Page 33 of Despair

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Air left Axel’s lungs. He lurched off the bed and stumbled to his feet.

Can’t see.

Can’t think.

That bastard had cut her open and fished around inside her stomach for two single strands of hair. This was beyond what he’d ever imagined. She acted like her nightmares were no big deal. Was she so used to this sort of treatment that she’d become numb to it? Was it only in her dreams that her true fears came out? He breathed heavily, raging at the opposite wall so she wouldn’t see the fury in his face. Axel wasn’t a naturally violent man. He’d stomached the things he’d done as a Faithful for Elena’s sake, but now all he could think of was violence. It clawed at his insides like a ravenous beast.

“I’m going to kill him,” he snarled.

He pivoted, saw her surprise and complete utter devastation, as if she was shocked at his reaction for her. He would kill the asshole to prove to her someone cared. He would find a knife, gut Julius, and then rifle around in his stomach like he had with this precious woman. He climbed over Daisy and took her still-shocked face in his hands.

“No one will ever hurt you again,” he promised.

She blinked up at him.

“I won’t let them. Do you hear me? Do you believe me?”

He tried to show her with his steady touch and gaze. He meant what he said. Never again would she tremble and quake from fear while in his arms.

Daisy wrapped her fingers around his wrists. Their eyes locked. Then she lurched forward and kissed him. Her tongue swept out and brushed his lips. She nipped and licked with breathless abandon. She tasted him like he was a drug. And then her mouthwatering scent bloomed, and he was a goner. Done. Dead.

“You smell so good,” he mumbled between kisses. “I want…”

His body swelled with need for her. He scorched with want. She gripped his hair, tearing strands in her passion. They clashed. They demanded. Then she pushed him, rolled him to his back so she could straddle him.

A goddess stared down at him. White hair. Violet eyes. Luminous skin. He saw not the scars on her body, but the warrior she’d become. No one could be this perfect for him… right?

Her chest heaved as she breathed. Each lift pressed hard nipples against her camisole. Desire ignited down his spine. He arched forward to kiss her again, but she shoved him down with a frown.

“You’re my mate, Axel,” she said, concern etching her features. “You need to know that’s why I smell so good to you. That’s why you want me so badly.”

He jerked back with a scowl. “Fuck that. That’s not why.”

Surprise plastered her face. “What? You know?”

“Daisy, I want you because you’re hot. I want you because you inspire me. I …” His words stopped as he registered what she’d said. Mate. All the Deadly Seven had mates. They were the partners so important that when removed from the hero, the hero turned dark with mindless rage. Like Griffin had at the loss of Lilo. And Axel was this person to Daisy—her balance. Her other half. “Daisy, are you telling me I get to be with you forever?”

Something shuttered in her features. “I’m sorry. I know it’s fast. We hardly know each other.”

His mind whirled. He was her mate. Him. Fuck me. “I get to keep you. Wait.” He squinted at her. “I get to keep you, right?”

“I guess if that’s what you want.”

A broad grin broke out on his lips. Of course, it’s what he wanted. It meant all these feelings he’d been having for her over the past year could continue. He kissed her again. This one was deep, slow and passionate and it sent all the blood in his body rushing to his cock. He groaned and flexed his hips upward.

She moaned, “Do that again.”

He did. She gasped. He did it again and watched the color rise in her cheeks as she drew pleasure from his touch.

“Daze,” he whispered against her lips. He had nothing else to say, just her name as he gripped her braid and clenched tight, holding their lips together. He’d fantasized about this moment in his dreams. He’d jerked off to it in the shower. Mate.

A piercing alarm went off.

Daisy bolted upright. Her hand covered his lips as if to shush him.

“What is it?” he mumbled through her fingers.

She cocked her head, then looked at her shrieking cell phone on the bed side dresser.
