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Cameron rounded the bed, wrapping the other woman in her arms. “Brodie is right where he needs to be. You and your precious babies are the best medicine for him.” She rocked the woman gently, the swell of her stomach making the movement awkward. “In my heart, I think he’s going to pull through, but I won’t give you false promises.”

Esme sniffled, then used the back of her hand to wipe the moisture from her cheeks. “I know. I can always trust you.”

That trust weighed heavily on Cameron now. Esme’s world rested in her hands. “He’s strong,” Cameron explained. “His body. His spirit. Brodie’s a fighter. We just need to give him some time to rest.”

The other woman nodded as she studied her husband. “I’m glad you talked the doctor into keeping him here.”

Cameron scoffed, causing Esme to turn her way. “That was all you. Whatever you said to Dr. Gauthier earlier turned the tide for us.”

A faint blush shown on Esme’s already dark skin.

“You told him about before? About why you came here?”

Her friend nodded, rubbing her hand over her belly. “I want him to understand Brodie and I aren’t afraid to work for our happiness.”

No, they weren’t. Esme had literally killed for the life she now had. Some may not think living here on this remote island with no luxuries, barely running water and sparse electricity was a life worth fighting for, but Cameron couldn’t imagine anything better than the life Esme and Brodie shared. When the two of them were together, their happiness became a living, breathing entity that encapsulated everyone around them. Despite the envy she sometimes felt in their presence, Cameron couldn’t help but feel joy around them as well.

No wonder they had so many children.The thought made her chuckle.

“I think it worked. He said he saw Brodie move while you were talking.”

The other woman’s eyes went wide. “Bata. He said nothing.”

Another chuckle escaped Cameron. “He’s not a bastard. He just didn’t want to get your hopes up, but it helped convince Dr. Robinson.”

Esme harrumphed, unconvinced. “Don’t make excuses just because he kisses good.”

Heat spread up Cameron’s neck. “I never said he—”

“You didn’t have to. I saw your face when you pulled away from him.” She gave Cameron a knowing smile and fanned herself. “Oh Chéri, the way that man looks at you. It’s already too hot on this island.”

Cameron rolled her eyes, hoping her friend would stop. No such luck.

“Don’t be shy. You’ve been alone since Keso moved out. You’re a free woman. Do what you wish.” She waved her hand, as if already dismissing any possible arguments.

“It’s not that simple, Es.”

Her friend grunted. “’Tis that simple. He’s a man. You’re a woman. Your parts fit. Trust me.” She winked.

A laugh sprung from Cameron, almost catching her by surprise. “It’s not our parts I’m worried about. I’m not built for casual.”

Esme cocked her head to the side, then gave a small smile. “That’s what I told him.”

Cameron’s mouth dropped open. “You what? You talked about me with him?” She could just imagine how that conversation had gone. Ian tapping her friend for information. Luckily, no one on the island knew anything about her.

Esme lifted a shoulder, sending the thin strap of her worn sundress sliding down her tanned arm. She slipped the strap back into place, still silent.

“Well,” Cam urged.

“I told him if it wasn’t something real to leave you alone.”

Her eyes grew warm. “Oh Esme, you didn’t need to do that.” Still, her heart warmed at the thought of someone having her back. Too many times since leaving her old life, she’d felt alone. “He’s not for me,” she finished.

Esme’s dark eyes narrowed. “You didn’t see the way he looked at you. I know I joked before, Doc. But he looks at you like…” She searched the room as if looking for the right words. Her gaze landed on her husband, motionless in the bed. A small smile tipped her lips. “Like you’re the oxygen he needs to breathe, and he’s been underwater too long.”

Cameron looked away as her vision blurred. She’d once felt that way about Ian. As if with that first glimpse of him, she could finally breathe.

“It could be something. You deserve—”

“No.” She closed her eyes, gathering her composure. “Ian and I aren’t that simple.” Here goes. “I knew Ian before I came here. He’s the reason I’m here.”

Esme’s eyes widened. Her mouth hung open. “You love him.” Her whisper held no question, only stated what Cameron could no longer avoid.

Cameron dropped her gaze to the hands she now rang in front of her and nodded.

“Did he make your heart explode and your whole body fill with happiness?” A smile filled the other woman’s voice.

“The very first time I saw him.” And every time after. Even now, the sight of Ian made her heart pound and wings of anticipation flutter in her stomach.

Esme squeezed her hand. She looked up at her friend’s smiling face.

“Then you have to give him a chance. You owe—”

Cam jerked away. She didn’t owe Ian anything. “We’re not like you and Brodie. Ian didn’t save me from hell. He caused it.”

The other woman’s jaw tightened. “Did he—”

“No. No, Ian would never lay a hand on me. But there are other ways to crush someone.” And Ian had crushed her when she’d found him embracing Mallory. When she’d heard him declare he didn’t want a child. Even before the gunshot and the fire, she’d been destroyed.

Her friend lifted her hands, then dropped them in defeat. “I don’t know what happened, but I know a man in love. The way he looks at you, the way he talked about once being in love. You two are not finished, Doc.”

Yes, they were. They were over long before she walked away. She’d just been too blind to see.

“You’re haunted,” Esme told her, pulling her from her thoughts. “You know everything about us. You’ve seen me at my lowest, but you share yourself only with your ghosts.”

“That’s not true.”

The other woman raised a brow.
