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“Nothing. Just stay here,” he says before casually strolling out of the room, shutting the door behind him.

I place my ear against it and strain to listen.

Graham opens the door, and I hear Caleb ask him what he’s doing here.

“Sara-Beth sent me over to look at the new dishwasher. She said your mom called last night because it was making a racket,” Graham replies.

“Where’s Mom?” Caleb asks.

“She said she was going to take a shower while I fixed this thing, so she would be ready when it was time to pick you up. I guess she’s still in there.”

“One of the boys got stung by a bee during breakfast, and his face swelled up like a balloon. It was gnarly. The troop leader had to take him to the emergency room, so he called everyone’s parents to pick us up early. Tucker’s dad dropped me off.”

“A bee sting, huh? That sucks.”

“Yeah, he’s allergic. He had his EpiPen in his backpack, but his face was messed up.”

“Speaking of breakfast, maybe you and I should make some for your mom. She’s going to be surprised when she walks out and you’re already home.”

“What about the dishwasher?” Caleb asks him.

“Already done. It was a loose bolt. I should have known better than to let Weston install it.”

“Yeah, you should have.”

Caleb giggles, and I back away from the door, careful not to make any noise. Then, I slip into the shower and let the spray wash over me quickly.

When I enter the living room about twenty minutes later, I find the two of them at the stove. Caleb is stirring a pan of scrambled eggs, and Graham is browning sausage links.

“What’s this?” I say, and they turn to me.

“Good morning, Mom. Graham and I are making breakfast.”

I fold my arms over my chest. “I can see that. How did you get here?” I ask.

“It’s a long story. I’ll tell you over breakfast,” he replies.

“Can I help?” I offer.

“Nope. Graham and I have it under control. Don’t we?” he asks Graham, who looks over his shoulder at me and winks.

“We sure do. You just take a seat at the table, and we’ll be right with you.”

I do as I was told and take a seat, watching my two favorite guys make my breakfast.
