Page 79 of Jessica's Protector

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I groan when she begins massaging my scalp, leaning forward to give her access to my neck. Her touch stirs my cock. Later, I promise my body as it tenses. After I send out this fix, I’m sleeping for hours, then making love to Jessica for another few hours. Her fingers dig into my neck muscles, easing out the knots.

“There,” she says, cruelly stopping her help. “That should help a little.”

“It helped a lot.” I stand, taking her in my arms. “Thank you. Want to have dinner with me?”

“We ate hours ago.”

I rub my forehead. “Of course. Sorry I missed it.”

She gives me an extra squeeze before letting go. “You were working. Don’t worry about it. Just take care of your personal business while I play Suzi Homemaker and fix you something to eat.”

I don’t get the reference but nod anyway, understanding the intent. For the millionth time as I’m walking to the pit, I make a mental note to check on a real toilet’s availability from Aard, when or if he recovers his ship.

Soon, I’m back in the main room. Jessica has created an interesting meal, complete with drink, a wet wash cloth, and regular napkin. She gives me the wet cloth. “Here, to wash your hands.” I do as she’s suggested, grateful for the chance. “So, have a seat. This is one of Earth’s finest from where I live. It’s a steak with a baked potato. I didn’t know if you wanted your steak rare or well-done so I picked medium.” She sits after I do. “There’s sour cream, I hope, butter, and chives on your potato. I didn’t know if you’d want a side salad or dessert. If you’re still hungry, I’ll whip up something for you then.”

“Looks great and smells even better.” I dig in, and the food is excellent. The steak seems a little too done but I don’t mind since Jessica made everything just for me. The potato melts in my mouth, much like a luzzer with cream sauce. The chives, I think she called them, add a sharp flavor as well. “It’s all very good. Thank you.”

“I’m glad you like it. When or if you ever visit Earth, you’ll know what to order.”

I laugh before continuing to eat. “Thank you for the information.” Even as hungry as I am, the food is still flavorful. Too soon, I’m done and ready to resume coding. I push my plate forward a small distance. “You’ve been quiet. Are you all right?”

She nods. “I am. Just a little worried about Nilt, us, and the rest of the galaxy. I imagine out of control vehicles of all kinds crashed on Ghar, on other strange planets, even spiraling into Earth and the other Lesser worlds.”

Wiping my mouth, I stand, taking the dish and utensils with me. “A worthy reason to be concerned but we have fail safes in our conveyances.” I put everything into the replicator. “What worries me is how people will be stranded, unable to access their ship’s or vehicle’s systems.”

“I imagine them starving, without air, unable to go to the toilet,” Jessica offers, coming up to hug me.

I wrap my arms around her, enjoying her warmth. “Life support will continue no matter what else happens. Yes, the starving is an issue, but the toilet isn’t for a while.” I soak up the feel of her for a few more seconds before letting go. “Still, I’ll keep working on a solution for them.”

Her arms around me, she stares up into my face before letting go. “Good. Let me fix you a coffee and a tea for the boost.”

“I’m familiar with tea, but not coffee,” I say, eager to taste the difference.

“You’re in for a treat, I think.” She brings over a couple of mugs, setting them on a small table created out of discarded metal boxes. “People will add milk and sugar sometimes in varying amounts to both drinks. It’s all personal preference.”

I nod, eager to taste this coffee. I take a sip, allowing the flavor to cover all of my taste buds. “It’s good. Bitter, but good.”

“A lot of people add sweetener. Would you like be to bring you some?”

After she’s finished yawning, I wave her on toward the bedroom. “No. It’s late and I want you to get some sleep while I finish this.” I take hold of the tea, also tasting it. “This is good, too.”

“I might take your advice.” She rubs her eyes. “It’s pretty late and today has been a mess with worrying about first Nilt, then you.”

Her concern warms my heart and I smile at her. “Me? No need for that. I actually enjoy working on a puzzle like this.” I grab my datapad in one hand and her waist with my other. “One kiss before you go to sleep.”

“All right.” She tiptoes up to reach me. Our lips meet and I’m ready to pull her down to the sofa. If people weren’t depending on my expertise, I’d entice her into lovemaking, but no. Later, I tell my ready body. I pull away first. “Goodnight, my love.”

“Goodnight, Cinq.”

I watch her walk out, enjoying the sway of her hips. Pless, that woman thrills me. I have no way of knowing how fast my heart is beating but am sure it’s affected by my feelings for her.

Reluctantly, I return to the sofa with the datapad and the Kostan’s virus code waiting for me on the device. Keeping the programming for Nilt’s repair away from my work area, I pick apart the lines dedicated to nanos specifically. Interesting. Not only did the Kostans neglect a chance to send intel back to themselves, they didn’t go on and mentally damage their victims. I suppose they merely wanted a disruption.

It worked, plus their lack of evil helps me. I check for a hidden entrance for potential later hacks from them, find a couple and reverse the entry to access their systems instead. The blocker is easy and obvious. So, I add another, less visible entry, too. I also include the Vahdmoshi and their nanos as well. Not only that, but I want to include a barricade for any hackers from Vahd who want to try the same trick.

The coding is easy. Testing? Not so much. Over and over again, I run various scenarios to try and break my programming. I set up a simulated being with Gharian nanos, then a couple more “people” with generic nanos. Finally, I run tests on bionans just to make sure everything works.

By the time I take another drink of coffee, the liquid is cold. I crack my neck while stretching my muscles and stand.
