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“Hey, love,” I answer as I check traffic and pull out onto Main Street.

“What are you up to this evening?”

“If you must know, I’m on my way to dinner and drinks with a friend. We booked a hotel room for the night.” I can’t wait for the day when I can just tell people the truth. But I know my brother wouldn’t let me hear the end of it if he knew what I was really up to. Also, who shares their sexual activity with their brother and sister-in-law? This boundary is a necessary one.

“A hotel room, huh? Sounds extravagant for an evening of drinks.”

I sigh. “I haven’t let loose in a while, and there are surprisingly few rideshares here. I don’t even know if there’s a taxi service.”

She laughs. “Arrow Creek sounds like a true small town.”

My heart leaps into my throat as I suddenly remember I let the name slip to my brother. “Is there a reason you called? I’m almost there.” I twist my fingers tight around the steering wheel.

“I just thought it was my turn to call and bug you about a visit.”


She cuts me off. “But since I know what you’re going to say, what I really wanted to ask is if you can make time to come here. Your brother just got a promotion, and it would be quite the gift if I could fly you out for a week to surprise him.”

“I don’t know…” I trail off as the logistics swirl like a windstorm in my mind.

Time off with a brand-new business.

Someone to watch Ghost for an extended period.

Airfare and missed wages.

And a quiet little voice teases how I might miss Rhett.

“Eric misses you.” Her guilt-inducing words steal my breath. God, I miss him too. “He worries that you’re out there alone dealing with who knows what because you refuse to share. You don’t have to pay for anything or worry about paying me back.”

“You know how hard that is for me to do.”

“Tell yourself his promotion is paying for it.” Caiti laughs.

I click my blinker to turn into the hotel parking lot. “When are you thinking?”

“A month from now. I want to give you time to make arrangements and also enough time to pass that he won’t guess the surprise.”

“Since you’re so persistent, let me see what I can do with my schedule, and I’ll text you.” I inject my tone with teasing and sass when, in reality, I feel a weight being lifted.

“Yay!” she squeals. “Okay, well I’ll let you go. I have a busy evening planned, and Eric should be back any minute. I don’t want him to overhear the surprise.”

I shift the car into park. “Good timing. I just pulled into the hotel.”

“Love you. Let’s video chat soon, okay?”

I’m grateful we aren’t on video now as blush stains my cheeks. Video calls will never be the same again after this afternoon. “Um, of course. Love you too.”

She hangs up.

I shoot Rhett a text letting him know I arrived and gather our things. I didn’t even pack a change of clothes since my car is a traveling suitcase. All I need are Ghost’s items, and we’re all set for the night.

For a small-town hotel, the lobby is vast and clean. Cool air-conditioning welcomes me through the revolving door. Glinting chandeliers hang in the entry, and a fountain occupies the space decorated in white and chrome. Across from registration is an elevator bank, and to the far left, I can see an open lounge with a bar. Maybe Rhett would like to grab a cocktail to warm up for our evening activities.

The elevators to my left open to reveal the man who’s captured my attention these last t

wo weeks. He doesn’t even bother to disembark. Rather, he stares with a heated gaze that conveys without words that I better get my ass over there before the doors shut again.
