Page 97 of Faith's Redemption

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“I told you I’ve been trying to get him,” she said. “Damn good thing I’m not in labor.”

“Well, keep trying,” I said, reaching back for my sister’s hand. “And yes, please don’t go into labor yet. Not today.” I turned to Matthew. “I’m so sorry this is all going down on your visit,” I said to him. “But hey, welcome to Redemption.”

“And Hope said it would be boring,” he said, reaching over to squeeze my other hand.

“You’re going to see Adam, aren’t you?” Grace said, reading my thoughts in that eerie sister way of hers.

I shot her a look. “That depends on what your husband has to say.”

I could tell she was torn. I was her sister. Mateo was her husband. Loyalty ran deep both ways. She took a breath and placed a hand to her belly. “Well... if they’re still processing Adam, they won’t let you in to see him. You’ll need to give it a few hours.”

“I’ll give it one,” I said. “Matthew, do you mind if my dog and I stay out at the bungalow with you tonight?”

He chuckled. “Not at all, let’s get your stuff.”

“Thank you,” I said, pointing him in the right direction as he started driving. “And I love y’all for being there for me today. But if either of you ever know things about my life and decide to shelter me from it for my own good—I will never speak to you again, and then I’ll haunt you from my grave. Do you understand me?”

“Wouldn’t have it any other way,” said Grace.

We dropped Grace back at her house for a bit so she wouldn’t have to climb stairs and all, with a promise that I wouldn’t get myself arrested and that we’d be back for her before heading out to the bungalow.

I refused to look around as we entered the apartment. I couldn’t stand any more feelings. Matthew gave Lance some love and leashed him up while I went into the bedroom to pack. I realized in that moment that there wasn’t much. That I’d never completely unpacked.

“Looks like you were kind of living with one foot already out the door,” Matthew observed from the doorway as I rolled my readied suitcase from the corner. He leaned over to scratch Lance’s ear as he pawed at him.

“Well, I haven’t been here long,” I mumbled, but it was half-hearted.

He was right. How could I really expect Adam to trust me with anything when I clearly never made him feel trusted?

“Ever been in love, Matthew?” I asked, grabbing a pair of shorts off a chair.


“Yeah?” I looked up. “What happened?”

“Me.” He chuckled, but there was melancholy to it. “I get itchy staying in one place or with one thing too long. That’s why I travel and do missions; it feeds something inside me.” His voice went soft. “She paid the price for that. But then I don’t think either of us had it bad enough to fight for it.”

After giving it all the time I could stomach, I pulled in front of the police station, my brother, my dog, and my meager possessions in tow.

I blew out a breath and flexed my fingers on the wheel.

“Need me to come with you?” Matthew asked.

I shook my head. “No, I’m good. Y’all stay here, I won’t be long.”

“You don’t have a weapon, do you?”

“I don’t need one,” I said under my breath.

I stormed past the reception desk, the girl nearly knocking her chair over as she tried to stop me. Two patrol officers walked up to block my path, but I looked up at one of them. “Joe,” I said sweetly. “How’s Annie?”

“She’s good,” he said. “Going back to school for her master’s.”

“Aw, good for her,” I said, my smile feeling like wax as I pointed behind him. “If you’ll excuse me—”

“Sorry, ma’am,” the other one said. “We can’t let you go any farther.”

“It’s okay,” said a voice I recognized, as the chief of police came around the corner, looking very tired. Or annoyed. Probably both. He waved me in. “Let her come back.”
