Page 67 of Playboy Billionaire

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He smiles when he knows I’m observing and moves back to my face, kissing me softly, so I taste myself on his warm lips.

“You always taste like candy.” He laughs when my brows shoot up.

“I can’t say the same about you.” I grin, and he cocks his head with a sheepish grin.

“Oh really? Let’s figure that out.” He smirks and pulls me up to sit on his lap. I wrap my legs around him, and he pulls my lingerie off. Our bare chests touch as our eyes lock. I lift as he pulls his shorts off, kissing his neck because I can’t resist it. He breathes sharply, and he grabs my hips and lowers me onto his long, erect cock. I pull my head back, and he presses his forehead to mine, his tip colliding with my opening.

“Fuck. I swear you have the best pussy I’ve ever fucked.” He whispers and bites my bottom lip as he enters me the rest of the way. I’m fully convinced he has the best dick I’ve ever had— definitely the biggest and most complimentary. It's like every piece of him was meant to bring me pleasure, and any parts that require more know-how, he has it. Has me moaning his name every time we connect like this. Slowly we grind into each other, building up the intensity of our thrusts. His lips find their way to mine, and we breathe each other in as we move more quickly. I want to cum now. Want him to cum too. I love the look in his eyes, the way they gloss over with deep satisfaction. Just as I’m about to, and I feel he may too, he rolls me on my back and pulls out.

I’m about to question it, but he looks like he knows what he wants next, and I understand what he meant earlier. He climbs to my head, knees on either side of me as he lowers his throbbing length into my mouth.

I suck willingly, grabbing his muscular ass as he thrusts inside my mouth. The taste of us combined turns me on even more, and he reaches forward to play with my wet clit, slipping a finger to the back of me. I moan as he touches every spot that only he can reach, suck harder when he’s blowing my mind a little extra. I suck his erect length, pulling him closer as he thrusts fast in my mouth. My pleasure is building, and he’s beginning to moan.

“Fuck.” He whispers under his breath as I suck hard, nearly another burst of bliss. I focus as intently as I can on sucking because I can feel my senses leaving. Everything besides the ability to feel him pulling me into another euphoric explosion. With three more thrusts, I’m moaning into his cock as he releases his heat in my mouth. I let him continue to thrust as I come down from my out-of-body bliss, then swallow when he pulls out. He lies beside me, and I’m panting still when he pulls me on top of him, kissing my breasts before I drop to his lips.

“Taste better?” He whispers as he kisses me. Fuck, he’s so attractive, I could fuck him all night.

“Yes,” I whisper, and he grabs my ass firmly with his hands as we begin to make out with more passion than before. Pretty soon, he’s picked me up and is carrying me into the suite, up the steps, and into the bedroom.

“Bath?” He asks after bringing his head back to look into my eyes. Fuck it. Nothing really matters at this point. If this is the last time we get to be with each other, I want to make it count.

“Yeah.” I nod and kiss him again, grabbing his jaw that I love so much with both hands. He sits me on the steps of the bath and draws the water, turning on the jets as he does. I walk over to the shelves on the wall and pick out a few things to put in the water. One is a water softener with rose and lavender oil, and another is some sort of bath sugar cube that’s meant to make a lot of bubbles. I drop them in as he grabs some towels and places them on the outside of the tub.

I like doing this with him. This little task of making something happen where we’re both working at it in unison without saying a word. Like, we can read each other's minds. I watch his perfect naked body. It literally looks like a god. No joke, this man is absolutely fit. Every muscle he has is perfectly shown through his smooth skin. He looks like Michelangelo’s David but with a package six times as big. I’m too busy drooling over him that I don’t realize he’s trying to help me into the tub with him.

When I come to this realization, he laughs.

“What were you thinking about?” He steps into the tub and holds both his hands for me to take. I grab them and step in next to him.

“How hot you are.” I feel my cheeks grow red, and he laughs.

“You’re just now realizing?”

“Wow.” I sit down, and he joins me as the water rises over our stomachs.

“You are too.” He smiles, his eyes drawing me in as he pulls me closer to him and kisses me again. I’m on top of him again, my bare breasts the subject of his attention. He sucks on my nipples, looking up into my eyes so deeply I feel the pleasure and vulnerability in equal parts.

“You’re fucking beautiful. Not just hot. For the record.” He sweeps some hair from my eyes as I moan from his fingers finding their way to my mound again.

“Turn around.” He whispers, and I do as he says. There’s a jet next to us that he turns me to, guiding my hips to it, so the jet hits my mound with a rush that will have me in the throes once more. As I steady myself, hands pressed firmly to the edge of the tub, I feel his erect penis pushing into my opening from behind. I moan loudly as he presses it into me, fucking me with such vigor I might pass out. The water beats on my mound as he fucks me harder. Moaning in my ears as his hands tightly hold my hips.

“Stella.” He moans, and I’m a firework again. Bursting into pleasure before I realize it’s happening. This time it lasts for many seconds, and he thrusts faster as I come down. It feels fucking incredible. That's the only way I can describe his hard probing cock pleasing me with an obscene level of unimaginable perfection.

He pulls out, turns me around, and guides my hips to him again. I push him back against the tub and straddle him, pushing myself onto him, so his length enters me completely. I hold onto the rim of the tub and thrust. Our hips collide as we fuck, and he grabs my breasts intently. I'm swept up presently and want to feel this good forever. I continue to ride him intently as we both begin to moan. The heat from the water engulfs us, splashing as we thrust.

I move faster over him as he moans my name, and the bursts of pleasure rise from deep within as he fondles my breasts. With each thrust, I’m taken closer and closer to the top of the mountain until I can see over every valley. In the next breath, we fly down the mountain in paradise. Waves of pleasure turning into intense eruptions of spectacular release.

I feel his heat release inside me as we continue to the valley once more. Our breathing slows as I lift myself off him and lean back against the tub. Because our heads are beside each other, I tilt mine to rest on his shoulder. It’s quiet for a little while, and I wonder what’s the matter because something doesn’t seem right. Every time I glance up at him, his eyes are distant and strange.

After a few more minutes, he brushes me off his shoulder and steps out of the bath. He dries himself off silently, and I watch his eyes, not meeting mine, face flat in thought.

“Are you okay?” I finally break, feeling stupid for even asking. He doesn’t respond. Instead, he throws on clothes. I stand up now, grab my towel and wrap it around myself.

“What the fuck are you doing?” I ask with more anger than I expected myself to convey. But I’m furious that he’s acting like this. I felt like we came so far, and now he’s doing this shit again.

“Talk to me,” I beg, and he slips on his shoes.

“Go to bed.” He orders me as he leaves the bathroom. I follow him like a puppy, and I hate that he’s making me feel like this. No one has this type of hold on me.

“Antonio.” Tears well in my eyes as I follow him out of the bedroom and down the hall.

“Stella.” He snaps when we’re at the door, turning around and getting up in my face.

“Go to bed. Please.” There’s anger in his eyes, but there’s that same scared look he gets when things become too real, and I can’t stand it. Tears roll down my cheeks as he turns around and slams the door in my face. I crumple in a heap on the wood floors.

This is pathetic. I’m pathetic. I didn’t want to believe he wanted me, but when he said he did… I guess a part of me believed it. After a moment alone, I’m able to pull myself together enough to get up and walk to the kitchen. There has to be a paper and pen here somewhere.
