Page 90 of Jessica's Protector

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I wait and let Eldan speak first. After a few moments, he says, “Your bondmate is fierce.”

Even though I loathe being grateful to him, I manage to both utter and mean my gratitude, “Thank you for humoring her.”

He graces me with a slight smile. “I find her easier to tolerate her than you, certainly.”

“The feeling is mutual,” I snark and he laughs, not something I expected. Could S’Tou be right and Eldan has softened since we last talked? I decide to test the waters. “What do you want to hear from me? How can I convince you Raylin’s illness was my only reason to transgress?”

“How can you convince me you’ll not transgress for Jessica?” he counters.

“Excellent point,” I concede, although I’m not the only one in the galaxy to ignore rules when it comes to love. Everyone knows the story of how Eldan saved his bondmate’s life by giving her some of his bionans. I understand why he must enforce the laws but his record isn’t entirely clean, either. I clasp my hands behind my back, willing my tone into neutrality instead of contrary. “A person will do anything to keep his love alive and safe. Even if it means breaking something like the Lesser World Order.”

Eldon goes back to his throne and sits, his eyes cloudy. “Point taken.” After a few seconds, he nods. “Very well. I must tell you before passing down your sentence, I continue to hate how you commandeered Raylin’s mind.”

He hates it? I hate that I failed to keep her safe. I shrug instead of launching a defense. “I don’t care what you think. I did what I had to do.”

“Another reason to dislike you,” he says, amusement softening his words. “However, I can’t ignore how when the Kostans attacked, you saved lives and reversed the harm done to our people.”

Noni steps up. “And he sabotaged any further efforts to control our populace. Your majesty, Cinq’s work with us will keep Gharians protected from future Kostan or Vahdmoshi saboteurs,”

He holds up a hand to stop her argument. “I know and it’s been discussed. Citizen VilKrell’s actions are why he is no long under censure.” He frowns at me. “I don’t trust you and judging by your surly expression, the feeling is mutual.” I try not to smile because the emperor is correct. “Thus,” he continues, “you’ll report to Innovator SearShell and work with her on security for our people.”

Noni and I look at each other. She seems to be as surprised as I am as I ask our emperor, “Are you sure?”

He looks down his nose at me. “When am I unsure of anything, Citizen? Yes, I’m positive my choice is the right one.”

“I agree to watch over his work, your excellency,” Noni interjects.

“You will, or you’ll both face serious consequences.” His eyes cloud before the worry lines on his face deepen. His gaze clears as he addresses me with, “No matter how I feel about anything concerning your past, our past, Cinq, I need your skills. We both know you’re the best at finding and fixing programming.”

“Thank you,” I can’t help but say in sincere gratitude this time. “I appreciate the chance to assist others.”

“Good. Know this before you accept SearShell’s authority. I will not have a repeat of your prior crime or X-113 will be luxury compared to the hell I’ll send you to.”

“I can’t apologize for trying to save Raylin,” I say, my voice betraying me by breaking a little. “You should be warned how if the situation happened again, I’d do it again.”

“Understood.” He drums his fingertips on his throne’s armrest. “Considering this warning, should you feel the urge to undermine another person’s control over their mind, consult me and my counsel first. Before, not after you subvert your patient. No matter what your mate wants, give healers the chance to do their work before you jump in. Am I clear?”

“Very, your majesty.”

“Excellent.” He stands as do all the leaders. “You’ve been exonerated, conditionally. I’ve sent instructions to Innovator SearShell for your reentry into Gharian life. You’re excused.”

Just like that, I wonder, glancing at Noni who’s clapping her hands and totally disregarding engaging her dampers. She gives me a sly smile, knowing my subordination to her chafes a little bit. I bow to the royalty and turn to leave the room. We’re in a war, he’s been merciful, and I need to hold Jessica.
