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Cami leans a hip on the counter. “Where exactly are you going?”

“Um…” I stall. Crap. I didn’t adequately prepare a response to this. I know Rhett said his friends don’t know about his situation, and I assume that includes visiting his son in a hotel. “You know, I forgot what it’s called. Some restaurant with a patio out of town,” I fib while hoping such a place exists.

“Rhett’s taking you?” She drops a knowing smirk.

“It’s just dinner.”

“I’ve heard that before, except it was it’s just a one-night stand and poof! Now they’re married with a baby.”

“Is this your story?”

She shakes her head. “Nope. Kiersten.” Cami takes a drink from a glass beside her. “Though I also had issues admitting my feelings before Law forced them into the open. I think it’s just something women do. Especially us strong ones who are used to being independent.”

I feel like she knows more about me than she does. Her assessment isn’t wrong, though I’m not looking for a relationship. I tell her as much, but she just laughs.

“We all say that. Whether it’s because we’re working through past hurts or afraid of getting hurt again, it’s just an excuse. If I could do it all over again, I’d jump right in. Would have saved me from more heartache in the long run. Every love hurts a little bit. That’s how we grow.” Her expression turns nostalgic.

“Whoa, pump the brakes. Who said anything about love?”

She straightens. “You’re right. I got away from myself. You probably want to get going so you can have dinner. Let me grab Ghost from Evelyn’s room.”

I try not to think about what Cami said as she retrieves my dog. Love? Ha! No thank you.

She comes back moments later with the bag I use for her toys and my pup.

“Where is it you guys are going tonight?” I ask, remembering she has plans with her family.

“Our new house is just about finished. Law’s taking us for a walk-through. I haven’t seen it since it was only the bones.”

I take the leash from her. “Is it a new build?”

“Mm-hmm. Law’s a contractor. I’m sure you’ve seen his work. He built Rhett’s house.”

My cheeks redden but not for the reason she’d assume. “Oh, um, I haven’t seen it yet, actually. We’re just friends.”

She laughs. “Typical guy. He probably spends his time at your place because his is most likely a pigsty.”

I join her laughter. “That’s probably it. Well, I should head out. Thanks again. Are you still open for next week?” I have two clients scheduled, and Cami and Evelyn have been wonderful dog sitters.

“Of course.” She walks us to the door and holds it open. “With summer just around the corner, Evelyn will be happy to take her most days.”

“You’ve been a real lifesaver.”

Cami smiles softly. “Don’t worry, I already know how you can pay me back. I’m going to need help with a move-out clean in the near future.”

I wave my hand between us. “Psh. I already planned on it. Without payment this time. Let me catch up so we’re even.”

“Deal. I’ll bring Kiersten and the drinks. She can bring her inappropriate humor and the baby.”

“Sounds like a plan.” I lead Ghost down the stairs.

“Enjoy your dinner,” she calls as I walk away. I flick my wrist over my shoulder and wave.

Guilt sours my gut as I settle us in the car and back out of Cami’s driveway. I’m barely starting to make friends outside of Rhett, and beginning friendships with lies doesn’t feel right. I’m not usually a dishonest person. Ever since things ended with Tate, it feels like I struggle to tell the truth.

I need to figure out what it is I’m doing. If I’m staying, the best course is to come clean to the people I want to stick around.

My phone rings through my dash. I stab the button on my steering wheel when I see Caiti’s name on the screen.
