Page 27 of Jessica's Protector

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“Maybe,” she says, giving me a sly grin before pulling her shirt over her head, “And maybe now you’ll stop staring at my tits.”

“Yeah, I’d be a lot more interested if you didn’t have the breast band already on.”

She looks down at her breasts, frowning. “This ole thing?” Picking up a strap and letting it snap against her skin, she grins. “You mean a bra?”

“I guess, if that’s what you call it.” I shake my head, watching her dress. “Anyway, I need a shower or they’ll smell you on me.”

“Oh God, they have super smelling abilities, too.” She pulls on her flimsy shoes. “Just great.”

Not that I’d mind reeking of her pussy, but I don’t want her embarrassed if Nilt or one of the others cracks a joke or two at our expense. “All of them are out doing experiments or exploring for a little while longer. Do whatever you want. I don’t think anyone will mind.”

“Okay, thank you.”

The shy smile Jessica gives me lingers in my mind as I step into the sonics. Away from her, my mind clears a bit more. I wished we’d both fallen asleep instead of squabbling after our bonding. I wash, keenly feeling the difference in making love to her verses my deep mental intimacy with Raylin.

The comparison isn’t fair. Jessica doesn’t have the tech making a true union possible. We can’t share emotions and physical feelings like Raylin and I did. I wash where Jessica and I touched. The mere thought of loving her again leaves me hard and aching for more. I ignore the urge to masturbate, since nothing self-serving could be as satisfying as making love with her would be.

I step out of the sonics, toweling off the residue and seeing the bedroom with new eyes. A low wall blocks off the narrowing lava tube from the rest of the living area. Our beds line up with the feet facing the other wall and door to the main living area. None of us ever thought about privacy and now I’m not sure why. Maybe because each of us went in a different direction during the day while just sleeping at night.

Dressing and running my fingers through my hair, I slip on my shoes. Jessica needs better footwear. Pless, she needs better everything. She deserves fine clothes, healthy food, and a real home instead of what we can create from Aard’s random deliveries. I sigh, nodding at Quin as he comes in.

“She looks good in the tiny uniform, doesn’t she? Cute, like a child sized Gharian.”

I laugh, because Jessica is anything but a child. “Something tells me she has a Gharian sized temper when provoked.”

“It’s her fiery hair and stubborn nature.” Quin pulls off his shirt, headed for the sonics. “If she’s ever furious at you, I don’t want to be here to see it.”

Me neither, I think as the hybrid slides into the sonics. Soon, his pants fly out and hit the floor. I chuckle, grateful he’s being modest in case my mate walks in.

Thinking of her, I get up and go into the main room. She’s bent a little at the waist in front of the replicator, frowning. “How the hell does this work with no buttons but the door handle?”

“You’re not going to like the answer,” I warn her, coming over to request a gooey dessert from home.

She straightens. “Oh fuck. I need nanos to operate this ting, don’t I?” I nod when she gives me the side eye. “That’s why you needed Aard to break the law for you.” Hands on her hips, she shakes her head. “How the hell did they expect you to live out here without food?”

Not waiting for my answer, Jessica opens the door and takes the dessert. “Seriously. Why not just execute you outright instead of sending you to slowly die? What a bunch of jackasses.” Holding up the plate a little, she adds, “Is this something sweet and for me?”

Jackasses isn’t in my Earther dictionary, yet I can glean its meaning by her tone. “Yes, it’s for you. And, I think the emperor’s pity is why his officers look the other way whenever Aard’s ship swings by.” I follow her to the table like a lovesick chaka, which is exactly what I am. “You’ve seen the Gharians in action. Do you really think they’d let anyone near here without repercussions if the emperor was adamant about my punishment?”

She takes a bite and rolls her eyes. “How do you know what I like? Can you read my mind or something?”

“Lucky guess,” I answer, rather proud of myself.

Cutting off another bite, she pauses her eating to say, “I don’t know what the emperor is like but the other Gharians seem efficient. You might go ahead and talk to me while I,” she pauses to look around, checking the room, before finishing with, “have another orgasm with this.”

I laugh. “All right. Continue on, then.” I begin to send a snack for me, too, to the replicator when an urgent notification hits my system. A chilling fear runs through me. Nothing penetrated the barrier I’d erected against any imperial communications until now.

Activity detected from Innovator VilKrell Cinq. Please report your status.

I wait several milliseconds but nothing else arrives. Closing my eyes, I search for any hidden code, something sent to trigger a response I can’t control.


“Is everything all right?”

Jessica’s soft voice stirs me. I open my eyes and smile at her. “Yes,” I lie. “Just thinking a little more than usual.”

“Ha, I’d let the nanos do that for me if I had them.” She gives me her plate and utensil. “Since you’re fine, I think I’ll go to the bathroom outside then explore a little around the edge of the cave.”
