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I’ve learned in the past few days to not open my eyes as soon as I wake up. It’s childish, sure, but if I don’t see bad things, then bad things don’t exist.

Works great but I can’t shut my ears. I don’t remember much else before I passed out besides the bronze stud of a man, another guy who could be his twin, some sort of pale gray man and then the worst, a reptilian man. I shudder despite playing opossum.

I never actually saw an alien life form until then. Although, now that I think about it, I’m in the middle of a forest of alien life. I want to roll over onto my stomach and bury my face in a pillow. But I don’t want to tip off the aliens that I’m awake.

Instead, I listen. The hissing voice clearly belongs to the lizard. He’s talking to the first bronze man I saw, who replies back in a rumbly tone that tickles my nerve endings in a good way. The winged person is also easy to pick out. He uses an odd mix of chirps and regular sounding words. I don’t know where the other bronze alien is.

The missing guy isn’t the one who carried me back here, based on what I remember from the various voices. I can’t pinpoint anyone’s language, not surprising, but the first bronze alien’s tone didn’t sound happy. Hearing him talk now, he still seems irritated but not angry like earlier.

I’m quiet, stupidly trying to pick out familiar words when their voices grow louder. I don’t dare try peeking to see if they’re coming closer to where I am or if they’re just being noisy. After a shuffle, like a shoe scraping a floor, I can tell they’re nearby.

I’m asleep. I’m not awake. I’m perfectly still.

The bronze one says something and the other two chuckle. I hear fabric rustle and he says something else with his mouth near my ear. I don’t know what the words mean, but he’s going on and on until giving a final sigh.

Silence. From him. From them. And certainly from me. I need to hear more before “waking up” from this.

“Boop,” he says and touches my nose. I startle, never expecting a boop, and he laughs. “Boop,” he says again and again, touches my nose. This time, the men behind him laugh, too.

Before he can boop me a third time, the door opens and the fourth guy is talking. They’re catching him up on things, seems like, including what just happened, because I hear yet another boop from him but without the touch. Then, they’re talking more about the action, saying the word enough times that I want to boop him on the nose. Or at least say, “People are trying to fake sleep here.”

But no. All of them seem affable enough, but then turkeys can trust the farmers to care for them until Thanksgiving.

The two bronze men talk back and forth. I’m dying to open my eyes but can’t with the first one standing so close. Then, there’s that word again.

“Boop.” This time, it’s the second bronze man touching my nose.

I suppose the only way to get this to end is by showing them I’m awake. I slowly open my eyes. Two of the bronze men stare at me while the other two, pale gray and lizard man, look over their shoulders.

The man who carried me back is talking. I recognize his voice and his face a lot better now. Smooth metallic bronze skin, shaggy dark hair. His eyes, gorgeous, long lashed, and a dark amber color. He seems a little bulky under his plain clothes but I seem to remember solid muscle and strength. He’s absolutely a hunk. Talking doesn’t seem like such a bad idea, so I offer, “I can’t understand what you’re saying.”

He frowns and glances at the other guy like him. His cohort is just as attractive, looks similar, if a little leaner, with longer hair and dark blue eyes. Handsome, but doesn’t have the “it” my man, or er, this man, has. I rub my forehead, since I’ve clearly hit my head a lot harder than I thought.

Both stare at each other with a tranced out look between them until the lizard shuffles his feet and says something. Whatever he said, both men go back to talking.

I sigh, already tired of not knowing what’s going on. Where’s the ship? Where’s Stacie? And now I’m wondering what did I run into? I’m starting to regret running away. “Can you guys take me back home?”

Hunky guy makes a motion, saying something while helping me sit up. The pale gray guy comes over with a cup, which Hunky passes to me with a smile. I take it, sniffing the contents, but don’t smell anything. Could be water. Could be an odorless drug. Who knows?

I smile back at him, holding out the water for someone to take. “I don’t need this,” I add, lifting the glass. I’m desperate for food and drink but how do I know if they are decent men or not? Yeah, I’m not hurt or molested at the moment, but what if accepting water equals a wedding? Or worse?

Mr. Tall, bronze, and sexy is closest to me, sitting on the edge of the bed. I take his hand, ignoring how warm and smooth his skin is, and press the glass into his palm. Shaking my head, I add, “I’m not thirsty.”

He frowns and looks at the others, who frown back at him. Then, he says something and two of the men leave the room. Once they’re gone, he gives me an intense look, saying something new. Before I can respond, he makes eating motions. God, yes, I want to eat. I shake my head and smile. “No, thank you.” He’s blocking my legs, keeping me from leaving the bed on that side so I scoot over. “In fact, I’m very well rested and really should be going now.”

I throw off the covers and stand only to find my feet are aching. My slip on shoes’ thin soles couldn’t compete with the sharp rocks I ran over to get here. I limp to the foot of the bed and find my shoes waiting for me. Pulling them on, I explain, “It’s been nice meeting all of you. I appreciate the rescue but I have places to be.”

Mr. Tall intercepts me before I get halfway to the door. He puts a hand on my shoulder and points to the bed. I shake my head a little too forcefully and every blood vessel begins to throb. “No, thank you. I need to go.” He slides his hand to the middle of my back, turning me. Not forcefully, but with gentle strength. I like and hate his determination.

I twist away from his touch, and continue on to the door. “No, really. It’s been a blast, but I need to find my way home.”

He barks a word and the lizard guy stands between me and the exit. I look down at the dirt floor. “Fine. I’ll stay.” I turn around only to see the smug grin on Mr. Tall. Now he’s just pissing me off. “Two things, though,” I begin and hold up two fingers. “I need to go to the restroom and I want to know your names.”

Considering his blank look, I can guess he doesn’t speak English. How to tell an alien you really need to pee without dropping your drawers and giving a demonstration, though? I rub my forehead, avoiding the bandaged and sore lump in the middle. Oh. I put my hand on my lower abdomen instead and moan like I’m in pain.

God, I hope it’s interpreted as pain. I glance up and sure enough, Mr. Tall is looking at me like I’ve grown a third arm. His almost twin comes over and their eyes cloud up. Damn. Not working, so I cross my legs, keeping my hand on my belly button, and walk around like I’m about to mess my pants.
