Page 75 of Jessica's Protector

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Several seconds pass without the three of them saying anything. Then, everyone talks at once. I let them get it out of their systems until they’re quiet with Jessica and Quin looking at Nilt.

He sighs, rubbing a hand over the scales at the back of his neck. “You’re going to let me go first, huh?” Shaking his head, he says, “Fine. Even if we can trust Aard, and we do, how much can Giggie be like him?”

“I mean, are we all right with murder?” Jessica interjects. “It’s bad enough to sleep with one eye open on her ship but I don’t have a weapon.”

“Me neither,” Quin adds.

“Exactly,” my mate says. “I could pretend to be helpless before punching her in the throat, but what’s Quin going to do? Fly up to the ceiling then kick them in the head?” She turns to the Vahdmoshi Quzi hybrid. “Although, that’s not a bad idea. Wear pointed shoes and you’re a serious danger.”

He nods. “Depending on how high the ceilings are and all.”

“Oh, true,” Jessica shakes her finger at him. “No flying for you, then. The cargo hold they had us in wasn’t very tall. I could probably jump and touch the surface. I can’t imagine someone named Giggie would have a ship as big as the abduction one.”

I could listen to Jessica talk all day, but would rather get the transportation settled first. “We don’t have to go with her. There are others out there. It’d take time to find and vet them, though.” I scroll through the listing of private transports. “I’ll have to keep looking for you, us.”

Nilt comes over to me, peering over my shoulder. “I could be searching, too. You’re not the only one with access to the datalinks.”

Glancing up at him, I nod in approval. “I know, and if you find someone you feel at ease with, tell me and I’ll check them out for us.”

He shakes my shoulder before going over to the replicator. “It’s okay, Cinq. You can share the responsibility with us. We’re not your children or your wards.”

I watch as he takes a glass back to the table. Quin does the same, leaving space next to Jessica, so I jump at the opportunity to sit next to her. “No, none of you are. But—”

“But nothing,” Quin says, sitting opposite from Nilt. “We’re adults and while this may be your planet, you don’t have to fret over us like we’re your responsibility.”

Pless. Have I been treating them as if they’re youngsters who need my advice? I sigh. Probably. Raylin constantly warned me to let her make her own mistakes. “Sorry.” I hold up my hands before putting an arm around Jessica. “What can I say? I’m just a loving, caring man.”

Both men snort their laughs as Quin opens a board game for them. “Since we heard some of that loving earlier, I guess you’re right.”

“No,” Jessica says. “We didn’t do anything.”

Nilt gives her a droll look while Quin just shakes his head. I lean over to say in her ear, “Both of them have better hearing than we do unless you turn on your enhanced audio. Remember?”

She buries her face in my shoulder. “Aw man. We really need a cone of silence around our bed.”

“I don’t know how to create one, but you’re right,” I tease and I mean it. I’m tired of making love to her, knowing she wants to scream with pleasure but can’t feel comfortable doing so. The same is true for me. I want to yell her name as I fill her with my seed but not with those two hanging around.

I shift my hips a little to ease the pressure against my erection. “Is it still raining outside?”

“Afraid so,” Quin answers while Nilt scowls at the board.

We can’t spend all day in bed, I suppose, so I bring up the datapad again. “Did you want to play a game?”

She bites her lip, giving me an apologetic smile. “I’m in the middle of a story. It’s really good, about unrequited love and I’m hoping Gharian story arcs are similar to Earth’s because I want them to live happily ever after.”

Seems unrealistic, so I ask, “Does anyone do that there?”

“Not at all,” she says, snuggling against me. “It’s why we read books, watch movies, and play video games. We want good to win over evil, love to find a way, and for everyone to get exactly what they deserve.”

“Sounds a bit utopic,” I harrumph, sounding far too much like my farther for my comfort.

“Yep, now shush and let me see how this ends.” She reaches for a blanket and covers us both from neck to feet.

I bring my pad up and over the blanket so I can see better, silently chuckling at how addicted she is to my homeworld’s stories. I think she’ll enjoy my culture just fine. And thinking of home has me setting up a back way to download more news and entertainment.

I read everything, wishing I had my bionans to process information for me faster. A lot has changed in several years. My eyes are a little achy, so I rub them and next to me, Jessica shakes her head.
