Page 70 of Jessica's Protector

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“Nothing,” I say, smiling at her. “Just a random thought.”

Before I can distract her with something else, she frowns and nods at my datapad. “Is flashing red a bad thing like it is on Earth?”

“Not bad, just urgent.” I tap open the display. “Yellow alternating with white is bad.” Quickly scanning, I groan. “Pless it all. Aard can’t come this time. The authorities confiscated his ship. He says the authorities are extra snoopy, thinking people will be selling Earthers everywhere.”

I’m not sure how to feel about his next line and try to read it without showing any bias in my voice. “Aliens with Earthers will need to prove the Earther isn’t there under duress. Aard says he doesn’t want to risk carting Jessica anywhere.”

“What?” She stands. “I’m fucking trapped here?” Coming over to me, she’s behind me and leaning against my back. “Shit, I can’t read it. What’s he saying?”

I translate for her. “Stuck at the Pelta Station,” I pause reading to explain to her, “An outpost on the way here.” She nods and I continue. “Gharians rocking my planet over scattered Earthers for sale. Me and other merchants fill all the docks. Can’t count on me for anything until the authorities are appeased with how I’m not transporting Earthers.”

Jessica goes over and flops down on the sofa between the other two men. “Gah,” she exhales and begins combing her fingers through her hair. “It’s not that I’m dying to leave here. I absolutely don’t want to leave you, Cinq.” She lies back in a slump. “It’s just the stuck feeling from all this.”

Nilt and Quin exchange a look over her before Quin says, “Then we’ll stay here, too.”

“Besides,” Nilt adds, “If Aard can’t get here, none of us can leave.”

She opens her eyes, staring at me. “There are other people for hire, aren’t there? Aard wasn’t your only supplier?”

“Actually, yes. I could have called on others but he was always there, discreet, and reliable.”

“Okay, then, you need a backup person. Don’t tell me as an innovator you don’t already have someone in mind?” she asks and I think for a moment or two. Sighing, she rubs her forehead. “God, you don’t. Typical programmer who never saves his work.”

Getting to her feet with Nilt reaching out to help her from the cushy sofa, she comes over to me. “I know your lack of nanos isn’t helping.” She hugs me and I try to ignore how her breasts press against the side of my face. I glance over at the others who are borderline snickering and frown at them as she goes on. “Just use the datapad and look up others who can help us.”

She lets go of me and I already miss her warmth. Pulling up the information, I scan the display. “There are a couple but like Aard said, they’re all inactive due to the new laws regarding passengers. The empire wants to stop a slave trade of Earthers before it’s even started.”

Quin snorts. “Good luck with that. There’s already a solid Sixth world network of people for sale. Otherwise, I’d not be here.”
