Page 65 of Jessica's Protector

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Halfway listening to them, I take in our surroundings with fresh eyes. And, it’s a dump. Not a bad one, but clearly cobbled together from whatever scrap materials Aard sold me. The dining table used to be a door. We don’t have a real floor covering but rock and rugs S’Tou made from old cloth. Our replicator’s door is a different color from the main body.

I glance up. The lights attached to the ceiling look like stars only if I squint. Nilt’s idea and a good one. For what must be the millionth time, I’m glad the cave wasn’t formed from water seeping through. We’re warm and dry on a cold and damp world. Even with that positive aspect, Jessica deserves a better home and the one I could have provided for her before my exile.

“You’re thinking serious thoughts,” she says, breaking through my musings. “Is everything okay?”

Giving her a smile, I nod. “It is.”

“Your gloomy face says otherwise.” She turns to face me, wrapping her arms around my bicep. “Come on. Let me help.”

I sigh, not sure of how to say what I need to without her taking the wrong meaning. “I’m gloomy because you belong on a nicer planet. Not with anyone else, but in better conditions.”

“Are you sure about that anyone else?” Quin teases. “She’s pretty for an Earther.”

Giving him a glare he doesn’t take seriously, I back it up with a warning. “I’m positive. No one else but me.” I face Jessica. “But returning to the topic of how all of us living here, avoiding civilization, is good or bad for us. You haven’t seen anything but your home world. With an entire galaxy out there, I can’t keep you here, trapped in a cave.”

She chuckles, putting her hand on mine for a moment. “It’s a very nice lava tube, though. Warm in the winter, cool in the summer.”

I love her smile but she’s being too kind. “When Aard gets here, I can have him take you to Ghar. My family may not acknowledge me, but they’ll accept you as my mate.”

“If they don’t want you, then I don’t want them.” Tilting her head towards the others where they migrated to the sofa, she adds, “And anyway, you all are the only friends I have out here besides Stacie. We ought to have Aard take us to her and wherever S’Tou is dropped off after the ransom’s paid.”

“I vote for that,” Nilt says.

Quin nods. “So do I. You know S’Tou has to live large after his family rescues him. They’ll be grateful and generous.”

I laugh. “Let’s see what his status is. If they’ve paid up for him, yet,” I say and open a channel to Noni out of habit. The negative chirp reminds me I can’t do anything, irritating me. Being unable to reach anyone in the empire to benefit Jessica angers me and I snap, “Pless it, fine. I didn’t want to admit this but since you and I aren’t mates, I’m not even sure I like living here with you.”

Jessica lets go of my arm and pulls away. “What the hell do you mean you don’t like living here with me?”

Hearing my words is painful, but it’s for her own good, so I press on. “I mean, sure, the bonding was fun for a while but it’s getting old having to be on my best behavior all the time. I like living here with just the guys without worrying about offending some woman’s feelings.”

Her mouth drops open for several seconds. She’s in shock, I can tell, but she’s not crying or begging me to let her stay, like I’d expected. Unsure if her surprise motivates or devastates me, I press on, taking her hands in mine. “I know I’m being direct, but you deserve honesty from me and a better way of life.”

Jessica grins, oddly enough, and leans forward to give me a quick kiss. “You are so full of shit. Sweet, but still full of it.”

Her seeing through me is horrifying and I snarl to make my words more effective. “I’m not. I’m thinking of your best interests.”

She gives me another kiss. “You should have let me go with Stacie, then.” Entertaining the idea of letting her leave almost hurts and I groan. She laughs, tapping me on the check. “That’s what I thought, you big fibber.” She waves a hand as if to shoo me away before sitting with Nilt and Quin. “I don’t mind leaving. Exploring the galaxy sounds fun, but I’m not leaving without you three.”

“Us?” Quin says and I’m surprised, too. We’re mates and as far as I know, the bond is only between us. “Why us?” he asks.

“Because you all should have the best of everything, too.” She looks around our living quarters. “Don’t get me wrong. This place isn’t bad if you’re on the run, but are you really? Or are you just hiding from life out there?”

Nilt responds first. “I just wanted to get away from Gharians narrowing their eyes at my scales and face. I don’t belong there and can’t go to Khscc, so why not here?”

“Same for me, only have you been to Vahd?” Quin shakes his head. “My mother fell in love with the most grounded person in the universe. My father bought her from a pet store to keep anyone else from owning her.”

“Where are they now?” Jessica asks. “If you don’t mind me being nosy.”

Nilt and Quin exchange a look before Quin answers with, “You’re not. I came along late in their lives and they eventually died of old age. I tried living on Vahd for a while but kept getting into fights over my status.” He shrugged. “Eventually, I left and found my way here.”

“My parents aren’t together. My father has his new family on Ghar. My mother is on Tardar Nest in the Khscc state with her full blood children and husband. I was bitter until I realized I was wasting my time. They were together on Tardar, fell in love, but couldn’t make the relationship work. No one’s fault.”

All of us are quiet for a moment, thinking before I ask, “So, does everyone want to leave X-113 except me?”

Silence as the three glance at each other before looking at me. Finally, Jessica offers, “Maybe?”

“Probably,” Quin adds.

“Absolutely,” Nilt says.

I pretend I have emotional dampers to hide my disappointment and grin. “All right. I’ll contact Aard to see if he has room for three passengers.”
