Page 56 of Jessica's Protector

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He lifts my chin and gives me a brief kiss. “You’d let me help if you needed anything, wouldn’t you?”

“Of course.” I lift up and kiss him again, because he is sweet. “You’ll be the first to know.”

Cinq nods. “Good. Just because I’m cut off doesn’t mean I’m useless. I plan on being just as much your protector as before.” He gives me a fresh towel. “No, don’t even try to argue. I care for you and will always keep you safe.”

And now I’m pond scum for ever having doubts about him. I dry off, giving him a smile. “Thank you. I do appreciate your feelings.”

“I’m glad.” He leaves the small bathroom, closing the door behind him.

I hope that wasn’t an I love you moment I missed just now. He’s a wonderful man. I know he is. He’s been nothing but good to me since I arrived. I twist my hair in the towel, trying to force the odd sonic stuff from my curls. He’s not the problem, my fears are. I’m not the most trusting person when it comes to Earth men so why would I just fall into an alien man’s arms? And what does Cinq have that S’Tou didn’t? Nothing, and yet Cinq drives me wild in a way the more brotherly S’Tou can’t.

Drying the rest of my body, I realize it doesn’t matter if Cinq is strong, smart, caring, and resilient. He’s still a man. There’s no need to give into him emotionally until I’m ready. I dry my legs and grin, enjoying how my body is still tender in places. Giving into him physically, though? No harm done by indulging in sexy times with the guy. I’m not made of stone, after all.

Stepping out of the bathroom, no one is around. Fresh clothes are on my bed and I smile. Yeah, my problem is all me, not him. He’s a sweetheart. I dress in a hurry in case someone else needs either the bed or bathroom. Soon, I’m in the larger room with Cinq. “Thank you for the clothes. They’re terrific.”

He glances up from the datapad with a smile. “A little big, but not too bad. Quzi are smaller, so I thought Quin’s clothes might fit you better.”

“What? No, I can’t take his belongings.”

After waving a hand at me, he says, “It’s fine. I’ve sent in an order with Aard for both of you. It was Quin’s suggestion. Plus, it’s only until the scavenged clothes dry.”

“Oh, that’s fine.” Mollified a little, I go over to the replicator. “Can I get you anything?”

“No, and it’s okay to not ask.” He holds up the datapad. “I’m connected.”

“Aw, but I don’t get to feed you anymore? How will you know I care for you?” I tease.

He laughs, giving me a sexy grin. “I might have an idea of your feelings for me, thanks to how well you washed my body.”

“Glad you approve.” I bring the glass of rill juice over to the table and sit opposite Cinq as he stares at the pad. “When you get a moment, I want to talk about S’Tou.”

“Go ahead. I’m just getting caught up on a lot of the events over the past several years.”

I don’t like how distracted he is. When Nilt and Quin walk in, I nod at them. “I can’t get in touch with Earth or S’Tou no matter what I try. Does this mean my nanos are defective or blocked somehow?”

The three men exchange glances before Cinq sighs and sets aside the datapad. “No, your nanos are fine. I checked them a moment ago. In fact, everyone’s tech is working well.” I wait for him to say more. All of us do until he crosses his arms and leans back in the chair a little. “S’Tou is the emperor’s distant cousin.”

“Uh huh,” I say, prodding him to say more with, “And?”

He stares at the wall like a surly child denied candy. “The emperor probably has everyone here blocked from communications.”

“Can he do that?” I ask, unable to understand how doing such a thing could work.

Cinq rolls his eyes and shakes his head. “He’s our supreme ruler so his whim is law.”

Right. Lots of bitterness at the guy who sent him into exile. Can’t blame him, but still. “Have you thought about using your connection with S’Tou to plead your case? Ask for a better life, even without the nanos?”

“I don’t want anything from Emperor Eldan. He took everything from me, didn’t believe I acted in Raylin’s best interest.”

Understandable but I can’t help arguing with him. “Fair enough, except he looked the other way while you had nanos and more importantly, let you live even after you broke the only corporal law on your planet.”

Cinq closes his eyes as if he can shut me out. “Oh yeah, he did me a big favor letting me live on the fringes, having to tough it out on this planet.”

He doesn’t know I looked up his case on the sly. His life could have been so much worse. “Would you have preferred execution or worse, being lobotomized to keep from hacking anyone else?”

“No, of course not.” He sighs, shifting in his chair. “It’s just I hacked Raylin for her good, not mine. I had no choice. She didn’t trust the healers with her mind but she did trust me. The emperor doesn’t seem to understand how the only thing I stood to gain by overriding Raylin’s depression was keeping her as my mate. I wasn’t out to conquer the universe or take advantage. Just save a life.”

“I understand and agree with you.” And I do. I can’t imagine what it would be like to see the person you love the most in the universe ready to take their own life. Saving her, or his attempt to, had to count for something. “There should be exceptions when it’s life and death. You explained this to the emperor, didn’t you?”
