Page 80 of Jessica's Protector

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“How’s it going?” Jessica asks with a yawn. “Making any progress?”

“Good and, yes, a lot,” I reply and taking a seat again.

She sits next to me on the edge of the seat. “Terrific. Is the fix in place?”

“Not yet.” I lean back closing my eyes. “I’m taking a break before hitting start.”

“Ah.” She pats my arm, giving my bicep a squeeze. “Relax while I bring you a fresh what to drink?”

I open an eye and smile at her. “Tea, please.”

“Tea,” she says, patting my leg and standing. “You can start running the program in the meantime.”

She’s right and I smile, having taken the hint that my break was a tiny one. Grabbing the datapad, I take it over to the table so the sofa doesn’t tempt me to sleep. The program is waiting for me to press start, so I do. The pad begins sending my message and information to the main system with instructions to Noni specifically. I’ve outlined what every line of code does and how it changes the original virus.

My pad dings when Noni sends a confirmation of receipt from her infopad. I stare at the screen, willing her to accept and implement my changes.

Jessica sets my tea in front of me and asks, “Well?”

I shake my head, wishing I had an answer. “All we can do is wait.”
