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Reagan felt more comfortable staying with our brother, and I didn’t argue. We laid on the couch, her head on one end and mine on the other while the guys talked in the kitchen. I was too tired to listen in on them. Instead, I stared at my phone, wondering what Carter was doing. Was he okay?

I decided to text him just to see if he’d text back.

Me: I love you.

A few minutes passed and nothing.

“Why don’t you try to get some sleep,” Reagan murmured.

“Not gonna happen.” Every time I closed my eyes, I would see the replay of Carter’s fight. Until I knew he was okay, I wouldn’t be able to rest.

It was closing in on midnight, when a phone began to ring causing my pulse to spike. Sadly, it was just Ethan’s, so I knew it wouldn’t be Carter. However, I sat up in surprise when Ethan rushed into the living room and held up his phone.

“It’s Carter.” The guys all gathered in the living room with us, and I held my breath when Ethan answered. “Hey, man.” I could hear Carter’s voice on the other end, but I couldn’t tell what he said. Ethan’s eyes instantly connected with mine. “Yeah, she’s here.” More words from Carter, and Ethan nodded. “Okay, I’ll bring her to you.” Ethan hung up and waved toward the door. “Carter needs you. He’s at a hotel downtown.”

Heart racing, I jumped to my feet. “Let’s go.”

Reagan hugged me quickly. “Be careful, Em. I’m going to stay here tonight.”

“I think that’s a good idea,” I whispered. “I’ll call you later.”

Ethan grabbed his keys from the kitchen, and we hurried out to his metallic blue truck. The engine roared to life, and we sped down the road.

“How did he sound, Ethan?” I asked.

Clenching the steering wheel hard, Ethan glanced nervously over at me. “Angry. It sounded different coming from him.”

The ride was silent the whole way to our destination, which ended up being one of the most luxurious hotels in downtown Los Angeles. Ethan pulled into the parking garage and walked with me inside to the elevators.

“He’s on the top floor,” he said, pressing the button as the elevator doors closed.

As soon as they opened, I followed Ethan down the hall. “Don’t say anything about our plans.”

Ethan shook his head. “You don’t have to worry about that, but he’s probably going to find out tomorrow.” Yes, I know. At least I had tonight to reel him back, even if it was only a slight reprieve. Ethan knocked on the door, and I was so afraid of what I would see when it opened.

Carter opened the door wide, his wet hair and body smelt like soap, and he was bare-chested, only wearing a pair of jeans. There were no new bruises on his face, but his opponent didn’t even get the chance to hit him.

Carter nodded at Ethan. “Thanks for bringing her.”

Ethan balled up his hand, and they fist-bumped. “You’re welcome. Do you need me to stay?”

“No,” Carter replied, “I’ll take Emma back with me.” He had yet to look at me.

Ethan squeezed my shoulder and stepped back. “All right. Call me if you need me.”

He turned and walked off, and Carter finally met my gaze. In his eyes, I could see he was on edge. He moved out of the way so I could walk into the opulent room that was three times the size of my New York apartment. It had its own small kitchen, as well as a dining room, living room, and separate bedroom with a bed that looked larger than a standard king. Carter’s clothes were scattered all over the floor, and the breath hitched in my lungs when I saw his bloody hand wraps and shorts in the trash.

Looping his arm around my waist, Carter pulled me back and turned me around to face him, crushing me against him protectively. “You’re the only thing getting me through this hell.”

His arms wrapped around my waist so tight I could barely breathe. “I saw you tonight,” I whispered. “I saw the fight.”

Carter hung his head, resting it on my shoulder. “How?”

“Nikolai. He takes joy in all of this.”

His warm breath brushed against my neck. “I don’t want you seeing me like that.”
