Page 67 of Rule Number One

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Those words caused a pang of anxiety in my gut. I didn’t think a few days would ever satiate the new need for her growing inside of me.

“About that,” I started, trying to find the words to say I was open to pursuing things further than just a few days. But those unfamiliar words didn’t come, and while I continued searching for them, she took over the talking.

“Okay, food for thought since you’re open to more than a one-night stand,” she said. “How about this? Let’s amend number one. Instead of no funny business, now it’s that we have three days to do whatever the hell we want with each other, no strings attached, and then when we get to Chicago on Monday, we part ways with no hard feelings. No guilt. I know you usually only do one-night stands, but I really don’t want last night to be our one and only time together. So, I promise not to get all clingy and needy and turn into a disaster at the end. You don’t have to worry, I promise. Just you and me completely free for three days to enjoy each other, then it’s goodbye without any drama.”

Normally those words would have been like music to my ears, and it wouldn’t be the first time I’d entered into a similar deal. Living in vacationland all year long meant lots of women wanting to cut free and have a little fling on their trip, but those women were different. I felt nothing for those women and just enjoyed my time with them, no strings attached ... just the way I liked it.

But those women weren’t Ivy.

The words that said I was interested in more than just a three-day fling got stuck on my tongue, and before I could form them, she poked my chest.

“Well, what do you say? If you’re worried I’m going to turn into a stage five clinger, I swear to you I won’t. You’ve inspired me to take a long, hard look at my life and spend some time with just myself figuring out whatIwant. And I can’t do that with a guy in my life distracting me. So, starting the minute I get back to Chicago, I’m going on a man ban. No dating for at least one year while I start really living my life with no one else weighing in on my decisions. I want to do this. Ineedto do this. So, I promise you that you’re safe. I won’t go allFatal Attractionon you.”

She started fake stabbing the air as she mimicked thereet, reet, reetnoise that matched the movement.

It caused me to burst into laughter, which was the opposite reaction to the emotion swirling around inside of me ... an emotion I couldn’t ever remember feeling before. It was so foreign. I couldn’t even put my finger on it to give it a name. Some painful blend of longing, regret, and disappointment all swirled into an agony throbbing inside of me.

Three days.

In three days, Ivy would be out of my life and out living her own. Part of me was thrilled to hear that she was going to go seek out her happiness like I’d sought out mine. But the other part of me was crushed that in doing so, my happiness was about to take a hit because suddenly I realized how much I wanted her in my life. Ivy made me happier than I’d ever been, and the thought of losing her now cut deep.

But who was I to stand in her way of doing exactly what I’d been doing for a decade ... exactly what I’d told her she needed to do? Although that was before I realized how much I cared for her.

Instead of spewing out my strange and confusing feelings, I smiled and managed to say, “I think that’s a great idea. I’m excited to hear you’re going to go find your happiness and push your boundaries.”

“Right?” She sat up. “I’ve never felt more alive than I have since I met you. It’s like my whole world opened up, and now all I want to do is explore every inch of it. I’m just so excited to figure out exactly what I want to do with my life. And spoiler alert, I don’t think it’s being a risk management associate at some big company in Chicago.” She pulled a face. “Especially a big company withJimmythere every day. But I don’t know what I want to do instead, and I’m really excited to figure it out with no boundaries holding me back. I’m throwing out the rule book and replacing it with the list of things I want to do in my life.”

“Make sure you cross ‘had six orgasms in a night’ off it.” I winked, and she flushed that beautiful rose color again.

“Seven, actually,” she corrected.

My eyes went big. “Seven? I guess I lost count.”

“Seven.” She bit her lip and looked at mine. “And maybe with our new rule in place, we could go for eight tonight.”

Our new rule ... the one that meant we would spend the next few days uninhibited to enjoy each other, but then part ways at the end. As much as I didn’t want that to be the rule, and I wanted to amend it to ‘enjoy each other for the next few days and then the next few after that and the next few after that and on and on and on ...’ I knew that wasn’t what she wanted, and I had to respect that.

But respecting her wishes meant that I had three days to get her out of my system and reboot my brain to not wanting a woman in my life. Hell, I’d spent a lifetime this way, so it shouldn’t be too hard. In the meantime, I had better get as much out of her as I could so it would satiate the burning need for her and put it out for good.

I blew out a breath and laughed. “Well then, challenge accepted. And just to be safe, I’d better start practicing now.”

She squealed as I grabbed her and flipped her onto her back.

I kneeled between her legs, my gaze roving over her naked body and trying to find some flaw to put out the fire she started inside of me ... something to focus on that would extinguish my unquenchable need for her. Instead of finding it, I only felt more turned on seeing her so uninhibited beneath me. Her blonde hair sprawled across the pillow, and her eyes lit up with desire as she reached out and traced a finger down my abs. My mouth practically watered, watching her breasts lift with her deep breaths.

“Pizza.” She quirked a sly grin. “I want more pizza.”

When her fingers brushed against my cock, I closed my eyes and breathed out a pained breath. I didn’t know if I could ever find a way to get my need for her out of my system, but I only had one option, and that was to try.

I reached between her legs and rubbed her with my fingers to get her ready for me. But the minute I felt the wetness spread against her soft skin, I knew she was already there. She moaned as I worked my fingers against her, dipping in and out of her as she took a firm grasp on my cock. Feeling her warm heat only had me counting the seconds until I could sink inside of her once more.

Unable to wait a second longer, I grabbed a condom from the box I’d thrown on the nightstand last night and slipped it on. Ivy rolled to her knees and crawled over to me, then straddled my lap, rubbing herself against my sheathed cock as she gazed into my eyes.

“Oh, God,” I breathed. “You’re killing me.”

Her coy smile lifted her lip as she continued her assault on my sanity. When I couldn’t take the torment even a second more, I grabbed her hips and lifted her up, impaling her on my cock as I yanked her back down.

She tossed her head back and moaned with pleasure as I lifted my hips to push deep inside of her. With a soft swirl of her body, she started to work herself around me, and within seconds, I was ready to come undone.
