Page 73 of Surrender

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“See you then.”

“Hey, Ava?”


“Nothing. See you soon.”

My usual spring-like personality feels like it’s been transformed into a death metal emo hell. Black is the color of choice. My fitted sheath dress, that hits to the knee, will pull me into character for this mysterious meeting by allowing me to outwardly show how I’m feeling on the inside.

Syl offers to drive me in. I’m grateful I don’t have to worry about making decisions behind a wheel. Austin had to fly out this morning back to Charlotte. He asked about a thousand times if he should change his flight. I told him no an equal amount of times. I need to get back to it and so does he.

I through the empty offices and chant my new mantra over and over. Fake it until you make it. My weekday ritual is waiting for me, even on the weekend, in my office as well. Aaron has my favorite mug with my favorite coffee hot and waiting.

“Good morning,” I tell him.

“Good morning. Are you feeling better?”

I lie as best I can. “Physically, yes, much. Thank you for the help and concern. It won’t happen again.”

“Ava, I’m going to step on all kinds of boundaries here, but I would be a shitty boss and an even shittier friend if I didn’t. Do you need a week or two to just…adjust? You’ve been soldiering on and honestly, I don’t think it’s working.”

I sigh and close the door. “I’ve had a setback or two. I honestly need to focus here. I can do that now. I have to. I need to.” I take the mug from his hand before I set my bag down on the corner of my desk. “Please fill me in on why you needed me to stop by. I thought I was supposed to stay off all weekend.”

“Nicolette. She messaged me very late last night, or should I say early this morning, telling me some changes need to be made concerning Rafael. She didn’t elaborate any more than that. Do you know what it could be?”

A twinge knots in my belly. I set my mug down beside my bag while my hand tries to calmly work it out. “I don’t. I mean. I think I don’t.”

“You have about twenty minutes to think again because she’s going to be here, and she requested specifically to speak to you. I’m getting the vibe that she thought you may not want to take the meeting knowing it was her. Do you want me to be in the room?”

I pause briefly, pushing down the sick feeling I have swirling around. “No. This is the final bit of closure I need. I need to face her. I’m a professional. I can do this.”

Aaron walks over to place his hands on my shoulders. “I know you can. I just needed to hear you say it. Take five to get your bearings then go to the conference room and breathe. I’ll greet her and bring her in. I promise I won’t barge in, but if you need me, buzz my line from there and I will drop everything to come in. Okay?”

I feel this sense of peace wash over me. I really do have this amazing support system that’s allowing me to walk through this mess with however it looks to me. It’s the lesson I’ve learned. ‘Focus on the path, Ava. It’s right in front of you.’ It’s funny how Rafael’s words come back to guide me. “You know I am one lucky girl to have the best friends, brother, and boss on the planet. I’ve got this.”

Aaron winks. “You bet you do.”

I do as Aaron asks and settle into the conference room. I act like it’s any other meeting. I make sure there is both fresh coffee and water on the table. I turn the blinds so there is half-light from the outside and that we’re private from the hallway. I look at how the chairs are positioned. I want it to be more conversational than confrontational. This needs to go as smoothly as it can and have my home turf feel like an advantage.

I sit down in the chair at the head of the boardroom table. When I go into tough rooms and I’m the first one in, I make sure I ground myself in the space. My feet are firmly on the floor and my palms are flat on the table. As I inhale, I allow my hands to arch and as I exhale, I flatten out my palms as if they could go through the wood. Three breaths in the same way, same rhythm.

“Hello, Ava. I asked Aaron if I could see myself in.”

I open my eyes and rise from my chair. “Ms. Rieti. I’ve been expecting you. Coffee? Water?” I motion to the chair slightly pulled out at my left.

She closes the door quietly behind her. “I think we’re beyond formality, don’t you?”

“This is how I am with all my clients and their managers,” I tell her.

“We both know this is a unique situation.”

Nicolette slides into her chair with the grace of a cat walking along a narrow fence. Once she is comfortable, I sit back down to her right. “How can I help you?”

“It’s not me who needs the help, it’s Rafael. He doesn’t know I’m here. I don’t expect you to keep it from him later, I just wanted to come here without his interference.”

“I don’t think I’m the person to help.”

“Ava, you’re the only one who can. I’ve spent the last ten hours or so with my eyes wide open. I need you to do the same with your mind and ears.”
