Page 21 of Unbroken

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“That can’t happen,” Leo said vehemently. “You have to like one boy more than the other, Skye.”


“That’s just the rules.”

“What rules?”

“Rules to…life!”

“How would you know the rules to life?”

“Because that’s the way it goes, Skye. It’s just how it’s supposed to be! A person always likes one person more!”

I felt pressure build behind my eyes as I angrily retorted, “Well, I don’t, Leo. I like—no, love, I love both of you guys equally, and now you’re shouting at me, and I suddenly don’t like any of you right now!”

“What didIdo?” Hunter let out in dismay.

I turned my teary eyes at him, growling, “You told him without me there and got him riled up! So yeah, I don’t like you guys right now.”

“You just said you loved us,” Leo said defensively.

“Yeah, I do, but I don’tlikeyou right now!” I turned away and half-ran away from them. “Please, don’t follow me!” I shouted. “I want to be left alone!”

But they did follow me. In fact, they were always ten feet behind me, making sure I wasn’t close enough to whack them. I tried to run away, but they were better runners. I tried cutting into the woods, but I got lost and they helped me find my way again. Then I simply gave up trying to get rid of them and accepted them as my shadows. We got strange looks around town, but that was nothing new, so I didn’t care.

I wound up at the pebbled beach, sitting on a huge rock, watching as boats came and went. The boys sat on a huge piece of driftwood behind me, and for a long time, there was nothing but the gentle wind and calm waves lapping over the stones.

I was heavy in thought, thinking about Hunter’s kiss last night and Leo’s reaction over it today. Despite Leo being clearly upset about it, I didn’t regret kissing Hunter. His lips were soft, and I liked the way my heart picked up when we did it. At the same time, I was positive I would have had the same reaction if it were Leo kissing me. So now I was confused and scared of losing either boy, or maybe even both.

Interrupting the silence came Leo’s voice.

“We like you, Skye,” he admitted softly. “We always have.”

I didn’t turn to look at them, but my heart jumped as I sat there holding my breath.

“We love you, too,” he continued. “And I got jealous. That’s the truth, okay? I got jealous because I want to kiss you, too. We both have wanted to for a long time now.”

They wanted to kiss me? My face felt hot as I absorbed those words.

I still didn’t say anything, but I heard movement. Suddenly they were coming around me, sitting down on either side of me. My heart immediately swelled, and my anger dissipated. Hunter took my hand gently and Leo wrapped his arm around my hips. I rested my head against Leo’s shoulder as I squeezed Hunter’s hand. We all looked out into the ocean as I found my peace among them.

“I didn’t mean to hurt your feelings,” I said to Leo. “I didn’t think you’d even care.”

Leo’s body tensed for a moment. “Of course I care. You’re…”

“I’m what?”

“You’re… amazing.”

I didn’t see how I was more amazing than the princess he got to stroll around with on the beach.

“Am I supposed to kiss you so you don’t feel left out now?” I wondered.

He laughed weakly. “No, Skye, that’s not how it works.”

“How does it work then?”

I felt Leo turn his head to look at Hunter. There was silence for a few moments, until he finally said, “You do whatever you want to do. Whatever makes you happy.”
