Page 43 of Wild Weekend

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Jill propped her chin on her fist. “Congratulations. Anything crossed off?”

Christine felt her face heat. “A few things, actually.” She wasn’t going to go into detail. Jill was her friend, but her list included her most private fantasies. The only person she wanted seeing it was Travis.

Jill wagged her eyebrows. “Did Travis show you his bucket list?”

“No...” He didn’t hint at any of his sex fantasies. She felt there was an uneven exchange: she had revealed more than she’d planned, and he hadn’t shared much about himself. “I didn’t ask.”

“Why not?” Jill asked. “That’s not like you at all. You are always asking people about their goals and dreams. Why not ask about your lover’s sex fantasies?”

“I don’t want to find out that I can’t fulfill his deepest wish,” Christine said quietly. “What if my bucket list doesn’t look like his? What if it turns out I’m not enough for him?”

Jill pursed her lips as she considered Christine’s fears. “I don’t think you have anything to worry about. He’s here because of you.”

His pursuit had surprised her and she guessed it showed the depths of his feelings. “He’s not here to stay.”

“Perfect!” Jill exclaimed. “You’re not looking for a relationship.”

“That’s true...” This was supposed to be temporary. She needed to remember that.

“And you’ve said yourself that you let opportunities slip by. Now is the time to grab the chance to be with him before he goes.”

“You’re right. You’re right.” She lifted her hands as she thought about what her friend said. “I know you’re right.”

“Where is he now?”

“Asleep.” Christine tried to hide her naughty smile. “In my bed.”

Jill’s eyes widened. “Is that so? You’re not worried what the town will think?”

She shrugged. “I dated Darrell for years and no one was scandalized.”

“That’s because Darrell isn’t a sexy stranger you hooked up with in Vegas,” her friend pointed out. “People are going to think you’re on a wild ride and you’re heading for a fall. They just hope you’re not going to do it with their money.”

“I’ve never given them any concern in the past.” Christine glanced at her watch and started to walk to the exit. “And Cedar Valley will realize that no man—not even someone as hot as Travis Cain—will turn my life upside down. I have everything under control.”

Jill shook her head. “Famous last words.”


TRAVIS PARKED HIS motorcycle in the Cedar Valley Bank’s parking lot later that afternoon. He sighed as he reached for his cell phone. He did not want to make this call, but he’d put it off for the past few hours.

Aaron answered on the first ring. “Tell me you have the emerald.”

Travis wished he could. He sat on his motorcycle and looked at the bank in front of him. “We have a problem.”

His friend let out a long, agonizing groan. “What happened?”

Travis rubbed his hand over his face. “I don’t think Christine has the emerald.”

Aaron gasped. “We’re too late? Did she hand it over to Hoffmann? Or has she sold it?”

“No, I don’t think she had anything to do with it,” Travis explained. How could he believe she was a thief? She was quiet, gentle and a terrible liar. She was so determined to focus on the rules that she wouldn’t break a promise or the law.

“Why would you think that?” Aaron asked.

“I thought she was the only person who could have stolen the gem.” He still remembered the hurt and pain he’d felt when he believed Christine had played him for a fool. Maybe he had been too quick to accuse her. “But obviously I was wrong.”

Aaron didn’t say anything for a moment. Travis imagined his friend tearing out his long blond hair. “You said you had the emerald when you went to her hotel room.”

“I thought I did.” He’d been so distracted with Christine’s sweet seduction. He had lowered his guard, knowing he was safe with her. “I’m almost 100 percent positive I had the emerald.”

“Did anyone go into that room while you were there?” Aaron asked. He had asked the same question when Travis first told him about the missing lucky charm. “Room service? Housekeeping?”

“No.” He had fallen asleep, but there had been no signs of any hotel employee entering Christine’s room.
