Page 59 of Jessica's Protector

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I don’t know what to say. My parents are alive but have disowned me. Neither responded when I tried to contact them. No one from my family answered even my non tech attempts to reach out. Losing them hurt worse than the loss of my mate. At least Raylin didn’t want to leave me, just escape her mental duress.

Ignoring my bitterness, I hold Jessica close to me. I press my lips against the top of her head and ask, “You’re going to talk with her again, aren’t you?”

She nods. “As often as I can.”

“Good.” I give her a squeeze. “Your system will save your conversations. You can also have your memories organized and prioritized, too.”

“I didn’t even think such a thing was possible. How amazing.”

“I agree. Most of us do so automatically, but newer nano adoptees might not have the habit.”

She sighs, nestling against me. “It’s all so much.”

I don’t say anything but hold her as she begins crying again. Nothing I can say or do will help her return home. “I’m sorry.” She doesn’t respond, just holds onto me like I’m a steady tree in a storm. Even without my tech to enhance the aroma, her scent fills my senses, crowding out everything else.

Jessica stirs. “I’m afraid she’ll die alone. I can’t be there to hold her hand. She won’t know how much I love her.”

I know all of the empire’s secrets from ten or so years ago and beyond. And, I’m not afraid to use them if doing so gives Jessica what she wants. Gharians have been on Earth, living there as Earthers. No one can tell me my mate can’t visit her mother. I slip the datapad from my pocket with one hand, bringing it around to look at the screen while I’m still holding Jessica. I type out a message to Noni.

An Earther is here with us and deserves to go home. She has an ill parent who needs her. Can you arrange safe passage for her?

The reply takes far longer on the pad than my nanos would take. No. Earthers or any other Sixth worlder is forbidden from returning home for their and their world’s safety. Why are you even asking?

Jessica sniffles as I tap out, Because, one Earther holding her dying mother’s hand isn’t going to turn Earth into Woma 2.

Do you want me to ask the emperor for this favor, then?

Pless, I hate the sarcasm bombarding me from those words. I know exactly what she thinks and what she suspects I’ll say. But, she has no idea of how much I love Jessica. Yes, please. Ask him if he’ll allow an Earther to return home long enough to comfort her mother during her final days.

You’re sure?


“You’re very quiet and on your datapad,” Jessica says, sniffing and wiping her eyes with her shirtsleeves. “Sorry about the crying. I usually can keep it together better than that.”

Noni replies, Will do, and I put the pad back in my pocket. “I’m glad you let your sorrow out. Loss can be difficult.” I stand and reach out to help her to her feet, too. “I’ve contacted a friend to see if you can return home, to Earth. Even if you can’t, and I don’t think the empire will allow you to go back, I’d like for you to return to Ghar or one of the Earther colonies like Tardar Nest.”

“Oh. Leave here?” She sniffs. “Now that you’re giving me what I want, I’m not sure what to think.”

“Think this will be a good choice for your future.” I begin walking to the habitat, not letting go of her hand in case she stumbles on the rocks or an above ground root. “You deserve better living conditions, real food, and to have better tech to contact Earth with. I can’t do anything more for you here than I already have.” I glance back at her. “A better life for you is out there and I’m only keeping you from living it.”
