Page 81 of Jessica's Protector

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I don’t know what I expected. Fireworks, maybe? An electrical pulse? “I don’t feel anything. Should I?”

He laughs, taking me in his arms before pulling me onto his body. I don’t resist because we’re alone in the living area. “Not yet. It’ll take a little time to work through the systems. The stricken are first on my list, then the Kostan and Vahdmoshi nanos get my upgrades.”

“Will it hurt?” I ask, my voice trembling a little. “I know you have to attack them, but I’m still worried.”

“Don’t be.” He holds me close against his chest. “I’m not interested in harming anyone, just protecting every person with nanos from being used against Ghar.” He kisses me. “You and your hideous little Vahd nanos were at the top of my mind when I programmed an antidote, I promise.”

He promises? I look into his eyes, examining his pupils. “Does a Gharian promise mean anything off planet?”

His expression turns serious, intense. I shiver as he whispers, “It means everything as long as I’m breathing, my love.”

I love this man. Returning his kiss, I break off enough to affirm, “I love you, Cinq.”

He chuckles, running his hand up and down my back. “It’s about time you told me.”

“You didn’t get the idea from our sexy times?” I tease, snuggling up against his warm, firm body.

“I did, but I wanted to hear the words in your voice, too.” He presses his lips against my cheek. “I love you, too, Jessica. You’re my everything.”

Despite how much I’m relaxed against him, a thought keeps nagging at me while we kiss. At last, I break away. “Cinq, I need to tell you something. I don’t just love you because you own a planet.” I brush the dark hair back from his forehead. “I love how smart you are. How protective you are about my safety you are even if I don’t need it and especially when I say I hate you caring for me.”

He opens his mouth to argue and I caress the back of his neck, bringing my fingertips to his lips. “Not finished. I love how intelligent you are even without nanos or bionans. Sure, I expect an alien to be smarter than anyone else, but you have nothing but a datapad. Yet, you can still take down an enemy virus.” I kiss him. “Your brains are so sexy.”

Cinq chuckles. “I’m glad you find my mind appealing. I didn’t want you to just love me for my wealth or sexy body.”

I trail a hand down the center of his chest, not stopping until I reach his pants. “No, those are good reasons, but not the only ones.” While I’d love to strip him down and make love to him, I hesitate. He has to be tired. All I’ve done is watch him work and I’m beat. “Do you want to go to bed?”

“With you? Of course I do.” He stands up, taking me with him. I squeal and wrap my legs around his waist.

We’re on our way to the bedroom when a familiar but absent someone’s throat clearing stops us. In a flash, Cinq’s dropped me and whirled around to face….

S’Tou with Stacie peeking out from behind him. Both of us Earthers scream and run to each other for hugs. She looks amazing. Her dirty blonde hair is pulled up into a high ponytail like other Gharian women seem to wear. She has on earrings with gems sparkling more than I ever saw a diamond on earth do. “You look amazing! Looks like Ghar is treating you right, or is it Tardar Nest?”

“Um, well,” she gives a shy glance toward S’Tou. “Ghar for now. It’s lovely there and I’d like to stay.”

“I’m pretty sure the authorities will let you,” I reply with a wink at S’Tou. “Tell me how you two met because I’m dying to know.”

Before she can say anything Cinq comes over to us three, frowning, “What the pless, S’Tou? Did your cousin pay the ransom?”

“Clearly.” S’Tou takes a few steps closer, standing between Stacie and Cinq. “One of the conditions of his payment is to bring you in and I promised him I would.”

Well, shit. “A promise, huh?” I glance at my guy. “You can’t refuse?”

Cinq hasn’t looked away from S’Tou, both men glare at each other. “I could, but it’d be useless. He knows everything about our setup.” He glances at me, Stacie, then back to the other Gharian as Nilt and Quin come into the room before saying, “You only want me, right? Not the others?”

Leaving Stacie to grab Cinq’s arm, I tell him, “I’m not staying. I’m going wherever you’re going.”

“Same here,” Quin says. “We want to plead your case to the emperor.”

Nilt stands next to the three of us. “Right. He goes, we all go.”

“I expected as much,” S’Tou drawls with a grin. “Do you want to pack first?”

Cinq shrugs. “We already have been but probably need overnight bags. Most of the infrequently used items are boxed, which is useless for me. If the emperor incarcerates me for correcting the Kostan’s virus, I’ll have to wear what they give me.”

“I didn’t know Gharians went to prison,” I tell him, not letting go of his arm.
