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“Oh,” she said, her mouth rounding in astonished understanding. “I never considered it that way.”

“It’s a fact,” Drake said firmly. “I’m sorry she hurt you. I’m even sorrier that for even one second she made you doubt your place in my life and that your self-confidence took a hit. But baby, if it were any other woman except you sitting here questioning her worth to me, I would have already shown her to the door, because no other woman matters.”

Her face crumbled, apology and regret shadowing her eyes. “I’m so sorry, Drake.”

He put a finger to her lips before she could say anything further. “You will not apologize for being human and having feelings. Not to me. Never to me. But from now on, if you hear shit that upsets you, then you come to me so I can straighten it out before it gets in your head and takes root. Got it?”

She nodded, though worry was still a ghost in her eyes.

“Now come here and kiss me,” he said quietly.

She leaned in immediately, and he loved that she obeyed without hesitation or question. So sweetly submissive. So fucking perfect. And all his.

He ravaged her mouth, thrusting his tongue deep inside like he was dying to shove his dick inside her sweet little pussy. A groan emerged, rumbling from his chest, sounding like a growl in his throat.

“Bed. Now.”

They were the only two words he was capable of speaking, but they got his point across perfectly. Not waiting for her to rise, he simply swept her into his arms and strode to the bedroom so he could back up his words with actions. After tonight, he wanted there to be no doubt as to her place in his life.

In his heart.

In his fucking soul.


Evangeline stood with Drake on the tarmac waiting impatiently for the inbound plane to taxi to the terminal. She simply couldn’t believe that she was about to see her parents face-to-face for the first time since she’d moved to the city, which seemed a lifetime ago.

She squeezed Drake’s hand until she was sure it was probably bloodless, but he merely smiled indulgently at her and squeezed back.

“There it is,” he said, pointing to the small plane approaching them.

“Oh God, Drake. It’s them!” she cried.

The weather wasn’t great. A cold front had pushed through in brutal fashion, dumping a mixture of sleet and snow over the city for the past two days. Today’s offering was an icy drizzle that the umbrella Drake held over her head did little to shield. She was shivering to her toes but didn’t even register the discomfort of the wind and moisture. She was too focused on seeing her mom and dad.

The plane halted several feet away and she waited breathlessly for the door to open. When her mother appeared at the top of the steps, it was too much for Evangeline to bear any longer. She broke from Drake’s hold and ran to the bottom, waiting as the two attendants helped her mother down the steps.

And then she was in her mother’s arms.


Tears flowed freely down Evangeline’s cheeks, mixing with the rain and icy sleet.

“My baby,” her mother said over and over. “Let me look at you.”

She pulled Evangeline away and inspected her from head to toe.

“Oh, darling, you look absolutely beautiful,” her mother said in a choked voice.

“Where’s Daddy?” Evangeline asked anxiously.

“They’re getting his wheelchair and carrying him down the steps. Look, there he is now.”

Evangeline rocked up on her tiptoes, straining to see as two men provided a chair with their arms for her father and carefully brought him down the steps. At the bottom, he was met with his wheelchair and he was eased down so he was comfortable.

“Come give your dad a big hug, girl,” her father said gruffly.

Evangeline threw her arms around her dad and held on for all she was worth. Tears obscured her vision but it didn’t matter. Nothing mattered except they were here and she could hold them and tell them she loved them in person.

“Angel, honey. I hate to interrupt, but your parents are getting soaked and you’ve been standing here in the rain waiting for them for the past half hour. You’re going to get sick. Let’s get everyone to the van.”

Evangeline pulled away from her dad, mortified that she’d been so rude to Drake. She’d practically forgotten he was even here and she hadn’t even introduced him to her parents.

“Mama, Daddy, there is someone very special I want y’all to meet.”

She reached for Drake’s hand and pulled him into their circle.

“This is Drake Donovan. Drake, this is my mother and father.”

Drake leaned down to kiss her mother on the cheek. “Mrs. Hawthorn, it’s a pleasure to finally meet you in person. I now know exactly where Evangeline gets not only her wit and intelligence but her beauty as well. If looking at you right now is showing me what I’m in for in thirty or so years, then I’m one very lucky man.”
