Page 54 of Jessica's Protector

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“I’ve tried to, but can’t get through. The others say Aard and anyone they try to reach offworld aren’t answering them, either.”

Pless, she’s naked now, but her news worries me. Something’s terribly wrong and I lack the tech to learn more. She puts a hand on my face. “Relax. We can still reach the datalinks and your pad still works. Let’s get a shower, then you can find out why our communications are blocked.”

I want to object to doing anything else but dress and start problem solving now, but when her lips meet mine? I lose myself in her kiss and open the shower door. Pausing long enough to say, “It’s a deal,” I pull her body close to mine and turn on the warm sonics.

“Cinq? Can we have frisky times in here with your wound and all?”

I shrug and go back to nuzzling her neck. “The medicines are working. I’m tender there but not in agony.”

“Good, and, um, something else, should I accept this match the system is telling me about?”

Joy fills me. Her system knows we’re a couple even without my tech to answer hers. “Only if you want to. The choice is yours.”
