Page 60 of Jessica's Protector

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Cinq and I stare at each other, neither one blinking until I give in first. I’m not sure if he’s serious. Before I can ask why he’s setting me free, he puts a finger on my lips. “No. Don’t argue.” He tilts his head. “I know what you deserve and it’s more than this.”

“You’re still telling me what to do? Telling me I must go when you were forcing me to stay only hours ago.”

He frowns. “I don’t understand what you want. Your freedom? You have it. I’m giving it to you.”

“I guess you are, then. Thank you for the amazing gift of letting me chose my fate.” I shake my head. “I’m not against staying here with you, but there’s a lot going on right now. Abductions, my mom, nanos for me and not for you, S’Tou’s kidnapping. You’re giving me emotional whiplash with stay, go, stay, go, all the time.” I cross my arms because there’s a sudden chill in the air.

“I’m not forcing you to choose anything but what you want. Pless, I don’t even hear my system anymore, so I’m in no condition to give you orders.”

I sigh, empathizing with the frustration in his voice. “God, right? I’m over here trying to deal with gaining the galaxy and you’re struggling with losing it. How is it we’re always on opposite sides?” Taking his hand in mine, I pull him closer because he’s warm. His body heat keeps me from shivering. “Let’s just keep our lives they are for now. When it’s time for us to make this permanent, we’ll know.”

Cinq rests his forehead against mine. “I’m sure about what I feel for you already, yet, you deserve a mate who can give you a comfortable life within the empire. Someone who is part of an improving society. I can’t provide much for you beyond what’s here now. Depending on Aard was great until you arrived. I need to give a better life for you than I’d ever wanted for myself.”

I nestle into him and not only for the warmth. This man loves me. A smart woman would accept everything he had to offer with no strings. I’ve been that woman once before but can’t be now. “Don’t discount your needs, Cinq. You do deserve better than near isolation out here. You’ve created a lifestyle from cast offs and nearly nothing. It’s impressive.”

“You might be overstating my progress here but thank you.”

“You’re welcome.” Part of me wants to do nothing but kiss him, but this alone time gives me a chance to learn more about him. “If you were back on Ghar right now…” I begin and his body tenses. “Say if the emperor pardoned everyone and you could move around the galaxy wherever you wanted, what would you do?”

“This is just a thought exercise? You don’t expect the emperor to be so magnanimous?”

I laugh because his skeptical frown is adorable. “That’s right. Just a game.”

He shifts his weight, cradling me in his arms. “First of all, I’d want to stay in a luxury resort with the best room service. I’d want a week, even though I’d be bored in a couple of days. I’d want my bionans back, maybe even better than my last version. Although at this point, I’d take a bunch of Kostan nanos over nothing at all.”

I hate how my transfer to him didn’t work. “Stupid intergalactic agreements.”

“Very stupid.” He taps my arm while thinking. “I’d like to be an innovator again, even if programming is off limits. At this point, I’d take tunnelling for minerals with you and Nilt over doing nothing.”

I lean back to give him an evil glare. “Why do I feel like that’s a, pardon the pun, dig, over what I do for a living?”

He laughs. “Couldn’t resist, but yes, you two make rocks seem far more interesting than I’d expected. I’m not picky, though. I’d like to help with any research at this point.”

Cinq hasn’t mentioned settling down or starting a family. Not that I mind, much. All right, I do mind. I was on the cusp of accepting our match, but if he’s only interested when there’s nearly nothing else to do but me? No thanks. I sigh, a little disheartened.

“What’s wrong?”

“Nothing,” I lie. “Just enjoying how there are no bugs here.”

“A few live near the stream. More hover near the seas, but no, not many come here except the accidental imports Aard brings us.”

“Does Ghar have insects?” I ask him instead of hitting up the datalinks for the information. Quin and Nilt have warned me to keep a low profile. Until I decide to stay or go for good, I take the other’s wishes in staying here seriously.

“Of course, it does. Most worlds with good biodiversity do.”

I laugh at his incredulous. “Okay, point taken. I’d just hoped you all knew what to zap and what to keep by now.”

He leans back against the stone ground, taking me with him. “Thank you for asking me and not pinging the datalinks, even via the Kostan link.” He positions me to where I’m lying on him. “I know the others warned you, but I also am aware of how difficult it is to resist when you’re a naturally curious person.”

I have the warm fuzzies for him and not just because his body is radiating heat under me. “You’re welcome because you’re right. There’s so much to learn.”

His hand caresses my back as we lie there. The touch brings back memories of our earlier lovemaking, I suspect for both of us, judging by how his solid cock presses against my stomach. If we weren’t so out in the open, I’d wiggle against him and instigate more. “How many people are on this planet?”

Cinq chuckles, the sound muffled a little by one of my ears resting against his chest. “Four, I guess. There could be more in the mountains, hiding like you were, but I doubt it. Or more and non-Earthers could live on the other side where the seas are.”

“You’ve never been that far?”
