Page 19 of Jessica's Protector

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I sip, giving him a grateful smile afterward. “Show me how and I can help with that until I go back home.”

The four exchange glances until the other three look at Cinq. Ignoring the sinking feeling in my gut, I look at him, too. “Well? I’ve hit a nerve, clearly, about going home. Is that something your matching thingy won’t allow? Because if it is, too bad because I have a life back on Earth waiting for me.”

He stares at S’Tou’s largish cell phone thingy on the table, not meeting my eyes. “Your inability to return isn’t due to our matching at all.”

I let out my breath. “Good. Because we were going to have words and I’d have to flag down a Gharian ship for good.”

Shaking his head, Cinq still doesn’t look at me. “You absolutely can’t return to Earth per an imperial order to keep Lesser world beings safe from our technology.”

Enraged at him dictating what I, not an imperial person has to do, I stand. “I’m sorry? Did I just hear you say I can’t? Because I think not only that I can, but that I will.”

“Our orders for your world and our tech are pretty clear,” S’Tou beings.

“I don’t give two shits about your technology and I’m not taking any back with me.” I hold out the bottom hem of my tunic. “In fact, once my own clothes are dry, you can send me home in them so none of your advanced alien fibers will enhance my primitive world and its animal people.”

“I know you’re angry,” Cinq begins.

Holding up a hand, I interrupt him with, “Wow, you’re seriously observant. Now, flag down that ship you let me miss and have them take me home.”

His eyes flash with a golden fire. “No.”

Again with the one word refusal. “I swear to god I’m going to…” and I trail off because what can I do? They have me trapped, albeit in a kind way. “I’m going to go outside and think about how to get around this whole Lesser world shit.”

“Don’t leave the cave entrance,” Cinq says and stands. “I should go with you. Keep you safe.”

I hold up a hand. “Keep yourself safe by staying here and leaving me alone for a while.” Not letting him reply, I head on out, through the tunnel.

While I loathe even suspecting he might be right about outside dangers, loitering around the cave mouth might be best after all. Those Kostan people didn’t abduct us because we’re easy to grab. I suspect they might be scouring the planet to find their profits wandering around out here. Until I know for sure who is who by the ship they fly, keeping put sounds like the best bet.

I wander out, going to a rock near the entrance. It makes a good seat and I settle in. The sky is overcast, from what I can see through the leaves. There’s no engine noise from anywhere. Just the steady drips from mist raining down. Reminds me of the shower I took earlier, only wetter.

Yes, I plan to deliberately not think about being trapped here for the rest of my life. I’m tired of being afraid, and considering the four spacefaring men back there, I shouldn’t worry about going home.

I like Cinq. I’d be crazy about him if he weren’t so obtuse about taking me back to Earth. Where it’s warmer, the food is better, and most important, where my mom is.

I let myself think about her, but refuse to cry anymore. My eyes do water a little but only because the air is so cold. Breathing hurts my lungs, like I have little icicles forming in them. For all I know, the water here does turn to ice with every breath.

Staying out here and staring out through the purple trees isn’t productive. I need to go back, turn on the charm, and convince them taking me home is the best thing for all of us. I hop up off the rock and turn around to find Cinq there. I scream before calming racing heart and say, “Holy hell, you scared me.”

“I’m sorry. Startling you wasn’t my intent. Are you going back inside?”

“Thank you and yes.” I hug my torso, rubbing my chilled upper arms. “It’s getting colder out here.”

“Come on, then. You and I need to talk about your future.”
