Page 85 of How Much I Want

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“That’s all right. All that matters is that you eventually said yes.”

“Still. I wasted time that we can never get back.”

He brings my hand to his lips and kisses the back of it. “We can spend the rest of our lives making up for lost time. Will you marry me, Marlene?”

“Ah, jeez, you’re really asking, huh?”

“I really am. And just so you know, I asked Vivian for your hand in marriage weeks ago, and after she finished crying, she said we have her blessing.”

“You… You asked her?”

“Of course.” He seems offended I’d question such a thing. “I knew her support would matter to you.”

“Yes, it does.”

“Vincent overheard our conversation, and he said to tell you he approves, too.”

I’m laughing and crying at the same time. “I’m sure he does. He probably begged you to get me out of his hair.”

“He never mentioned the word ‘hair.’” He links his fingers with mine. “What do you say? Shall we spend the rest of our lives together?”

I once visited the Grand Canyon with my late husband and stood on the edge, looking down into the abyss and trying to imagine what it might be like to fall in. This feels like that, like free-falling into the unknown, only with my Alfredo, I know the landing will be soft and safe. “Y-yes, Alfredo. I’ll marry you.”

“Are you sure?” he asks with that twinkle in his eyes that I adore so much.

“I’m sure.”

“Open the glove box.”

I take a second to translate the word glove.

He points to the box he means, and I open it to find a blue velvet box inside.

I lean forward for a closer look. “Is that… Is it Tiffany?”

“Nothing but the best for my fiancée.”

“When… How long…” I look over at him, stunned.

“Two months ago. I wanted to be ready if I ever got you to say yes.” After a pause, he adds, “Go ahead and open it.”

I reach out to touch the small box with the same careful reverence I would a stick of dynamite. The soft velvet against my hand sends a shiver of excitement through me. I still wear the wedding rings from my beloved Jorge, but on my right hand, as I couldn’t bear to put them away after he died. I hold the small blue box in the palm of my hand for a few seconds before I take the next step to open it, gasping at the sight of a huge square-cut diamond surrounded by smaller stones. “Oh, Alfredo. My goodness!”

“Is it too much? I wanted something as extraordinary as you are.”

It’s far too much, but I’d never tell him that. My fingers are like sausages as I try to work the ring free of the box.

He stops me and does it for me, sliding the ring onto my left hand.

“It’s… My goodness, it’s exquisite.”

“As are you. I hope you know how happy you’ve made me, not just today, but every day that we’ve spent together.”

I can’t stop staring at the ring. “You’ve made me just as happy,” I say when I finally tear my eyes off the ring and look up at him. “I feel the same way I did when Jorge asked me to marry him, full of butterflies and excitement and anticipation.”

“Yes, I know that feeling, and it’s the same this time for me, too. I think your Jorge and my Diana are looking down at us, pleased with how we’ve honored their memories, but also happy for us to have this second chance.”

“You really think so?”
