Page 89 of Jessica's Protector

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I might have screwed up in a big way. Not only is the emperor glaring at me but every Gharian flanking his sides are giving me the stink eye, too. Balls to the wall on Cinq’s defense might not have been my best opening gambit.

Fine. I can dial it down a notch or hundred. Nothing to worry about in the galactic empire’s palace.

I clear my throat to distract the fear rising up because I’m not afraid. “If starting Innovator VilKrell’s defense now pleases your majesty, that is. I’ll only begin with your divine permission.”

The empress face gives the slightest smile as the emperor says, “By all means, Earther Talbot. Do tell me why I should free him instead of finding a more punishing prison than where he’s been.”

I suppress a shiver. The man might be gloriously handsome with an air of authority, but he’s cold. As icy as his metallic skin would suggest. “Very well, your majesty.” I check my posture and stand straighter. “You see, Innovator VilKrell has lived in almost primitive conditions for the past several years.” I would send a conversion to their ans from my years, but the block continues to be in place. “He has had nanos, yes, for the most basic of necessities.”

Warming up to the court and seeing some of the interested expressions on the leaders, I begin strolling from one end of the line of people to the other. “In fact, if you check your own daily records and remove the tasks performed by your personal technology, you’ll see I’m right about his punishment equaling his crime.” I make eye contact with the leaders. “This man has paid for his transgression with not only time served but by intercepting and correcting the Kostan virus.” I can’t help but pace as I add, “If anything, VilKrell should be considered rehabilitated and allowed to live his life as he sees fit, wherever he chooses.”

Emperor Eldan holds up a hand. “Enough.” He stands and steps off the dais toward us, stopping when he and I are almost toe to toe. “Are you aware of his crime? Have you studied the seriousness of controlling another’s actions, no matter the reasons? Or are you speaking as a Sixth worlder, ignorant of the severity of his crime?”

Nodding, I find a way to respond to this tall and imposing man. “Yes, I have studied your laws. I may be a Sixth worlder, but I’m not entirely ignorant.”

“You may proceed, then,” he decrees after staring into my eyes for several seconds and goes back to his throne.

Okay, a crisis averted. I lift my chin. “I’m aware my personal feelings don’t matter in the law, but I do understand the desperate need Cinq felt to keep Raylin from harm.” Something about the emperor’s past comes to mind. He used his own bionans to save Empress Paxton’s life, which is my salient point to make. While I don’t want to use his personal facts against him, I can’t allow his hypocrisy to swoosh by. “Your majesty, I do know how a bondmate’s impending death might make the most law-abiding citizen think twice about not interfering by any means necessary. Actually, I don’t know how this issue hasn’t been more prevalent before now.” Deciding to push my luck because I see the three royals soften, I add, “Everyone would do anything to save the one they love. Anything.”

“Are you aware of the many times people sabotaged each other’s minds when the technology began wide use?” The emperor begins drumming his fingers on his arm rest until the empress puts her hand on his. “How thousands of early adopters’ brains were deactivated or worse, torn apart by reprogrammed nanos?" I shudder and he sees my revulsion. “Exactly.” He glares at Cinq. “This is precisely why no punishment is harsh enough. He should suffer so much, the next would-be saboteur doesn’t even try.”

I use something called emotional dampers to keep from cursing or giving away my irritation. All of my arguments are going awry and I need to put the emperor back on track. “Are you certain you want to make an example of him without considering the situation? Punish someone who isn’t causing harm but working to right wrongs?”

The emperor stands and moves to stand in front of Cinq. They almost see eye to eye and I wish Cinq had a calmer expression on his face. The emperor gives him a sour grin. “Innovator VilKrell knew what the punishment would be if he controlled Raylin’s actions and mind. Didn’t you, VilKrell?”

Cinq gives a curt nod. “I did then and do now.”

Without looking away from each other, the emperor says, “Earther Talbot, listening to you has been interesting but you’re done here. I’ll expect you to wait outside with S’Tou and the other Earther.”

“Are you sure I’m done?” I ask, afraid I’ll never see Cinq again if I leave him. “I could talk more about the changes Cinq has made, the good he’s done for others.”

“There’s no need,” the emperor replies. “Anything else can come from VilKrell himself.”

Cinq narrows his eyes. “You already know everything. I have nothing to add or discuss.”

“We’ll see.” He nods at S’Tou. “Please see the Earthers are comfortable.”

S’Tou nods. “I will, your majesty.” He comes up to me, putting a hand on my shoulder. “Come with me and we’ll let them work the issue.”

“Thank you for your time and consideration, your highness. I appreciate your graciousness.” I blink back tears, but instead of protesting or flinging myself onto Cinq, I follow S’Tou and Stacy to the large throne doors.

A Gharian woman rushes past us like we’re not here. I want to go with her but the doors close before I can. “Who’s that?” I ask, not expecting anyone to know the answer.

“Innovator SearShell Noni, Cinq’s protégé and successor. Between your argument and her expertise, Cinq’s odds of avoiding exile have improved.”

“I’m glad,” I say as Stacie puts her arm around me. I lean into her side hug, adding, “If I can’t convince the emperor, I hope she can.”
