he well knew she was ducking the issue, and there was warning in his eyes. She wasn’t stupid. Yes, Silas had been very sweet and kind to her, but she had no doubt that were she to disobey him or piss him off in some way, she’d find herself across his knee with his hand on her ass in a split second.


An hour after Silas left from their takeout date, Evangeline stood in the master bathroom, trying to decide between greeting Drake in a sexy negligee or forgoing clothing altogether and waiting for him in the living room naked.

In the few nights since her return to his apartment, the daily ritual of her waiting for Drake to arrive home for the day had fallen by the wayside, and Drake had said nothing to her about it. He had, in fact, been exceedingly careful about everything when it came to her. Almost as if he feared that saying or doing the least wrong thing would result in him losing her.

Well, enough of that. The only way to fully put that horrible night behind them was for things to return to normal as soon as possible and remain that way. If she could give him the knowledge that she wasn’t going anywhere and that the only way he would lose her was if he chose to end their relationship, she would do anything in her power to give him that assurance.

Starting tonight.

She modeled the lacy scrap of silk that called itself nightwear and then decided not to bother. She wanted Drake’s eyes on her as soon as he walked off the elevator. Not on what she was wearing.

She wanted to please him, but most of all she wanted her Drake back. Strong, arrogant, completely dominating. And forceful.

She shivered just thinking about his touch, the strike of leather against her skin. His mouth on hers. On her breasts, between her legs.

Eyes closing as she further immersed herself in her fantasy, she let the negligee fall to the floor at her feet and stepped away, toeing the material to the side and out of the walkway. Then she brushed her hair until it sparkled and flowed down her back.

Knowing she only had a few more minutes until Drake arrived, she hurried out to the living room and knelt on the fur rug so that she faced the elevator and would be the very first thing he saw when he stepped off.

Anticipation licked over her skin and flames ignited in her veins. Her pulse accelerated and her breaths puffed erratically over her lips. Then her breath caught in her chest when the elevator doors began sliding open. Her gaze lifted hungrily, seeking him out. She searched his expression for any hint of disapproval or sign that she had made a mistake by choosing to greet him this way.

When she saw the savage fire ignite in his eyes the moment his gaze came to rest on her, the breath that had been trapped in her chest finally escaped. She sagged in relief even as exhilaration hurtled over her.

• • •

Drake had waited impatiently for the elevator to arrive on the top floor. Though he had left work far earlier than was usual for him, it still felt like an eternity since he’d left Evangeline in bed that morning.

It was becoming increasingly more difficult to leave the soft warmth of her body each day. He awoke each morning with her wrapped possessively around him, her head nestled in the curve of his arm and her hair spread out all over his chest.

When the elevator doors opened, all the breath left his body in one forceful exhalation that left him off balance.
