Page 37 of Wild Weekend

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Her comment reminded him of his grandmother. The woman only felt safe at home until it got to the point that she couldn’t leave the house. “You wouldn’t sell it so you could go on a big adventure?”

“No. I need to know this is here for me. This is my home base. There were times when I struggled to keep it for my mother and me. I’m glad I fought through those moments.” She took a sip of her beer and sighed. “What about you?”

He frowned. “What about me?”

“What did you want at eighteen?”

“I didn’t want to turn out like my grandmother.” The words slipped from his mouth before he thought about it. He winced. Why did he tell her that? That was something he would never admit, even to himself.

“I don’t understand,” Christine said softly.

“My grandmother raised me,” Travis explained tersely. “She had a lot of phobias that got in the way of living. By the time I was a teenager, she wouldn’t leave the house. Fear ruled her life and I didn’t want to live like that.”

The silence stretched between them as the porch swing creaked back and forth. Travis clenched his teeth. Why didn’t he say something else? Why didn’t he lie?

“What do you want now?” she asked.

He was thirty-one now but his goal had never changed. He had heard stories about his grandmother when she was younger. She hadn’t been adventurous, but she’d been active, always joining clubs and activities. He’ll never know what triggered the change in her, but he worried that he carried the same trait deep inside him. He could enjoy a moment, like sharing Christine’s favorite spot in the world, but he would force himself to move on.

“What I want now,” he said gruffly, “is to read your infamous bucket list.”

She gave a start of surprise and chuckled. “Fine, Travis. I’ll show you my list. But no laughing, do you understand?”

“Agreed.” He didn’t feel like laughing. He didn’t mean to share something personal with Christine. He didn’t know why he felt the need to expose his greatest fear. The one that he had struggled to overcome for years.

“I’ll be right back.” She got off the porch swing and headed for the door.

Travis didn’t say anything as he watched her leave. He listened carefully as she walked through the small house. When he heard her climb the stairs, he knew Christine probably kept her most valuable items in her bedroom or closet.

His cell phone rang and Travis jumped at the harsh sound in the eerie silence. He grabbed it from his pocket and saw it was Aaron calling. Travis wanted to ignore the call, but he knew he owed it to his friend to stay in contact.

“Aaron?” Travis said quietly. “I can’t talk right now.”

“Did you find her?” his friend asked.

“Yes,” Travis said. “I’m at her house and I think I know where the emerald is.”

“You think?” Aaron gave a huff of exasperation. “The longer it’s not in our possession, the more likely that I’ll lose this emerald forever.”

“I’m taking care of it.” He glanced at the door. Christine was going to come back shortly, and he didn’t want her to overhear his conversation.

“Why don’t you just confront her?”

“I was ready to, but my instincts...”

“Instincts?” Aaron repeated. “Forget your instincts. Let’s just go with my plan and call the cops.”

“No.” He knew getting the police involved was the best option, but he didn’t want to do that to Christine. She’d grabbed the emerald on a whim or out of opportunity. Undoubtedly, she had no idea what it was worth. “You will have your lucky charm back by the end of the week. I promise.”

“I don’t like this, Travis. How do we know she’s not working for Hoffmann? He left immediately after the game. That emerald could be long gone.”

Travis looked around Christine’s porch and front lawn. “I can honestly say that she’s not an internationally wanted jewel thief.” He heard Christine walk down the stairs. “I have to go. I’ll call you when I know more.”

“Travis!” Aaron said.

Travis disconnected the call and turned off his phone, not wanting any more interruptions. He slid the phone back into his pocket as Christine stepped onto the porch. She held a sheaf of papers that were yellowed and wrinkled with age.

“Here you go. I’m not sure what you’re going to find in this list,” Christine said with a hint of uncertainty. She thrust it toward him and he accepted it. He glanced at the faded print and knew she was trusting him with something deeply personal.
