Page 27 of Love’s Encore

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Everyone laughed as the principals took their places. Zack and Camille stood facing the minister under the arch after her mother hurriedly pushed a bouquet into her clammy, cold hands. Rayburn and Martha stood on either side of them.

“Oh, Zachary, I almost forgot. Here is your mother’s ring. I had Simon bring it. I’m sure she would have loved Camille and would want her to have this ring. Camille, if you prefer another, I’m sure Zack will get you one, but please indulge an old man and use this one in the ceremony.”

Camille looked down at the wide gold band lying against his calloused palm and choked back a sob. “I… I couldn’t hope for another as lovely. Thank you.”

He was pleased with her response and blinked back tears of his own before he could speak again. “Camille, you remember meeting Reverend Collins after church one Sunday,” he said in way of introduction.

“Yes. Hello, Reverend Collins,” she wheezed.

“Hello, Camille. I didn’t know that the very next time I saw you, I’d be marrying you! Hello, Zack.”

“Reverend Collins.”

“Are you nervous?” the minister asked anxiously.

“No,” was Zack’s curt reply.

“Ah, good. Here we go then. We’ll sign the license after the ceremony.”

He proceeded, and, in a matter of minutes, Camille Leanne Jameson and Zachary Benson Prescott became husband and wife. She was married to the man she loved, but at what price? He would resent her for the rest of his life. He had been trapped into marrying a girl whom he looked upon as no more than a one-night fling. What of Erica Hazelett? Wasn’t Zack in love with her? She couldn’t have prevented the ceremony by crying out what she knew to be true any more than Zack could have strenuously objected in front of this bizarre assembly. He had been coerced, and he would never forgive her for it.

Camille had repeated the vows like a wind-up doll, performing like an automaton in a programmed way. Zack’s voice had been clear and level. At least he wasn’t giving away his hatred toward her in front of everyone. But what would he do when they were alone?

“You may now kiss your bride, Zack,” prompted the minister.

It was over and she was facing Zack for the first time since they had entered the room so innocently. How much had happened in the space of a few minutes! Her whole station in life had changed.

She raised her eyes slowly and met his blue gaze. She hadn’t expected the small ray of affection that she saw there, nor the slight smile on his patrician lips. They completely unnerved her, and her lip began to quiver uncontrollably as she felt tears sting her eyes. He was pretending kindness. Why couldn’t this be for real? Why can’t he love me the way I love him?

Zack must have noticed

that she was about to burst into tears, because he stopped them with his kiss. It was light at first, with their lips barely touching, but it grew into a tender blending of their mouths as his arms went protectively around her.

When at last they broke apart, everyone applauded and started chattering excitedly as the caterer wheeled in a long table complete with wedding cake and champagne.

Camille was swept away by the throng of wedding guests. She introduced her mother to those few she herself knew, responded to the obligatory toasts, and fed the first bite of wedding cake to Zack, who was going along with all of the foolishness as if nothing at all were wrong between them.

Before he left for his golf game, Reverend Collins pulled them aside and had them sign the marriage license, which a friend of Rayburn’s had secured for them. “I understand that both of you gave blood here at the hospital last week during their donation drive. Dr. Daniels surreptitiously had all of that checked out for you. Congratulations, Zack. I think you have a beautiful bride. Camille dear, best wishes. I hope I’ll soon be christening a lot of little Prescotts.” If Zack’s arm had not been firmly around her waist, she probably would have fainted.

She was distressed to learn that her mother was due back in Atlanta that evening. “I just came for the day, dearest. I wouldn’t have missed it for the world, but I really do need to get back. Have you forgotten that we have a business to run? Besides, who wants their mother around on their wedding night?

“Zack, I’m counting on you to bring her home as soon as Rayburn is well. I want to give you a party and introduce my new son-in-law to all our friends. Rayburn has invited me to Bridal Wreath for Christmas. So I’ll be seeing you soon.”

Dr. Daniels had met her mother at the airport and was planning to take her back to catch a return flight. Before they left, he imperiously ran everyone out of Rayburn’s room, announcing that the party was over and that this was still a hospital with a lot of sick people in it. The caterer gathered up the tools of his trade, promising Camille that he would have the flowers delivered to Bridal Wreath so that she could enjoy them there. The hospital bed was wheeled back in, and Nurse Stone Face shooed everyone out as she got Rayburn back into his bed.

Camille clung to her mother one last time and kissed her on the cheek. “Dear, I only hope that you are as happy in your marriage as I was in mine. I think Zack is perfect for you. Make lots of gorgeous babies for Rayburn and me.”

“Young Prescott will see to that, you can bet, Mrs. Jameson.” Dr. Daniels winked broadly at Camille and dug an elbow in Zack’s stomach. “Come along now, we don’t want you to miss your airplane.”

They walked down the corridor chatting amiably, and Camille stood alone with her husband. Husband! All that the word denoted came washing over her, inundating her with panic. She had the mad desire to run after her mother and cling to her.

As though divining her thoughts, Zack gripped her elbow and led her back toward Rayburn’s room. “I want to talk to my father,” he growled, but with a forced smile for the benefit of the nurses and doctors who were now going about their business in the halls but still eyeing the newlyweds.

They reached the door of Rayburn’s room and met Nurse Stone Face as she was coming out. “Where do you think you’re going?” she asked haughtily.

“We’re going in for one final word with my father. If you don’t mind.” Camille knew by the rigid lines around his mouth that Zack was trying hard not to lose his temper. It was becoming a taxing effort.

“Well, I do mind, Mr. Prescott. He’s asked me not to let anyone in. He’s exhausted after the events of this afternoon. I’ve just given him a shot to make him sleep and he’s probably already dropped off. I won’t permit you to go in and get him all excited again.”
