Page 21 of Jessica's Protector

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Ah, the dread disease route. I nod, not happy this is my fate, but not surprised, either. “The bacteria I carry from here could kill everyone.”

“Not exactly. He stares down at his hands before glancing up at me. “Even if you stowed away with Aard, and he probably would treat you like royalty, the Lesser World Order means no one taken from a Sixth world like yours can ever return home.”

“A Lesser World Order?” Ignoring my irritation over the “lesser” word again, I’m sure I didn’t understand his meaning and have to ask, “And no one can? None of the people abducted when I was can go back?”

“Yes, no one can. The empire is rather free in letting people do what they want but allowing Lesser world citizens return to their home worlds with knowledge of advanced tech is strictly forbidden.”

“No exceptions?” I try.

“None that I know of.”

His eyes and tone seem as sad as my heart. At least he appears to regret the order. I offer, “So you’re not imprisoning me as much as you simply can’t let me go home? That’s something, I guess.”

“No one’s trapping you here, Jessica.” He puts an arm around me. “We don’t have the vehicles on this planet to return you, either and with the current blockade around your world? Aard’s good but he’s not evade-Gharian-war-ships good.”

“War ships surround Earth?” I’m more afraid now for my friends and mom. “Is my world under attack, too?”

Cinq closes his eyes for a few seconds before replying, “No, not exactly. From what little I could gather, after the Kostans took you and many more, the Vahdmoshi began gathering Earthers to take back to their worlds as well. The Gharians stepped in to stop them and is all I know.”

“You can’t find out more?” I jump to my feet and begin pacing. All of a sudden, this cave has turned claustrophobic. “S’Tou has a pad. Can’t you look up things on it?”

“No, and the datapad doesn’t access the empire’s datalinks at all.” He takes my hand as I walk by, pulling me down to sit on the bed and interlacing our fingers together. “None of us can contact the outside world without risking capture.”

“Capture?” I manage to squeak, wondering what I’ve gotten myself into. “You’re not criminals, are you?”

Cinq’s face darkens before he answers with, “Yes, all of us are wanted in some way or another and I’m the worst.” He stares at me and I’m unable to look away. His voice doesn’t comfort me like before as he confesses, “I’m the dangerous one, the only man risking something close to a death sentence if I offend again. The others are harmless with insignificant crimes.”

I don’t know if I can breathe. My blood seems cold as I ask, “Don’t tell me I’m sitting in a bedroom with a murderer?”

He smooths a curl to rest behind my ear. “You’re not. What I did was far worse but I had a good reason.”

Getting to my feet, I try to joke around while putting some distance between us. “I should probably go. Maybe hang out with some of the lesser offenders, since I’m a lesser person and all.” I honestly don’t know what I’m saying right now. All I’m sure of is I don’t want to be so close to him.

“You’re not lesser in any way except technology.” He also stands, taking me by the shoulders. “There’s more you need to know.”

Great. I stifle a groan and a curse, instead asking, “Should I sit down?”

His expression grim, he gestures toward the beds. “It might be best.”

I sink back to the bed and so does he but opposite instead of beside me. “So, what then?” I ask. “Worse than murder? I don’t know what could be worse than that.”

Cinq takes a deep breath, then lets it out slowly. “I was an innovator in the empire, and am being honest when saying I was the best.” My disbelief must be showing on my face because he chuckles. “I was, I promise.” His grin fades. “Not anymore, though. When I had to give up my status, I lost everything. My work, my family, my access to the rest of the galaxy, all of it.”

Family? “You mentioned we were matched. Does this mean you matched to someone before?” I want to cross my fingers and hope he says no, but don’t move a muscle.

“I have, yes.” He presses his lips together for a moment before resuming. “Raylin and I matched early in life and bonded when we were old enough.” He smiles a little. “Which, looking back, was still far too young.”

Oh lord, he’s married, or was, and still pines for her. “Can you be matched to two people at the same time?”

“Yes, but it’s not usual and everyone must agree to the bonding.”

I like it better when he’s relaxed, not tense and brooding. “Bonding?” I offer, hoping he’ll define the term.


“Ah.” Great. Not that sex doesn’t sound good but sex meaning lifetime commitment? No. I could be wrong in how serious this all sounds and have to know more. “Is lovemaking always a bonding thing or do your people fool around for fun?” I know I sound like I’m propositioning him, but I’m not. I’m thinking of Stacie and the Gharian who rescued her. If these people consider sex as a lifelong commitment, I’m worried she may be as trapped as I am.

Cinq laughs. “Both, depending on what the partners want. Sometimes it’s a lovemaking bonding act, and other times, just a raunchy for fun act.”
