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“You’re still here.” His voice came out rough and low.

She jerked and looked around. The small plate in her hand held a mound of khichri tinged yellow with turmeric. She scooped up the rice and legumes with her fingers and carried it to her mouth. “Where else would I be?”

Her mother’s house. A hotel. Another country. Anywhere but here. He slowly approached Tina, unable to read her mood. Uncertain about his welcome.

“You want some?” she asked, holding the thick rice with the tips of her fingers.

He shook his head. That wasn’t the question he had expected to tumble from her lips. What was going on?

“I didn’t tell Shreya about our agreement,” he said. “She had overheard us in the courtyard the night you returned.”

Tina slowly lowered her hand and placed the rice back on the plate. She stood still for a brief moment. “I should have known.”

Dev reared his head back. “You believe me?” He had thought he was going to have to convince her. Get on his knees and beg for her to listen.

“Yes,” she said as she reached for a cloth napkin and briskly cleaned her hands. “I’m not going to lie. I first believed you told her. I almost didn’t discuss it with you.”

“I’m glad you did.” Tina trusted him enough to confront him with the information. She had stayed and waited for his return. That had to mean something. “Shreya has also learned her lesson.”

Tina lifted her chin and watched him carefully. “What do you mean?”

“She is no longer working under the banner of Arjun Entertainment,” he said grimly.

“You canceled her contract?” Tina eyes widened. “Why would you do that? She is a bankable star.”

“She needed my studio more than we needed her.”

“Her family is powerful and influential. This is going to cause you so many problems.”

“You seem to forget, Tina. Shreya spread gossip about you. About my wife. About an Arjun. I will not tolerate that. Soon everyone will know that there will be consequences if they disrespect you.”

Tina tossed down the napkin and braced the edge of the counter. “I think your display of adoration fixed everything.”

“I hope so.” It wasn’t a display. He had meant every word.

Tina frowned as she warily studied his face. “It was convincing. Maybe too convincing.”

“What do you mean?” he asked. Did she have a problem with his words? With the idea that he adored her?

“It’s going to bring up more questions when we divorce in a few weeks,” she said, looking away. “Who’s going to believe what you say after that?”

“I’m not worried.” If all goes to plan, they would still be together.

Tina pressed her lips and gave a shake to her head. “Thank you, Dev. I liked having you rush to my side.”

He gave a slow, shy smile. “You’re welcome.”

“Next time, give me more of a heads-up on what you plan to do.”

“I will.” He took a step closer until he caught a hint of her perfume.

Tina nervously licked her lips. “We make a good team. I think we should keep doing that. Show that we are partners in every way.”

He narrowed his eyes at her matter-of-fact tone. “What are you talking about?”

“It’s not enough for your investors to hear that you have a stable family life. We have to demonstrate it. Show the world that our...marriage is an unbreakable force.”

Dev wasn’t sure if he should trust this offer. Not too long ago she’d seen him as the enemy. “Why would you want to help me?”

“Because it will make you happy.” She darted her gaze away.

She wanted to help him. Make him happy. There was only one thing that would make him happy but he didn’t think she would agree to forever. But did this mean that she no longer saw him as the enemy? “Everything has changed.”

* * *

Dev was right. Tina curled her toes against the cold linoleum as she considered what he had said. Everything had changed between them. He had made it clear that he demanded everyone respect her. He protected her. Protected them. That’s all she needed to know to stay until their agreement ended.

“We should still sleep in the same room.” She was trying to sound blasé but her voice was high and rushed. “Servants talk, you know.”

“That Sandeep is a chatty one.”

She pursed her lips to prevent a smile. “So we should remain in the same bed.”

“If you think that’s best,” Dev drawled.

“I do,” Tina said. She glided her hands over her hips and allowed her fingertips to brush against the short skirt of her dress. She was so nervous. She wasn’t sure what words were coming out of her mouth. All she knew was that she wanted to take her husband to bed. But would it feel too much like a reunion      ? A fresh start?
