Page 57 of Jessica's Protector

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“In a way. He asked why would I break one of our most sacred laws and I replied I had no other choice. Then, he became angry, saying we always have a choice and ordered my nanos, bionans, really, struck from me.” Cinq scratches the back of his neck and stands, beginning to pace the room. “What I hate, now that I look back, is how much his empress, Jeuel, agreed with him. She sat right next to him, nodding along. I’d bet anything if she had been in Raylin’s mental situation, Eldan would have hired me to alter her programming like I tried to do for my mate.”

“But he doesn’t understand why you would commit such a crime?” I keep pressing him to admit we don’t have to keep living on this rock. That he could plead his case to the emperor, have his sentence commuted, and we’d be able to live in civilization.

“He can’t. No one can.”

I roll my eyes at how emo he sounds. Yes, he truly is in pain and I do feel all sorts of sympathy for him, but there were too many people in my youth talking about their pain and how no one could ever empathize. “You do know his wife was assassinated, don’t you? So, he has felt your pain when it comes to losing a spouse. And like you, he’s found a new love, one he wants a better life for. Or don’t you want us to live a better existence than this?”

Cinq stops moving to glare at me. “You’re an Earther. You’re used to primitive conditions, aren’t you? Or have nanos suddenly turned you into a greedy person always wanting more?”

Wow. His response is such a defensive attack on his part and I shudder a bit. I’m stunned into silence because clearly I’ve struck a nerve with him. “I see.”

He rubs a hand over his face and comes to sit at the table again. “I’m sorry. My attack was unacceptable and wrong. If I’ve angered you, I deserve it.” His foot touches mine before he’s taken both of my feet with his. “Everything about the situation bothers me, but I shouldn’t have lashed out.”

His bitterness poisons every word he bites out and his grudge with the emperor is deeply embedded. I shove my annoyance aside for a moment. Instead of pointing out if I were greedy, I’d have fled when the Gharian ship was searching for me, I try a different tactic. After drinking the last of my juice, I stand. “I’m sorry, too. There’s a big, wonderful galaxy out there and you’re missing out because of resentment. I’m truly sad for you.”

Before he can come back with anything, I take my glass over to the replicator for recycling. “Since this is a new planet and we seem to be left alone for a while, who wants to go exploring with me?”

Cinq gets up, sliding the data pad into a pocket. “Don’t leave on my account. I need some fresh air. It’s too crowded in here at the moment.”

He strolls out with the three of us staring after him. Quin and Nilt look at me, something resembling pity in their expressions. Okay, yes, Cinq’s rudeness hurts a little but I don’t take it personally.

Nilt speaks first. “That was entertaining. Wonder where he’s going?”

“He’s running away, again,” Quin scoffs. “He ran to here, didn’t he? It seems right he’d run from here.”

“Aren’t all of you good at avoiding your problems waiting for you out there, though?” I ask, trying to be gentle in pointing out their hypocrisy.

Nilt snorts. “We all are. Even you ran from the Gharians’ rescue initially.”

“True,” I concede. “But the Kostans had ray guns so how was I to know? Usually, I’ll wrestle subjects to death, doing anything but avoid them.”

Quin whistles, then says, “Yeah, you and Cinq might not be the best mates after all. He excels at avoiding problems. If he doesn’t acknowledge them, they don’t exist.”

“What are ray guns?” Nilt asks.

Both men seem confused, so I send an image of an old time scifi phaser to them. They laugh and Quin says, “Point taken. Ray guns make everyone scramble away.”

What he’d said a few moments ago sticks in my mind like a hairball in a drain. I don’t want to hear the answer if it’s bad but need to ask, “Do you think I should refuse the match with Cinq, then? My system has been hassling me over accepting since the nanos became active.”

The two aliens exchange a glance, their expressions showing a fight between them until Quin looks at me. “Neither of us can tell you what to do, even if we want to.”

“How would you decide if you were still on Earth?” Nilt asks. “Would you talk to a friend? Ask a wise person? Consult an oracle of some kind?”

“An oracle? Not likely.” I think for a moment. “I’ll just flip a coin if I have to decide on a yes or no answer.”

“A coin, huh?” Nilt says and goes over to his rock cache. “I think I have something similar.” He picks up a stone. “It even has inclusions on one side.”

I take the offered rock and turn it over in my hand. He’s right. It’s a lovely piece of snowflake obsidian with most of the flakes on one side, almost making half of it white and the other half black. “This is beautiful.” I rub my fingers over the surface like it’s a worry stone. “It’s perfect.” I hold up the rock. “I’ll flip it and if it lands with white showing, I’ll accept the match. If we see black, I’ll refuse.”

I hold the stone in my hand, getting ready to toss it, but pause. I know what I want. “I don’t have to flip the rock, guys.” Giving the stone back to Nilt, I smile. “I plan on accepting the match.”

“I figured as much,” Quin says. “No couple can ignore the electricity between them like you two have.”

Nilt nods, putting away his stone. “You both have issues. He wants to hide here. You want to see the galaxy. Understandable and solvable, too. You’ll need to talk over your wants and needs, then compromise.”

He’s right. Both men are. I give them a smile. “Excellent advice. Do either of you know where Cinq goes to be alone and sulk?”

Quin chuckles and makes a motion to follow him. “I have an idea but you’re walking and I’m still healing up from the last time we flew together.”

“I completely understand. Just point me in the right direction.”
