Page 62 of Jessica's Protector

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“My protégé and successor after my fall.” He gets up, holding out a hand to help me. “Let’s go back. I’m a little chilled and need to solve this problem.” Not letting go of my hand, he leads me to the rocky path down.

Quin and Nilt send me messages, mostly confirming what Cinq said after checking the datapad. “How serious is this?” I ask. “Has something like this ever happened before?”

“Very serious and not in my lifetime.”

At least my own system works, telling me his voice is stressed. I don’t blame him because now I feel stressed, too. “Quin is panicked about the lack and Nilt’s just worried.”

“Makes sense. Quin’s family on Vahd might be ashamed of him, but he cares about their well-being. Nilt’s Gharian family are fine and his Khscc relatives consider him dead.”

I nod, letting him help me down a tricky decline. “What about you? Can you contact your family with the datapad?”

“I can and have. My mother responded. She’s the only one who has. I assume the others get information from her or just don’t care.”

He hasn’t let go of my hand and I give his fingers a squeeze. “I’ll bet they’re letting her keep them up to date. Otherwise, they’d be cut off completely and none of them want that.”

“I like what you think versus what I know.” He gives me a slight hug before resuming his lead down the path.

“Me too,” I reply, his mentioning his mother leading me to wonder about mine. After reaching out for the connection to Earth, I find there is none. “Um, Cinq, I can’t access Earth’s communications grid anymore.”

He pauses, giving me a worried glance before continuing. “No, not with the Kostan nanos. Not until I fix this.”

“Okay. Now I’m with Quin in panic mode.”

After helping me over a gnarled root, he gives me a kiss and keeps going. “I understand and remember, I’m fixing the connection.”

“Will you be caught?”

“Not if I’m careful.” He looks back at me, giving me a wink. “And yes, I will be very careful.”
