Page 53 of Jessica's Protector

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The three of them are at the table, huddled around S’Tou’s data pad. They look up as I enter, each one smiling. I grin. “Good morning. What’s happening?”

They exchange glances as I sit opposite them. Jessica speaks first. “S’Tou sent us messages until they blocked him.”

Quin rubs his nose. “I hope he was only blocked and nothing worse.”

“So true,” Jessica says. “He’d been reporting on what they’re doing, taking him to Kosta and putting a ransom out to the emperor. It seems he’s a cousin on his mother’s side of the crown prince. His captors think he’s worth something and won’t believe him in saying he isn’t.” She stands as the replicator dings. “I’ve been doing supplemental research on him, covertly, of course, and while he’s not wrong about being a lesser royal, he’s not right, either.”

She retrieves a plate and glass as Nilt slides the datapad and a couple of common analgesics to me. I’m not sure how to work the tech without my bionans and besides, the food has my interest as my stomach growls. She sets my favorite breakfast down. I take the meds and the utensil, giving her a smile. “How did you know what I like?”

“I searched the replicator records, that’s all.” She sits. “We ate a couple of hours ago.” Tapping the datapad, she adds, “There are a couple of confidential messages for you we didn’t open, of course. Not that any of us are curious, but yeah. We’re curious.”

I’m eating but manage to swallow before grinning. “I’ll see what he has to say, then.” After a few swipes on the screen, I read the text. The datapad is officially mine since I’ll need it to replace my dead bionans. S’Tou says he’ll do what he can to get the emperor to accept me back into the empire. I think he’s optimistic in thinking the emperor will pay his ransom, but all right.

S’Tou goes on to tell me to stop bitching about the emperor and I laugh. “He doesn’t think his captivity will last long, since he has faith in the empire. Also, I get the datapad as a consolation prize for my nanos.” Jessica’s eyebrows raise at my reference of nanos instead of bionans. I don’t tend to tell people about my biological nanites, even though she knows the difference.

I refocus on the datapad, running through the functions available to me in between bites of sweetbread and spicy meats. The pad is more advanced than I’d thought. I can do everything with it except heal myself. My side is still sore, the skin tight, but the ointment still keeps me a little numb.

Nilt stands, taking my empty plate. I must have seemed scary for him to clean up after me. I give him an arch look. “Is everything all right?”

“Fine.” He pushes the dirty plate and utensils into the replicator for recycling. “From what Quin and I can tell, the Kostans left with S’Tou and don’t seem interested in the rest of us, even Jessica.”

Quin sighs. “Which is to be expected, since Earthers now glut the black and now open market. Earthers are considered common and inexpensive to own.” He glances at Jessica. “Sorry.”

“It’s fine by me. I don’t want to be worth a lot to someone intent on owning me.” She nods at the datapad. She leans forward. “That’s why I want to go back and scavenge what we missed the first time. There’s no reason for any of them to return.”

“I want to help,” Quin says. “Nilt can stay on the forest’s edge while I bring what we’d dropped to him. Then, we’d have the cover to carry everything back here.”

“I’d bring whatever we found here and drop from the air,” Quin begins. “But I’m still sore from carrying Jessica.”

Jessica is spinning one of Nilt’s smooth rocks, staring at how it twirls. “Yeah, I need to lose weight. I’d been stress eating those gummies on the cargo ship.”

I shake my head. “No, you’re perfect. He’s not used to supporting anyone but himself.”

She gives me a smile warming me to the middle of my bones. “True. I could probably build some stamina in case I need it.”

I like the idea of the sifting again, even if I’d want them to wait a few days so I could help. “When do you all want to start your operation?” I pick up the datapad. “I can monitor our system for stray ships while you’re busy.” Standing up, I add, “In fact, let me get a shower and we can get started.”

Jessica puts a hand on my arm. “Are you sure?” She looks at Nilt and Quin. “Do you think the sonics could harm him in there?”

Quin shrugs as Nilt says, “Probably not. Just keep the wound as dry as possible.”

She’s giving me an examining look as I grin. “You could help wash me so I don’t accidently splash my injury.”

“You’re teasing but I think I might have to,” she offers. “I don’t mind.”

“Uh huh,” Quin says, getting to his feet. “C’mon Nilt. We might as well get started. Maybe these two will be ready to help afterward.”

Both of them head toward the tunnel as I grin at them. “Thanks. It won’t take long for me to clean up.”

“Yeah, that’s what she said,” Nilt quips.

Jessica giggles. “Sorry, a bad and old joke on Earth.”

I lead her to the bedroom, then on to the bathroom. Taking off my shirt hurts a little, so she helps me. I grin as she undoes my pants, sliding them down my legs. She slowly stands as I step out of my trousers, saying, “Are you getting naked, too?”

“I suppose I could.”

She begins to undress and my cock is ready. Promising my little head it can do all the thinking for us in a few moments, I ask her, “Have you contacted Earth, yet? Checked on your mother?”
