Page 20 of Jessica's Protector

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Well, Cinq wanting to discuss my future isn’t ominous at all. I need to stay calm and disregard how often he insists I can’t go home. Instead, I need to find out how to hitch a ride back to Earth, with or without Cinq and the empire’s permission. “Can we talk now?” I ask.


I resist the urge to turn and look at him. The tunnel’s light doesn’t illuminate enough to show every little dip and bump in the path back to the living room. “You all have a really sweet setup here. Plenty of food, nice shower, decent bed. The toilet could use a little work.”

He laughs. “I’ll have to see what I can get Aard to drop for us.”

A clue about someone bringing supplies, huh? As we enter the big room, I mentally file away the name. Not that I’ll enjoy leaving Cinq, of course, but I want to go home more than I want to be his “mate.”

We’re out in the main room. S’Tor stares at his pad and taps every so often. Nilt holds a crystal up to the light before putting it down and holding up another. Quin hovers a couple of feet off the ground. His wings are larger than I thought and kick up dust.

Cinq comes up to Quin, saying, “I know it’s difficult staying inside and not flying.”

“It is, but don’t worry. I’ll clean after I’m done working out.”

After a nod, Cinq continues on to the bedroom. Sure, I want to follow him and learn more about Aard, but Quin’s wings are fascinating. I watch as the human bird flies higher, then lower as if he’s an indecisive elevator. “Does everyone from your world have wings like you?”

“Yes, on my mother’s side.” He doesn’t hesitate or falter in his movements. “My father’s family considers me a pet, someone to keep on a ribbon and fly around in public as a symbol of their wealth.”

How horrifying, I almost blurt out. I’ll bet he already knows being a belonging isn’t the best. “I can’t imagine your father approves.”

“He’d be upset if he were still alive.” Quin lowers, his wings not quite a blur like before.

“I’m sorry for your loss.”

“So am I.” He gives me a slight smile before refocusing on his exercise. “I liked my life on Vahd with him, but after his death, things changed. I left, flew around the galaxy, tumbled into trouble, and now I’m hiding out here.”

There’s so much to ask him, yet I can’t. Not until I find out when Aard will be back and how soon I can hitch a ride home. “I’m glad you’re here, anyway, and not being caged or anything.”

Chuckling, he gives a hard push with his wings and soars to the ceiling. “So am I.”

I wait, in case Quin wants to talk more but he doesn’t add anything, so I go on to the bedroom to find Cinq moving things around. “Cleaning up?”

“Somewhat. I want to create a bed for the both of us and to give us privacy, too.” He goes over to the wall. “I’ll have to cut a door and finish out another room down the lava shaft for us.”

Well, shit. I’m going to have to burst his bubble like a stiletto does a water balloon. “I would wait for a little while before remodeling,” I offer. “Maybe just add another bed for me.” I walk over to a tall shelving unit. “We could use this as a divider between me and you all, if you wanted.”

He joins me at the shelves. “You would want your own bed, even when we’re intimate? I’m not sure I understand why.”

I want to say me neither. Sure, “being intimate” is a favorite daydream of mine since meeting him. He’s strong, kind, looks at me with affection, and is the hottest guy I’ve ever met. A casual hookup would be great, except I know both of us would get too serious. Hell, the man’s culture bonds in a way more intense than I’ll bet our marriages are, usually. While a devoted hunk might be great in any other circumstance, I just want to go home.

I should probably tell him all this but he’s staring at me with such hope. Not in a puppy dog simpering way but like a boss on a motivational trip, getting all of us to sign up for his shenanigans. I clear my throat, knowing he isn’t going to like what I need to tell him. “Okay, look, you’re an attractive man but we are not getting together.”

He frowns. “Care to tell me why you’d resist our match?”

“Sure. If we hook up sexually, both of us will get too attached and I’d rather not be heartbroken when I go back home.” I shrug. “You’re great and anywhere else, we’d have probably already had sex by now, but here? I don’t know why you’re on this planet or why you stay, but I’m leaving as soon as Aard lands.”

Cinq sits on a bed. “You’ve said a lot. I appreciate knowing your thoughts.”

“I’m sorry if I hurt your feelings.” I take a seat on another bed, opposite him. “I just don’t want you to be even more hurt when I have to leave.”

He sits, staring at something behind me. “I have some uncomfortable things to tell you.” Snapping out of his trance, he looks at me with clear eyes. “They’re going to be unpleasant, but the sooner you hear and believe them, the better off all of us will be.”

I won’t lie, he’s scaring me. All sorts of things rush through my mind. There’s a contagion on the planet, making it impossible for me to leave? The intergalactic war is worse than I’ve heard and no ships can fly around up there? All abducted Earthers are to be put to death because of the Earther cooties they carry? “All right,” I manage to say. “Tell me.”

“You are unable to ever return to Earth.”
