Page 41 of Jessica's Protector

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“I’m sorry. I never thought to tell you. After several years of my nanos doing the work for me, I take it for granted now.” We’re close to the cave now. The others are already going into the tunnel when he says, “I know you are angry from my keeping you here and I understand why. I don’t blame you at all.”

“But?” I prompt him.

“But, I couldn’t let you go.” He takes my hands. “I love you, Jessica. We’re meant to be together.”

And, the tiny sprout of my forgiveness for him is gone. I shake my head, removing my hands from his. “You can’t keep me here, Cinq, and the empire can’t keep me from Earth. Not with guilt, not with force, and not with sweet talk.”

“I can’t, no, nor do I want to. But you’re delusional if you think the emperor will ever let you go home,” Cinq warns.

S’Tou comes up to the both of us. “Did you mention Woma 2 and its aftermath?”

“I was getting to that,” he says. I give him a questioning look and he sighs. “Woma 2 is a planet with a Sixth world civilization like Earth’s. Billions of beings until we arrived and tried to bring them up to our Second world status.”

“Giving a culture weapons beyond its abilities proved disastrous,” S’Tou adds. “They went from billions to a few hundred thousand in a brief time. Even now, a few millennia later, they’ve not regained their population.”

“Millenia?” I squeak, and look from one man to the other, hating how right they are. Knowing people from Earth, the curious bastards in government security would pull me apart like a doll no matter how little tech I carried home. Not that I blame them. Even I’d like to research all the advancements the spacefaring civilizations have to offer. Slowly because I don’t want to accept defeat, I nod. “I agree, but I still have to try and convince someone of letting me go home for even a brief visit.”

Both are quiet. I’m sure they’re forming arguments in their minds. Before they can say anything, I add, “My mother needs me to check on her, especially with all the abductions and chaos they’re causing.” Imaging her back on Earth, scared with news reports of aliens around, her not hearing from me and fearing the worst, I can’t help the tears filling my eyes. I put a hand to my throat because it feels swollen. “She’s probably not getting the care she needs, thanks to the abductions taking up everyone’s attention. I need to go back or at least check on her medicines and how well they’re helping her during the day.”

Cinq frowns, crossing his arms. “Is that all you want to return to Earth for?”

I’m sure my eyebrows are raised up past my hairline because of his implication. I call him on it by trying to keep from screeching, “Isn’t she enough? Yes, I have a job I love, friends, hobbies, but once I know my mom is fine where she is, I can relax a little. As it is, I hope she’s doing well and I can be sure she is for a while, but without talking to her myself, I won’t know if something wrong and the nurses aren’t catching the problem.”

I can’t help but begin pacing. “Her well being has been at the back of my mind the entire time. Between the cargo hold, running from the crash, getting used to everything here, I could know she was safe where she is, at least.” I pull down the sleeve wrapped around my mouth for a few seconds because I need more air. “Every day, I feel a little more anxious over how she’s doing. I wonder if today is when she’s forgotten who I am entirely or if there’s a tiny bit of my—” My nose stings and I swallow, unable to go on for a moment. “If there’s a tiny bit of my mom still there. I want to check in on her every day so I don’t miss a second.”

“What would it take for you to be certain she’s well?” Cinq asks.

“Being there, duh,” I reply, unable to keep from being sarcastic. I laugh, wiping my eyes. “Sorry, just stating the obvious.

He gives me a slight smile full of more understanding than I deserve. S’Tou nudges him and Cinq asks, “Could you contact her, talk for a while, then be happy with her status? On a daily basis, perhaps?”

Now I get what he’s staying. The sobs threatening to break through ease up due to the hope he’s given me. “You mean a phone call where I punch in the nursing home’s number and chat with her for a while?” I ask and he nods. I think about it for a moment before shrugging. “I guess I could be satisfied. Nothing can take the place of seeing her in person but at this point, I’d settle for long distance communication.”

Cinq looks from S’Tou to me. “Could one of us contact the, you called it a home? Talk to her healers and make sure she’s doing well?

His concerned voice eases my anger toward him. I pull up the sleeve because the air is getting to me again. “I like how you’re thinking but they won’t talk to anyone but me about her. We have privacy laws. A good thing unless a gal doesn’t have her nanos while trapped on a chuck of rock.”

Both Gharian men’s eyes cloud for a moment before Cinq says, “We’ll order the new Earther nanos for you from Aard. You’ll be able to work the mechanics around here, plus communicate with Earth when you need to. I’ll need S’Tou to scout around to see how others are accessing your planet’s communications net, but it’s possible.”

I wipe my eyes, not sure if I’m overjoyed at being able to contact my mother soon or furious Cinq didn’t tell me about the tech sooner. Considering how cut off from the rest of his people he’s been, maybe he didn’t know about the new technologies. I cross my arms to keep from shivering. “Let me think for a moment.”

“Take all the time you need, but please, come inside where the air is filtered better.”

Cinq’s right. My run outside did a number on my lungs. I feel a little better here in the cave’s great opening with my mouth and nose covered but not perfect. “Sure.” I follow him and S’Tou into the tunnel and down to the cavern’s living room.

Nilt’s not in there but I hear the sonic whirring. I know it’s him because Quin’s on the couch sewing something. I go to sit at the table. Cing brings me a glass of water and dessert. He’s sweet and it’s a good peace offering. I smile and take a drink. “Thank you.”

“You’re welcome. I have some tasks to do. Let me know what you decide about your nanos whenever you’re ready.”

“Sure.” I stare at the dessert before taking a bite, which leads to many more. As I’m eating, I go over what it would take to convince a ruler I’ve never met, who controls the entire galaxy, that I can go home without turning it into, what, Woma 2? I know my people. We’re a persistent, curious, and sometimes paranoid group. All of us are no matter where we live. We had to be stubborn to survive ice ages, volcanos, saber toothed tigers and bears. Hell, I’d cut me open to research the tech and I’m an earth scientist, not a biological one.

Damn it all, I hate to admit I might be wrong. Especially when it comes to going home. My mom needs me. I am the only person making sure the staff gives her the attention she deserves in her last stages of life. I push aside the plate and wipe away the tears. Even if I could convince this emperor to let me return, how long would the process take? Would she have passed by the time he approved?

I assume there are inoculations against space bacteria and viruses. There’d have to be. Red tape may be other colors on other planets, but bureaucratic barriers are everywhere. My mom probably has weeks when the effort to return will take months.

I stand and go find Cinq rearranging our bed into two beds. I’m sad, and his exertion is probably unnecessary since I’m staying. I go up to him and say, “All right, I’m here for good. Order the Earther nanos.”
