Page 63 of Jessica's Protector

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I smile at Jessica’s nervous laugh. She’s trying to be brave and doesn’t need to be. I truly do have this. I was born to worm my way around virtual barriers. Even physical ones at times, like now in the forest. “When other children were playing games like Find Me Not, Society Time, and Families, I was pulling things apart just to put them back together.”

She snorts, letting me pick her up and lift her over a particularly tall barrier. “I’ll bet your parents loved that, especially when you couldn’t figure out what when were.”

Trying not to be smug, I reassure her with, “They did have to wait until I reassembled whatever I’d had, but it all worked when I was done.”

“Really? Because I was never that lucky.”

My heart does all sorts of funny things when realizing we have something common in our childhood. I reassure her with, “You never had access to the Gharian datalinks when you were stuck on an issue.”

“Damn.” She squeezes my hand before letting go, thanks to the level surface at the cavern’s entrance. “Now I’m jealous. We’d be so much ahead on Earth if we had even half your knowledge.”

I love, and yet can’t share her optimism concerning Sixth worlds and their mindsets. “You might, and you might not.”

She nods, getting my meaning. Nilt’s waving to us at the tunnel’s opening catches both of our attentions. I holler at him, my voice echoing off the rock walls, “Is Quin inside?”

“Yeah. He’s coveting your datapad right now.” He falls in step with us when Jessica and I reach him and we head down the tunnel. “Having Aard bring another three would be a good idea in case the worst happens.”

“Technically, all of us losing contact via our nanos isn’t as bad as things could get,” Jessica says.

“I don’t want to think about losing all contact with the outside galaxy,” I mutter. “This is bad enough.”

“We might need to. You know the others will retaliate,” Nilt agrees as we enter the habitat.

He has an excellent point. “They will.” I want to say more about possible fixes but if they go for complete devastation? The entire galaxy might never recover. “I’ll send a message to Aard requesting datapads for everyone. Have you heard about S’Tou’s status?”

“No, they’re keeping quiet about him.”

“Pless,” I utter while finding a seat at the table. “I suppose hearing nothing is better than hearing tragedy.”

Jessica puts a hand on my shoulder. “Do I need to go in the other room so you can concentrate?”

Just imaging Jessica in our bed, waiting for me stirs my cock. I give her a sly grin. “Don’t you know the answer by now?”

She laughs, kissing my cheek. “Ah, too distracting. Got it.”

I love her sashaying walk as she goes over to the sofa to sit opposite Quin’s side. I watch as she rubs her now cloudy eyes and begins silently talking with the Kostan/Quzi hybrid. They have my sympathy from Ghar’s disconnecting them from the datalinks, and after enduring my own silence, my empathy, too.

“I’d offer to help, but programming isn’t my strong suit.” Nilt takes a seat on the other side of the table. “You could test your work on me.”

Not glancing up from the pad, I keep tapping, looking for a way to reach Aard. “Appreciate the offer and will probably take you up on it.” The trader responds and I grin. “I’m placing an order. What do you all want besides datapads of your own?”

Jessica hops up and hurries over with Quin trailing behind. She sits next to me. “I have a list. Yes to the datapad, plus I want warmer and smaller clothes. I don’t care what color, just that they’re from a comfortable fabric and easy to wash. Then, I’d like fresh food. Anything without tikk. Coffee would be amazing but I don’t expect you to have it. Finally, I want to use the datapad like a telephone, er, a communications device where I can hear the other person’s voice.”

“Is that all?” I ask when she pauses.

She has such hope in her eyes. “I know it’s a lot, but yes. It’s all I really need.”

“You misunderstand me. I’m surprised your list is so short. When these two gave me their first orders, Aard charged me extra for the weight.”

After a chuckle, she offers, “Maybe I should reserve the right to add to my list in future orders. Also, what can I do around here to help pay for my part? It’s pretty clean already, and dinner is easy. I could do both, plus, I don’t know, patrol outside? Dig a new latrine further from the cave?”

“Payment isn’t necessary.” I keep my eyes on my work as I admit, “My family has means. They keep a balance with the condition I don’t contact them.”

She puts a hand on my arm. “I’m sorry.”

“Thank you. I’ve become used to being ignored.” I nod at Quin and tilt my head at Nilt. “Besides, these two and S’Tou are my new family by their choice.”
